Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Except the plague in those bombs melts flesh and can only ever raise mindless skeletal undead at best. In WoW, Sylvanas/The Apothecaries/The Forsaken have never deployed a Scourge-like plague that raises its victims, only the flesh-melting type. This has been consistent from Vanilla up through today. All of their freshly raised have been through individual action, typically by way of Sylvanas or her Val’kyr.

That we know about. We also never saw Sylvanas rocking Domination/Jailer powers until she whipped them out at the beginning of SL.

Again, it’s a dumb reason to exclude one group of elf players when EVERY other version of BE/VE/NE can rock the Dark Ranger look.

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I mean if Blizz wants to write some story to make darkfallen nightborne make sense, sure, but I hate strictly-technical “switch flip” changes that aren’t backed up in lore with at least a retcon or something.

Like I think there’s potential for there to be some story with nightborne darkfallen being raised withered given a second chance through necromancy (before the nightborne solved that issue), but that need to be written somewhere. A scenario, a short story posted on the WoW site, something.

A ten minute quest line that didn’t make much sense, but you’re not wrong.

An old skinned chicken mount that already existed in the game.

For paladins, yes. Another mog that already existed in the game.

I thought it was one, but either way I can’t use them so. :woman_shrugging:t2:

The lore was nice, but the dark iron rewards are definitely much more pleasing to look at.

I think that it’s one of the missed connections that many seem to be making, Dark Rangers could have been raised anytime in Legion to suit her purpose (remember we as the player character is only doing Khadgar’s bidding, we don’t know what Sylvanas was doing the rest of the time, except in Stormheim) because she obviously had the ability to raise them, as it was done with Night Elves in Darkshore at the end of Legion. So from this perspective it’s fair to say that Dark Rangers could be any elf because she could have done it in Suramar while they were assaulting the city, she could have done it with Blood Elves behind Lorthemar’s back on the down low (she has a history of going against the Horde leaders wishes, look at Garrosh).
In fact I think it’s odd to exclude Nightborne from this given all the possibilities listed. Regarding Void Elves, there were actually Void Elves in Darkshore as they were released in the Argus patch and then so by extension they would have been fighting in Darkshore with the rest of the Alliance.
Regarding the magic, there is nothing in game that says that Void and Death magic have any qualms in coexisting, look at Forsaken Shadow Priests, as it’s only light magic that has an issue coexisting with Void (example sunwell) and the only way to channel both is through discipline (aka, Discipline Priests). So it stands to reason that either Void Elves could have been raised either on Argus or Darkshore, OR that existing Dark Rangers went through the “void incident” to become Void Elf Dark Rangers.


After a lot of soul seaching ive decided… i dont give a damn.
I want blizzard to develop the void elf story but otherwise i wont let any nonsense stop my fun


Exactly my point. What they’ve done is entirely inconsistent. Dark rangers were undead Sin’dorei hunters. Nathanos was literally the “first and only undead human” to be trained to be a ranger lord. Dark rangers should either be exclusively Sin’dorei, or they should be like DKs where any undead race can train to be a dark ranger.

Giving this option only to living elf races (whilst still excluding the Nightborne) makes absolutely no sense.


Are you ok? For some reason, you start raging when asked to explain your position by muting the thread. Your opinion was never attacked. That’s the definition of obtuse. Your actions embody that word.

Scroll up to a previous post you made, and we find this little gem. By stating that “there is no debate,” you’re literally saying that you don’t think others should have an opinion, but in your most recent post, you defend having your own. That’s some screwed up logic there.

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Nightborne don’t need to be Dark Rangers. It’s beneath them. Why would you want to go out in the hot sun, with a thick dark cloak and armor and go do manual labor? Ugh, you may even need to fire an arrow or something. Doesn’t the thought of it make you shiver?

Did Queen Azshara teach you nothing citizen of Suramar? YOU are the superior being.

Leave the dark ranging to the rabble while you prioritize the finer things like wine from behind your beautiful city walls.

If we’re being truly honest with ourselves, it makes no sense for Nightborne to get Darkfallen customization. Saying otherwise would be entirely disingenuous.

Void Elves got it because there are many routes that justify the addition, whereas there are none for Nightborne.

Void Elves had plenty of opportunities to be amongst the casualties of the Fourth War for Sylvanas to raise alongside the Night Elf Darkfallen. Not only that, there’s also the route of existing Darkfallen that weren’t already Void Elves to join the Void Elves after being granted permission by Calia to side with the Alliance.

Sylvanas would not have had Nightborne to raise, especially given they are part of her own faction and would not have forcefully raised her own allied into undeath against their will/wishes.


Um, I don’t think they’d be void elves though. Void doesn’t work on undead and if that void elf is raised to undeath, void whispers won’t work, so no more void elf. That’s just a blood elf.

no it’s not. i demand compensation for the amount of “half quel’dorei half san’layn vampire goddess queens” i’ve seen in the past week.

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This is not true, Void does work on Undead. They are not immune to Void, they are resilient to it. And them being reanimated into Undeath wouldn’t cause that Void infused within them to vanish. Their bodies would still be infused.


We don’t know this yet but it’s only a suggestion which either became canon now with 9.2.5 or was already in place.

I’m with you lore, but to play devils advocate here, you could make a gameplay argument that if there was a Dark Ranger Night Elf that wanted to stay with the Horde, then you could drop those customizations onto Nightborne and they would be convincing.

Let me say though that, first, I think it’s fine. I don’t think that it hurts anyone if Nightborne have the dark ranger set.

But second, man, I’ve had so many massive arguments on these forums about Nightborne being Night Elves… right?

It goes in this order.

  1. Them: Alliance got Blood Elves! but we didn’t get anything.
  2. ME: You got Night Elves.
  3. Them: They’re not Night Elves. They’re a different race.
  4. Me: “You literally see their leader turn into a Nightborne in a cutscene. They’re Night Elves.”
    repeat ad infinitum.

But now they’re like, “But we can have Night Elf Dark Rangers!”

Alright. I mean I knew it was always a disengenuous argument. But thanks.

Void Elves got the dark ranger skin because they’re Blood Elves.

This wouldn’t have happened if we’d just had High Elves instead.

They can just say that Nightborne were raised during the Battle of Lordaeron.

People aren’t saying they are Night Elves and that’s why they should have Dark Rangers. People are saying that because they said that all elves were getting the look, Nightborne should have it too. And that it shouldn’t be 2-1 Alliance for a look that’s been on the Horde for years. When there isn’t a single in game representation of Velves being Dark Rangers before this.


Raising your allies army into undeath is pretty questionable and generally looked upon negatively.

There isn’t any real reason Nightborne should have Dark Fallen if you’re not just doing a Night Elf Nightfallen rp.

Who cares if it’s looked upon negatively? We’ve done worse in game.

There is absolutely every reason they should have it if people are willing to accept Velves as Dark Rangers despite no in game representation of it before that. The asspulls should not be just when it benefits the Alliance.

I’d say first… the animosity between Blood Elf and Void Elf players is probably why they got both. But, Blood Elves got blue and purple eyes, so fair is fair?

But second, it’s not really particularly weird a Dark Ranger would return to the Alliance after they stopped being mind controlled, just like you see it happen with the Night Elves.

So it’s just representing that. I don’t think there are any, “Void Elf” Darkfallen.

I guess it’s interesting to see people argue, “But the lore!” and then see this situation where the Horde didn’t get something for once and they’re like, “The lore doesn’t matter.”