Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Every orc excluding thrall drank it. That’s why hes green. Besides the point though. Void is much worse than fel or undeath.

Hell light is just as bad as void. Both are two extremes on one coin.

neither his parents used or drinked anything related to fel yet thrall borned green, using the same example aren’t blood elf mutated? they had green eyes for having fel crystals in their city.

fel is void+light so they double mutated than just void elves lol

Because in lore the Alliance still has High Elves. Not many for sure, but definitely still some. Instead of giving them as a race Blizz decided to try something different with void elves.
Thus some of the dark rangers may have had more relation to their high elf relatives than their blood elf ones. This would explain why some high elf dark rangers decided to go alliance.

Also they are not cosplaying, it’s why Blizzard keeps giving Void Elves all of the high elf options. Because they essentially represent both void and high elves which are both alliance.

Many people have wanted the high elves as an actual allied race rather than just tying them in as part of void elves. And just as many seem to answer “Alliance already has high elves”. But now that we get a second race with this it’s a problem? They’re just void elves now? (general statement)

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I think you’re confused. They aren’t cosplaying. They are High Elves and Dark Rangers.


the story in the quests said they were high elfs going back to the alliance

Blizzard did it not me stop blaming me high elf is stupid but this is what they did

Because the story quest we did said they were released from service from back when first raised which makes them high elfs who returned to the alliance

They were not there they were not in the story and Sylvanas did not raise her own horde out there

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They are High Elves. So are Blood Elves.

Get over it.


Fel is chaos. If the chronicle said it was a combo I’d take that with a grain of salt. Chronicles has already been retconed.

As for thrall last i read about him his parents were corrupted too from drinking demon blood. Maybe that changed. Blizzard is famous for thier retcons.

No it wasnt the broker stuff is just another perspective all the facts are the same nothing is retconned

no their parents were always against anything related to demons that’s why they were killed.

Not what I heard. Most of chronicles lore got retconed by the current writing team.

No it didntyou heard dumb stuff from outraged people here not Blizzard

Give NB the DR customization.

There are more ways to have pale skin and red eyes than being a Dark Ranger/undead.


Probably a retcon. Either way its been years since ive played wc3 and this is blizzard its not the first time they’ve been unable to keep the story straight.

Last you heard the Wiki is unreliable and that the Ebon Hold was made of saronite and that Light’s Justice no longer works according to Velen.

You just make things up.

Says the guy pulling facts out of his bum and saying “LOOK IT UP” when challenged.

I wouldn’t listen to a word this Oedon guy says.


If you say so. If other people are apparently dumb then i have no reason to trust your word.

You’re still on that? Oh You’re moonguard no wonder you have issues.

Blizzard said so here is the quote from a YouTube interview on it before its release:

“One chapter discusses a different point of view on the cosmology of the universe and what it means.”

I love it when people go “REE MOONGUARD” when I defeat them in an argument.

It’s sad.

Show me the website. Id like to read that.


“I’d like to take things out of context and make crap up about how you’re wrong and then insult you for being some stupid thing that doesn’t even matter!”

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