Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Im not responding to two different people so delsom we’re done.

Zerde however. As i said dragons and elves are two different species. Whose to say what changes a dragon goes through aren’t different than an a elves. The void doesnt effect all the same.

no sources makes that your opinion alone ty.


Believe what you want. Im not responding to two different people at once. Im on my phone.

i’m saying the same

They can make up for the delay by also giving them red tattoos and hand glow.

I’m waiting.


Good for you. As i said high elves exist. They’re called blood elves. Thats just how it is.

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all blood elves are high elves
not all high elves are blood elves


Ok that would be absolutely wicked.


They’re literally the same thing. The name is political.

didn’t light or fel that changed their eyes changed their adn molecularly?

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Not even the same thing. Void is entirely different compared to fel or light or even arcane. Why do you think sargaeras was so adamant about wiping out the Void and old gods.

void and light are in the same rank of magic, if void change dna light too

It’s not cosplay. They are High Elves.

:rainbow: The More You Know :star:


Void is dark, light is light. Neither one is the same. Its why naaru when they go dark are changed drastically.

green eyes are fel magic(void+light) if that doesnt change your dna nothing will


indeed it is happy we got them

Using magic is different than actually taking it into your body. Fel corrupts the user, thats why lorewise warlocks look so decrepit. Light if you wanna say it makes changes then sure but its more subtle, inner changes like yrel or turalyon.

Void is more physical corruption but also mental.

same with orcs, green orcs are still orcs, they are so changed that just by pasing thro a portal babies borned green but you don’t see threads claming green orcs are not orcs. fel is a thousand times worst than void.

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No ones ever made that distinction. Also green is the end result of being off demon blood. Red orcs were the changed.


no thrall family didn’t drink demon blood yet thrall borned green because his mom passed thru the portal. that tells a lot how worst fel is compared to void. so blood elves are mutated as hel in your words