Vote kick needs punishment

I vote kick random people for dumb reasons. Last reason was “for the lolz” and it worked. I was laughing so hard. Kicked another dude for complaining about me vote kicking for no reason. He was gone in seconds. What abuse?

My and my friend even made a game of it back in Legion. Who can start a vote and successfully get the most people kicked in a single dungeon run using absurd reasons. It was great fun.


Simple we burn lfd,lfr,and every other auto group system and salt the code so it can never be brought back.

Problem fixed forever.


Well, I’ve seen a lot of threads about Island Expeditions and kicks lately.

It seems to come down to 2 players want to do it a certain way… and if the third doesn’t, they get kicked.

Is that abuse? Democracy? It’s complicated.

First back up your statements then we will see if you have discussion worth discussing :slight_smile:

At far as i can tell this is a one man show “You are right everyone is wrong” :rofl:


I’m sorry you’re here to be toxic and provide no actual, legitimate input into the conversation. I hope that one day you will stop pointlessly trolling forums.

A reason or not usually doesn’t matter. That’s the problem. I’ve seen the most absurd trolling reasons in vote kicks and they pass, why? Because people tend to click “yes” no matter what. This is especially true in leveling dungeons.

Like a while back when I did some random dungeons while leveling a vote kick popped up with the reason “feral lulz” and the guy got kicked…

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I really think the VTK dialog really needs a big button that says “I DON’T CARE” that just makes it go away.


Asking proof is toxic - k


No one would ever be kicked.

I don’t think (s)he said anything along those lines. Everyone has their experiences. We can call them “liars” all day long but what does that really accomplish? It’s not the focus of the discussion.

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You can make a system to scan for a list of things after a kick.

  • Profanities/ language used. Record the group conversation and then have the system dispose of it after the group is done if there where no drops/ reports. Also scan the emotes used.
  • for Tanks - Look at how many times hey where top agro, make sure its a high percentage.
  • for DPS - Look at how many times they did not have agro, make sure they have a lower percentage then the tanks.
  • for healers - Look at death rates and make sure they have a higher percentage of healing then the tanks and the dps.
  • Scan for afk’s and look for signal drops.
  • Look at the general pace of kills. Make sure it was close to recorded even range.

Lastly instead of the group writing a reason to kick they should have to choose from a list before they can even verify it.

Those things may help.

Last time i’m going to grace you with a response. You care more about me providing proof whether this situation personally happened to me or not rather than the actual problem at hand, which makes you a troll by definition.

I agree with you there. It is complicated.

I’ve been thinking about IE a lot lately, I really don’t enjoy the way they work.

I’d rather they make trash worth zero, increase rares worth and get rid of random Azerite sources on the map.

If the point is to kill rares for loot then any other play style is counter productive and that play style should be eliminated.

There is no problem tbh.


Ok, ill change my statement asking proof is toxic and trolling - k

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In broader discussions there’s the concept of ‘the tyranny of the majority’ when discussing democratic systems. i.e. the whole “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner”

That might be out of bounds and too much for GD though.


There used to be some system in place, I can’t for the life of me remember the specifics… But basically the more you kicked, the less you could kick… I wonder if they removed that feature?


You got my vote.
They need to require FOUR votes in 5 man runs and limit us to ONE vote kick being initiated per day.
These folks will tell you that its NOT a big issue.
IF thats the case then being able to initiate ONE vote kick a day should be more than enough.
If it isnt, well then they are lying about it not being a big deal.


WOrking as intended. The kick system is in place so groups can run with whomever they want to run with. You obviously werent compatible with the majority of the group. Maybe try being more compatible with others??? Ive found that sometimes its better to keep your beliefs to yourself.

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