Vote kick needs punishment

I thought you still couldn’t either. The last time a vote/kick came on my screen was right after a fight during Mists TW event and it said we couldn’t right after.

That was how it used to function, however there were tanks who would simply sit at the beginning of the dungeon and insist on being kicked so they could just requeue.

So they changed it to the current format.


Weird. Just the other day we were trying to kick a tank who was just pulling and letting things aggro on the healer and wouldn’t let us kick them until after combat.

I really think if a vote to kick required a reason to be typed in that it would cut down on most of the douche bag kicks.

if you type in nonsense and the kick is challenged your screwed (1 week dungeon ban is probablly harsh, but something) to be sure people type an actual reason

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Chat logs and combat logs aren’t always evidence when I ran sfk on one of my lowbies the druid tank was in white cloth gear, he wasn’t holding aggro at all and very squishy. We vote kicked him for that reason, and he afk’d a lot.

Already played a game for a long time that had this.

Common things typed in:



I hate this guy


Dumb (you fill in the rest)

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I’ve made the OP’s argument many times before and still do. The vote kick system is not good and it is highly abused by toxic and troll players all the time. I literally have yet to level a character up without this happening to me at least a couple of times. It can be abused, so it will be abused. It needs to change. There needs to be an immunity in place for participation. Some will say that will be abused to but if you think about it, it would be abused FAR less than the way it is abused now. It needs to change. It should’ve changed years ago.


Again, what’s the practical solution?

Without the debuff, players just instance-shop and hold groups hostage.

With immunity, players just AFK at the instance entrance and you can’t kick them.

So what’s the practical solution here? It’s easy to complain, but NOBODY has put forth a workable alternative.


The thousands of DPS Players held hostage by tanks/healers selling insta-queues who demanded being kicked to prevent deserter debuffs from simply leaving the group are the ones who demanded this.


Except thats exactly what you’re doing Snowfox, complaining about legitimate concerns and providing no solutions. It’s rather easy to point out negatives and complain when that is all you’re doing.

That could be a valid reason however, it does not sound like a risk assessment was done prior to implementation.

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I’m not complaining.

I’m ASKING for a workable solution here. Something realistic and practical.

Without that, what’s the point of this thread? We don’t know what we want.


Ergo, you’re providing nothing but spam to this post. Since you’re not contributing to it in a meaningful way.

Then you are too. Great, we’re both sinners. Let’s move past that.

Let’s get back to what the workable solution here would be?


Don’t you think players holding groups hostage would be something easily reportable and easily looked into? I mean, if you look at a log and see that somebody just stood there and did nothing for 10-20 minutes a person can clearly see that this person held a group hostage. You know what else would be a neat idea? Ever played Overwatch? If you stand still for too long you get auto booted from the match. Why not put this in WoW in some form? If you do nothing for a certain amount of time, you’re auto booted. That would be a great filter in my opinion and greatly discourage the trolls from abusing dungeons.


I like that idea - actually measuring the AFK amount of a player for purposes of kicking. Of course they might do some minimal amount to avoid that, but I do think there’s some merit to the idea.


Annnnnd why should anyone believe you?? you could just be making up a sob story pretending to be a victim for all i care.

If there was a language dispute well good on you for reporting or false reporting which ever was appropriate. Either way one will pay.

But the vote to kick wasn’t abused . 3 of emm didn’t want you there and you were gone.


And what exactly is it you’re bringing to this conversation other than blatant attacks on me?

I don’t think there’s much blizz can do about votekick abuses. Unless someone openly states in chat they they’re kicking you just to be a jerk they can’t really determine that it wasn’t warranted. However, if they can go back in chat logs and see someone spouting a bunch of racist garbage, that person should be permanently banned.

I feel that not allowing partial groups IS the solution. Almost no one is getting kicked from a non guild/ friend run unless they are performing badly, are a-holes, or are afk. And that is what the kick option is for. Not to kick someone for the color of transmog or because they felt like it. Or my favorite, “they didn’t want to play with you” and that’s “all the reason they need”.

I do have another suggestion. Get rid of vote kick and have blizzard implement a “blizz smart kick” feature. If your a dps and can’t do a fairly low minimum dmg, auto kicked. Heals are low, kicked. Can’t hold aggro, kicked. Activity level less then 70%, kicked.

It’s not the best suggestion, but it’s better then three jackrabbits deciding they don’t like your name and kicking you for no reason.

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