Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Searching through the forums, this is not new news. Players seemingly moving along and all of a sudden get voted out of a dungeon but not just that they get a 30 minute time locked. Without word within the party or even that a user knows what going on. Users can be playing a long following the terms of service and get kicked. Why put Now I can already expect the response I’m going to get from the people who abuse the system. TOS goes both ways. I’m calling the end of the time lock for kicking until blizzard can fix the harassment problem. Blizzard why, issue a time-lock without cause within the TOS? If some short temper player managed to get another player kicked with no justifiable cause. Why automatically side with the harassing player? Where is the due process in that. Players should know who kicked them, how else are players supposed to report an abuse of the system? if they are not even made aware of the voting process let alone the mastermind behind the abuse. A player doesn’t even have the ability to defended themselves in this passive-aggressive solution to a lfg system problem.


In all of BfA, probably 150 instance runs, I’ve seen about 5 vote kicks. All for DC’ing or being AFK.


I hear about this but I think I’ve experienced it only once - back in Cata. I struggle to believe it’s really an issue. You just got bad luck. Sucks, but likely won’t happen again for years.


For all of my entire WoW existence I find vote kicks outside of someong DCing for a really long time or being AFK without notifying the group first to be rare. If I do it is usually only in LFR and BGs that I see someone trying to vote kick another for not playing well.


I have only seen it with AFK players, players who keep dropping connection, or if its say someone who queues as a healer then doesn’t try to do their roll.


Do you even know the meaning of the word ‘harassment’ considering that this is a one-time event as it is extremely unlikely you will find the same group the next time you queue?

Perhaps the problem is you…


Its rare, but it does happen like 99% of the time its just for someone being afk/DC’d, but its happened to me once as a hunter in cata just got the boot like right at the start of the instance before a pack was even pulled.

Iv also seen it happen to others a few times, usually cuz they are just playing really badly which is sad. Just cuz they’re bad dosent mean they should get kicked, they are just tryin to have some fun too. Only seen that a few times though.

But there do seem to be an awful lot of forum threads about the issue, hard to tell how much vote kick is actually abused though. Its prolly not much but does really suck for the person it happened to.

Like all tools, it can be abused. Trying to make the perfect tool that cannot be abused is a fool’s errand in that such a tool would be incapable of doing anything productive.

What we have no in terms of vote kicking is a balance between functionality and drawbacks to prevent abuse. Without it, we’d simply empower the trolls/griefers within groups forcing people to leave said group.

That said, there’s really no “abuse” so to speak as any group can remove members for whatever reason they deem appropriate. The majority has control and a group of players cannot dictate control as it also requires it to include at least one non-grouped person unless it is a group of 4 in a 5 man.


If this is happening to you enough that you need to make a thread about it, you need to look more what you are doing. Seriously. In 8 years I have only been kicked a handful of times and other than one cata dungeon when I started, it has been for my mouth. My mouth was following the ToS though but I can see why the group didn’t care for it.

There are a lot of threads about it because some people get kicked ONCE and run to the forum to make a thread about it. Getting kicked isn’t the end of the world - it shouldn’t be so offensive to you. Sometimes you don’t even get a debuff and if you do and if you feel you have to make a thread about it, you probably do need a break from the game anyway.


Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail:


I’m gonna have to +1 this. It pretty well sums it up. In 11 years of off and on play, I’ve onlt been kicked twice. Once I definitely deserved. And the other I was completely baffled by

Should a warning system be implemented that can be used before a vote kick takes effect? Where the vote kickers can send an anonymous message to the kickee’ saying “hey, stop being afk/do better/etc.” and the person has 20 or so seconds before they’re kicked to get players to renege on their decision?

I mean I’ve gotten kicked for helping the group earn quest achievements in a dungeon and had to wait to redo the dungeon myself for the same quest (I could’ve soloed the dungeon, but it was faster in a group anyways.)

I think i’ve only been voted kicked once, and it failed - Was doing LFR has a tank with a guildie who was also a tank. Some “person” decided to complain we pulled to fast despite everyone being nearly full on mana ect ect.

Other than that most kicks ive seen are towards rude people or DCed people. Rarely any towards lower skilled people - infarct if i see one of those i vote no.

TLDR: its not the system, its you.

This sort of behavior is what makes me want to not play the game just saying. Especially island expeditions. It sucks wasting your time when you do nothing wrong.

I only linked it as it’s what Blizzard’s stance is, doesn’t mean it’s right. Blizzard has been wrong on a lot of things and I actually have evidence of it.

It’s “not wrong” in their eyes because their system allows it. They either don’t want to or don’t know how to make it better or more fair.

Intelligent people know that just because something is allowed/legal does not make it right or ethical.

A group decided to kick someone in LFR for asking how to do the fight since this was their first time there. In LFR. Then there’s the people that want to kick people because they play on X server, take moon guard for example. I’ve had multiple groups try and kick me, or someone else for being on moon guard.

Then there’s island expeditions where people would constantly kick for not being the role or spec/class they wanted in the group or they felt you couldn’t carry them.

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Sadly, according to Blizzard, those kicks were perfectly ok to do.

It’s so weird, saying that out loud and trying to make sense of it.

Not gonna lie i always vote yes if they put furry as the reason.

I don’t think blizzard does not care I think its more the WoW department. I think the overwatch has better ways to users abusing systems that ban people from playing. But then again blizzard does not acknowledge its even a problem so theres that.

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The reason why Blizzard takes this stance is that if they were to police people being kicked, it’ll become such a mess. Got one side claiming they’re unfairly kicked while the other side claiming they were causing problems. Most of which is difficult to prove one way or another if it doesn’t happen in text chat.

It is why Blizzard has put in cooldowns on kicks and those who use it frequently, can’t kick people as often.