Vote kick needs punishment

Hundreds of hours a week blizzard would have to put in vs thousands of hours of wasted, paid customer time by people breaking blizzard’s tos. You tell me.

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I almost always vote ‘no’ to kicking, just on principle.


Don’t bother. There is no situation where a vote kick is against any rules. It’s a vote. That’s it. The group decided they didn’t wish to continue with you. There aren’t any rules or guidelines stating what you can and can’t kick someone for because you can kick them because they’re wearing green if you want.

Don’t gum up the system with inappropriate tickets.

There are no rules on this that would prevent a group kicking someone for any reason whatsoever.


Vote to kick can’t be abused as it is majority rule. The only reason anyone ever was kicked is always the same a majority of the group did not want to continue with you there.


Except you’re wrong “Crepe” Read blizzards ToS on griefing and harassment. Please educate yourself before you give people blatant lies.


If you have questions, ask on Customer Support.

I’m not incorrect. They’ll be happy to educate you there.


Well, if it was my time spent going through everything, I would save it by not doing it. Activision isn’t going to hire a 50 man team to sort through every vote kick in the country, let alone the world, for something that doesn’t matter that much to them. Weighing options is business, and it isn’t worth the investment when other, bigger problems exist, and those aren’t being looked at.

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I don’t buy this at all. This is the exact reason the reporting tool exists.

The vote kick may not be against any rules, but the behavior leading up to it could be. If you get kicked with a reason “Total Douche” - then that is absolutely grounds for a report.


Unfortunately, that’s a status-quo fallacy. True, they’re not breaking any current rules but does it make it right for people to abuse it?

Many years ago, I played a game where the administrator could kick, ban or make your character explode in a competitive game I played. I witnessed and experienced admins doing this to people that beat them. The admin was not breaking any rules but that does not mean what they were doing was right.


Imagine being so bad that you get kicked and then go to the forums and get no sympathy. Just a downward spiral of not being wanted.

You know what you NEVER see? A post about a player crying because their guild group kicked them from content.


Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:

  1. Disrupting or assisting in the disruption of any computer used to support the Platform or any Game environment. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE PLATFORM OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.
  2. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.
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If you are consistantly getting kicked by random players in any sort of queuing system, the issue isn’t the people kicking. The issue is you. These random people aren’t working together against you. You are doing something to offend them or bother them.

If you are consistantly getting kicked by the same players, then the issue is again you. Why are you still running with them? Find or make a new group.


A change to the parameters of vote-kicks would be bad for anyone wanting to kick for a legitimate reason.

There’s no reason to give deserter to the kicked members, though. Deserter implies one left by choice. By default, a vote-kick is not your choice.


This is absolute truth. I have never understood people getting deserter after being kicked. Who was the one in the Dev group who said “hey guys, I have a great idea…” and shared this?


Is this a situation where you want the history of it explained?

Or is this a situation where I’d get flamed for white-knighting if I tried?


How were you kicked mid fight? Last I remember you can can’t initiate a kick if you are in combat and must wait a few seconds when out of combat. Is this a true story? Sounds a little fishy to me unless they removed the ability to kick people while in combat.

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You’ve been able to kick in combat for a while now.

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I don’t want the restrictions that currently exist. I just wanna be free that isn’t so much is it?

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You should only have a 30 minute debuff IF you left the group before the dungeon was completed, and IF the group used vote kick to remove you from the dungeon you should not receive a debuff at all


Look on the bright side! Thats 1.5hrs of time you can spend hunting potatoes!