Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

I don’t think they use the forums at all to decide things. And definitely wouldn’t base it on adults arguing about stuff. I think it’s because of the shared model thing and nothing more.

If you can come up with headcanon for Velves, you can for Nightborne. Because there were no Dark Ranger Velves.

I’ve said the lore doesn’t matter since BFA. Which isn’t really always a good thing. But here we are.


I’m still confused on why the Void Elves got the Dark Ranger customization, but the Nightborne didn’t, considering the Void Elf Dark Ranger makes no sense.


I mean, this is kind of a common mistake on the forums that’s made.

The art director awhile back was like, “We’re making these customizations so you can play a High Elf.”

and here you’ve got people saying, “Your race name says Void Elf, so you’re not a High Elf.”

Mmm. The developers said they put the customizations there for a reason.

So, the same thing with the Dark Fallen. It’s not a Void Elf Darkfallen. It’s just a Darkfallen that went back to the Alliance.

The issue is then we’re arguing a seperate reality here on the forums that’s inconsequential to anything.

I really don’t understand why, when people are here being purposefully obtuse arguing about things that are unrelated from reality, they surprise pikachu face when things don’t go their way.

Yeah. They aren’t Void Elf Dark Rangers.

Again we ended up with the blue eyes because we share a model. Same with you ending up with the Dark Ranger appearances.

It has nothing to do with discussions you’ve had here. Blizz is way too busy to comb through everything that fandom does to each other in these discussions.

Again, if they can give an appearance to a race that has no canonical representation they can give it to another when they said all elves were getting it.

The only reason it likely didn’t happen, is because they didn’t have stuff in the files for it yet. This patch was all stuff that was already in the game files that they just made accessible to players. And created quests around that.

That doesn’t mean they can’t eventually give Darkfallen appearances to the Nightborne as well. Being that Sylvanas even raised Horde at the Battle of Lordaeron.

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But seriously. This is the problem. The group of Dark Rangers we actually do know off are the High Elf dark rangers that are apart of the Forsaken. We also know that there is Night Elf Dark Rangers too thanks to Sylvanas actions on Dark Shore and Teldrassil. But Void Elves, they don’t make any sense since the Void Elves weren’t in Dark Shore, nor were raised as well.

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So why don’t Void Elves have Gold and Green eyes?

Yeah. They aren’t Void Elves.

They’re just Dark Rangers.

Green happened well before Void Elves were even a thing and those patches were not just them releasing stuff already in the game files. They already worked on that stuff to make it exclusive.

Yea, I saw shocked when Nightborne didn’t get the full Dark Elf treatment. Especially since their crappy hastily fabricated models are taken from night elf. No reason we can’t have’em.

I like the Green Eyes, but rather not have them on the Void Elves, and the gold eyes are defined as to Priest and Paladins using Holy Magic after the restoration of the Sunwell. And in lore, Void Elf priest are actually Shadow Priest, not Holy or Disc.

Sorry, but when it comes to High Elven customizations, I would’ve prefered something “unique” instead of copy/paste.

I don’t think your argument makes much sense.

If they got Dark Rangers because they’re shared files…

But they didn’t gold or green eyes…

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It does when you consider that they didn’t do any extra work on these models. This was just releasing what was there. The other stuff was actually worked on.

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Oh yeah.

No, Void Elves shouldn’t get Gold or Green Eyes.

I’m not suggesting they should. I’m just pointing out the logical flaw in a statement.

If Void Elves got Dark Rangers because they just get everything Blood Elves get, then they’d have green and gold eyes… .and jewelry for that matter.

There’s worked on things to make them exclusive


Just released what was there.

Since the models are shared, unless they work to make them exclusive, they are not.

It’s not that difficult to understand.

You don’t know that though?

They added quest lines to get this stuff. It’s not like they didn’t put any design effort in.

I do know because these skins were in our dressing room for years, we just couldn’t select it in game. Nothing has changed about it.

That still doesn’t mean we know the design decisions. Like yeah, you can knee jerk say, “They had them and they added them because it was easy.”

But if they had a conversation about making it for Nightborne and decided not to do it, you don’t know that.

Yes, I can arrive at that because it was the exact reason we got blue eyes. And the purple eyes too.

I never said they had a conversation about the Nightborne.

You assume they made these because of whatever arguments you’ve had on the forums, like they follow you around. That seems way more out there than just simply making it available to everyone because it exists on both types of models and it’s the easiest thing to do.


Nightborne definitely should have it. More options > lore. Why? Because our character is the savior of Azeroth and can be whoever the hell they want.

Edit: Nightborne should have it for lore reasons anyway, didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

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