Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Slap in the face? Ok its not really that serious.

I see your vertical illuminate message
So but Jeeze is no wonder.

Heres the thing though. High elves are no different than blood. The racials are the same as is physical characteristics.

Its not its just a different perspective like history told from different views but facts are the same and the cosmic chart isnt even that different just slightly moved around

Wasn’t being given the lion’s share of the entire playerbase of this game enough for you?

Thats good to know

Nightborne being left out is racism, plain and simple.

So HB not getting Red Eyes shouldn’t be a problem.

Void elves are no different than Blood.

Well actually, plenty of High Elf racials would be different from Blood Elves, considering Blood Elves HEAVILY focus on the “Mana addiction” part of their lore with their racials which is unique to the Blood Elves.

Yes they are they have void purple blood now and were thoroughly changed through and though but high elfs and blood elfs are biologically the same


Nope, I also wanted my NB to be a Dark Ranger >:)

Careful i said that and two others demanded a source for why velfs were different. They’ll get on you too

You can have a Nightborne Dark Ranger when I get Night Elf or Draenei or Pandaren Warlocks. Deal?

That sounds like a good deal to me.

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I need an adult.

That’s like saying “Well with the mana addiction Blood Elves are no longer High Elves because they used Fel energy to sustain themselves”.

A void elf uses Void Magic to sustain themselves, ALL Blood Elves used Fel magic to sustain themselves.

They’re both utterly separate from the High Elves who only ever used arcane. Just like how the Night Elves who didn’t use arcane magic to sustain themselves aren’t Blood Elves.

No it isnt the Void elfs dont USE void they are INFUSED with it down to their blood which is purple in game

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Gameplay and story segregation.

Show me a lore text which states Void Elves are now as a species wholly different from Blood Elves.

Even then, Blood Elves are infused with Fel energy, thus the Green Eyes, thus they aren’t High Elves anymore.

I’d like to play a High Elf who isn’t a fel-addict.

if fel changing their eyes didn’t change em molecularly then void elves with void are still high elves and the ones with uncorrupted looks too

Entirely different.

Then Blood Elves aren’t High Elves. The Fel energy corrupted them.

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