Vote for my next alt

I’m not sure if I can accept that, I mean, you’re wearing one of the worst hunter mogs available. D:

Any of them, but all Death Knights. You start half way there.

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Might go Mag’har DK. Tauren are too big for my likes to be melee. XD
Already had a lot of trouble with my LFD Unholy DK

Mag’har Orc they look cool~


Anyway blackrock maghar orc warrior or shaman.

Zandalari troll is the best of those because zandalari troll. Do zandalari

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I find hunters to be the fastest with run speed bonuses from Trailblazer and a cunning pet. Also at level 40 you get fetch for quick looting using pet.

I am boxing 2 hunters now to get Kul Tiran and Worgen. They are 63 now.
Hunters level through things like a knife through butter.


I love my Forsaken Warlock. Zandalari would be my #2.

So far, all heritage armour I obtained is done by hunters.


I guess all being DK is a bit much even though it’d be faster.

HM Tauren - Hunter
Zandalari Troll - Paladin or Druid
DI Dwarf - Paladin or Warlock
Mag’har Orc - Warrior

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Always a demon hunter

I did not know that. all heritage armor I have was not done on a hunter, I’ve never even got a hunter to cap, even with a boost. I’m going to level my HMT as a hunter then since it fits I guess. Thanks for the tip, it’s jsut that hunters never interested me so I never even rolled one and got it past level 35


Nintendo hire this man!

ztroll druid for the best moonkin form
Dark Iron warlock (once you get blueberry and health funnel it gets very easy).
HMT DK because of their scary size for a scary class.
Mag’har any caster because orcs have the best casting animations.

These are all asuming male models, the females all look terrible for these races (except orc).

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Trust me. This combo is amazing.

I just started one! Destro too.

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I mean that’s very opinion based… I think the contrast in colors for your mog is pretty bad but considering your wearing it, you must think otherwise.

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I recommend Highmountain Tauren Survival Hunter!
Go for that Huln Highmountain aesthetic.