Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

You didnt defeat anyone. You screamed and threw a temper tantrum. Because i called the alliance just as evil as the horde.

Yes I did.


I suspect you get suspended a lot.

Still the dumbest thing you’ve said.

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It’s a video interview with Bellular with the devs: https://youtu.be/PuwhaKo3UL8

And you’re still the most ignoramus individual ive met on these forums. Alliance is still as bad and another alliance member in another thread told you how but you refused to listen. Thats on you buddy.

What is this cosplay you speak of? I’ve always been a dark ranger.


Literal genocide vs “A few tents caught on fire”

Let me know when the Alliance attempts to invade another planet of innocent people in order to steal their resources.

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Ah a bellular video. Thank you for that link. Like i said last i heard chronicles got retconned. If thats not true than great. It means i didn’t waste money on buying those books.

The draenei would like a word with you.

Besides are you really trying to compare body count? Thats not the hill you wanna die on.

That said. I think im done with you. Obviously you refuse to be civil considering you started the original argument with an insult. Go about your day bud but im not responding to you anymore until you grow up maybe.

:partying_face: i like your mog, simple and :hot_face:

The Draenei literally peacefully coexisted with the Orcs, did the Orcs tell you it was the Draenei’s fault they slaughtered them?

The Horde was made as part of the Burning Legion. No lie you pull this time is going to cover the planets the Horde’s allies destroyed.

Says the guy insulting me and my server.

Telling people not to trust you isn’t an insult, it’s sound advice.

When people repeatedly say “YOU’RE 12” and “GROW UP” it’s a good sign they themselves are underage.

Sir, this game is not rated E, please have your parents confiscate your wow account until you are of the recommended age to play.

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That’s all roleplaying is isn’t it?

I agree nightborn red eyes.

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I’ve watched some cosplay documentaries and all I can say is god bless and god yes proceed.

insemper infideles

Grow up :+1:
Maybe don’t try and compare real world stuff to game stuff. Later kid.

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Throw in purple, blue, green, and amber as well.

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Guacamole, I love name, please sell.

It’s not
thanks fam.

Back during the years-long debate for High Elves, I rally did not care one way or the other. When Blizz gave Blood Elves the option to have blue eyes (basically gave Horde High Elves) it was a total slap in the face for the Alliance and I had to jump on board. Getting the options for a Void Elf to more resemble a High Elf was the best corrective action.

Man you RAN into that one lmfao.

So, the Horde commiting genocide isn’t bad, because in real life Genocide is a REALLY HUGE THING THAT SHOULDN’T EVER BE DISCUSSED.

But if it’s in a game it’s inherently of a lighter tone and therefore shouldn’t be discussed seriously-

Jeeze, what’s next, “See, the Horde forcing Dragons to mate isn’t that bad because we can’t compare real life things like rape to a game- so you should just not think about it.”

Is this how the Horde sees everything? “It’s in a fantasy world, therefore, you can’t compare the actions to reality, and say these things have consequences or have moral implications!”

No wonder you people seem to think the Alliance and Horde are the same, you couldn’t understand a metaphor if it bit you in the face.

KK. - 
 can’t help but dip in you.

Just like most of the neysayers you have completely missed the argument that players who want “High Elves on the Alliance” have made
 EVERY SINGLE TIME. It’s not that “high elves” are not playable
 it’s that they were shoehorned into the Horde with new lore written explicitly to explain away their allegiance change. Meanwhile Alliance allied High Elves who rejected the new way of life adopted by the now renamed Blood Elves exist and are CONSTANTLY taunted at us in the Alliance story
 we have wanted “Alliance High Elves” not just “playable High Elves”
 and we got a minor victory in Void Elves
 albeit a halfhearted gesture from Blizzard with a pulled out of thin air joke attached in that they both neither existed at all prior to their introduction and that they were created from HORDE ALLIGNED BLOOD ELVES who got banished. Had they simply centered the lore for them around High Elves on the alliance from the start they would be whole heartedly embraced as Alliance High Elves.

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