Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

That’s a gameplay thing devised by blizzard. My point being you don’t get the same eyes as someone just because you hung out with them.

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It’s exactly why Night Elf DKs gave the Night Warrior eyes to the DKs as well.

This is exactly why we even have Darkfallen options in the first place. Death Knights were the OG red eye wearers.

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I’m pretty sure the Void Elves weren’t there during the Darkshore Attacks and the Burning of Teldrassil, so how does it make sense for Void Elves to have Dark Rangers Customizations?


Nightborne and velfs don’t deserve the look. Or maybe its just because I find nightborne shouldn’t be a race…

No they werent. Dks never had red eyes. Sanlayn did. Two different types of undead


Aight bro.

This is probably the longest lamest stretch of head canon ever but they were just Dark Rangers who wanted to be with their families who just happened to be Void Elves.

Cause you know Blizz ain’t gonna give an answer as they wonder why people are confused or hate the new customizations they graciously gave out.

I feel like this is another case of Blizz not giving a poop.
I hope they sink soon, if theyre gonna keep pushing out garbage, yet theyve been flushing lore for a while now anyways.


Nightborne were out of their dome and in the world before Darkshore. Makes it possible she could have raised a few here and there.


I presume for the same reasons void elves now can look like high elves. It’s just an undead high elf skin under the void elf name.

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Prior to BfA only High Elves and Blood Elves had been raised as Darkfallen by Sylvanas under Arthas’ command… it wasn’t until BfA that she raised the first Night Elf as a new Dark Ranger… and early on in her war campaign she wasn’t actively hostile towards any members of the Horde… all her agreed was targeted at Night Elves, High Elves, Humans, and Worgen… she could care less about everyone else… Blood Elves who had sworn allegiance to here were of no concern. Void Elves who served the Alliance were. Nightborne were also not a concern as they were aiding in her war, not hindering it.

This is why Nightborne cannot be Dark Rangers… because lore wise none were ever turned… Void Elves only loosely qualify because they actively opposed Sylvanas, and all who opposed here were fair game to raise as minions under her command.

It wasn’t until near the end of her warpath that she started turning her own “allies” into undead minions… after all turning on those who have sworn allegiance to you is a sure fire way to lose their allegiance… and at the end she was slipping until her eventual break during her battle with Saurfang, where she literally threw everything away.

it’s stupid they filling void elves even with undead elves when they have plenty more high elves to grab from

edit: i will use the skin because i have it but is not something i would asked for

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No, it would make no sense. Sylvanas didn’t raise any Nightborne for this purpose and neither did the Scourge as Nightborne were cut off from everyone else for 10k years. Nightborne were absent from the War of Thorns and we’ve never seen Nightborne be raised as Dark Rangers.

And all I’m saying is this logic could, and probably should, be extended to dark ranger Nightborne. It’s just a look in the game for people to have fun with, and there’s just as much lore behind void elf dark rangers as Nightborne dark rangers, none, but it could be explained with a bit of handwaving.


I find it amusing to see how the “you RP as a x” only applies when it befits the people. It wouldn’t surprise me neither if the Void Elves got the Dark Ranger options just to adjust Karma a little bit in the favor of the Alliance.

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They weren’t part of the Horde in Legion. There’s nothing says she couldn’t have raised a few. Plus, honestly, she wasn’t too picky about raising Horde members near the end. All I’m saying is it’s just as possible she raised some Nightborne as it is her raising some void elves. Neither one are really supported by the game but neither are impossible. So, there doesn’t seem to be a reason to no give the customization to Nightborne.


high elves can learn to be a void elf, so undead high elves can go learn to be a void elf but it’s hard to learn to be nightborne you need 10k years sucking arcwine.


Looks like we need another wayfarer npc in the starting zone.

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And she didn’t start making new dark rangers until BfA! AFTER LEGION ENDED! The Nightborne had already joined the horde and were actively helping in her war campaign at that time.

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We should have gotten high elves but here we all are. Neither side getting exactly what they wanted from Blizzard.

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