Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

the nightborne were gone from the world for 10,000 years

Lore-wise, there’s first gen, which are Umbric and those who got tricked. If Blizz adds text to it, there’s a second gen of those who figured out how to become like Alleria. That’s all we’ve got.

Dark Rangers are dead High Elves. There were never any Void Elves in Dakrshore and after Darkshore, Sylvanas had no way to raise anyone as a Dark Ranger.


Only if Blizzard would explain the lore further on everything…

But knowing Blizzard, they don’t care :sob:

For second gen, all they have to do is literally add one line of dialogue to Telogrus that says, “We’ve mastered the ability to recreate what happened to Alleria and now we can bolster our ranks.”

That’s all it would take.

Yeah correct me if wrong but the Void Elves we do have are like extremely small in number. I mean, if I am correct they are probably one of the smallest numbers of races in either faction.
Pretty much Blizzard seems to have just said F it and tossed high elves into them too now.


But trust Blizzard to do something simple like that though?

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Wow, this thread has been something else, I wasn’t going to comment but after spending half my life reading this thread, I feel I need to, so the time was worthwhile lol. People really get… errrrmmm… “passionate” about lore, how about we all tone it down a notch and be respectful. Now on to my 5c (which could be wrong, just my opinion):

I think there is some miscommunication between empowerment (temporary) and infusion (permanent), Paladins are empowered and not infused. I would argue that corruption is also the same as infusion, so the way I see it they are synonymous in this discussion (even if you cleanse the corruption, it still has permanent effects).

I have been a fan of the Forsaken, Paladins and Elves since I started playing the game so I always felt connected to the discussion on who can and cannot be Paladins. The reason that Forsaken were always given that they can’t be Paladins is because they are perpetually empowered by the light (not infused) and so they couldn’t wield the light without feeling the pain of their existence (Priests can channel it because it’s short busts and they’re not empowered, and they lose the empowered state when they stop believing in the light), so I don’t believe they are ‘infused’ per se.

I think the discussion on Blood Elves is interesting, yet confusingly provided by Blizzard. The way I believe it happened was that they were the magical abusing Night Elves (which were originally Trolls) and they ended up over time completely changing to a different species of elf due to their reckless and abundant use of magic (where as Night Elves stayed as they were as they stayed a nature society). Fast track to WC3 they had their sunwell which was at the time arcane powered, it got destroyed which prompted most of the elves to find another way to source their power, which isn’t explained well for the High Elves that stayed (High Elves vs Blood Elves is a political name only) as they should have been exhibiting the same withdrawal symptoms as the Blood Elves, but it’s never explained in game I believe, but perhaps they were using the nightwells. I dont’ believe they were ever corrupted or infused with fel, just that they used energy from their crystals and animals which turned their eyes green. Then in the end of BC they ended up getting the sunwell back by putting light into it from M’uru I think (which himself is evident that the void and light are aligned and opposite, he was drained of his power as a Naaru of light and became a void Naaru). That being said, I don’t think eye colour is important to the power Elves use as Night Elves that were proficient Druids had golden eyes in the original lore, so I think it stands to reason that it doesn’t matter what the colour of the eyes are necessarily as people are different.

Personally I hate the discussion on what race can and can’t be a certain class as any race should be able to be any class because of the fact that if you train hard enough to channel the powers of a specific magic then why wouldn’t you be able to be that class. The obvious exception to this is Void Elves and Lightforged, because the light and void are opposing forces (as evidenced in the questline when Alleria goes to the sunwell) which is why I can’t stomach a Void Elf or a Lightforged Priest (even current Blood Elves and Draenei are sketchy, but I digress). From a lore perspective I think any race should be any class and just be done with restrictions like this, more choice is always a good thing and there is always a way for Blizzard to write some lore to support any race / class combination.

Regarding the “void is worse”, there is no indication that any of the magical powers of the universe are better or worse than the other, they’re just different and some are opposite. Example of this is the light becoming tyrannical when Yrel becomes lightforged in the mag’har storyline, because her ideals were corrupted by the excessive light and no opposition to it. Also, the light and the void are opposites to each other I believe, with neither being worse than the other.

Regarding the topic of discussion, I think that there were Dark Rangers since at least WC3 so it stands to reason that there could be many of them that we see in the limited world, and that they just never showed themselves, or they were created during the events of the expansions by the different Lich Kings or Sylvanas, however as they are just customisations they are open to lore suggestions which is probably better than the Allied Race BS they have been doing with elves. There are 2 ways that Blizzard could address Void Elves and Dark Rangers:

a) They were Dark Rangers who were following Alleria and the other Highborne elves either on Sylvanas’ command or of their own curious volition and that caused them to get caught in the same incident that spawned the Void Elves.
b) That they are physically separate to Void Elves, but for gameplay reasons they are using the Void Elf race to depict them (now that Sylvanas has gone, they could feel the need to go back to the Alliance, because sentient beings are different and think different things)

I personally don’t care if either are true, but it’s easy enough and not much of a stretch for either to be possible, it is a magical world. I also don’t think that just because the Void Elves are ‘infused’ that it means that they could never ‘cure’ themselves or that another form or magic couldn’t empower them to drive away the void inside them (look at M’uru example above). Power in the universe is power and how it manifests can change over time, can change with use, and can change with the being using it so there is nothing saying that if they were channeled with enough other magic that they couldn’t change.

Regarding Nightborne Dark Rangers, this poses the same thing from me (so i’m surprised they didn’t get the ‘elf’ customisation):

a) They could be Nightborne that were raised during Legion (eg in Darkshore, in Suramar or whatever, we have killed a lot of them), so this would be the easiest option.
b) Maybe they were Night Elves that were raised, but since they were fighting with Sylvanas they decided to stay with the Horde and for gameplay reasons they could be depicted as Nightborne.

Either of these options would have been supported in the lore so i’m surprised and saddened that they didn’t give Nightborne this option. I’m a fan of “the more ways that players can express themselves the better” that’s why I wasn’t salty or upset when Elves got darker skin shades, because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how other people choose to represent themselves.



Also give Nightborne and Draenei more eye color options in general


I think at this point even Blizz has literally no idea what is going on with their lore. It’s giving “we come in to work every day and improv for 5 minutes then put it into the game and say done” vibes.


And? They were back while Sylvanas raising dark rangers. Just as likely she raised a few of them as it is void elves, which is not very likely, but it didn’t stop void elves from getting the customization option.

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And it’s really just that easy.

Side note, it’s kinda crazy so many seem to have forgotten how many of the baddies we fought in Legion were Nightborne. Really nothing to have stopped Slyvanas from raising some of them without us knowing about it directly.

But yeah, bottom line, it’s just a fun customization that Blizz is keeping from Nightborne players for, honestly, not good enough of a reason if they’re giving it to void elves. Honestly, I kinda think they just didn’t want to put in the work since Nightborne faces and eye shape options aren’t just a direct port from Nigh Elf faces?

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i mean if void elves can cosplay as pure blood elves/forsaken blood elves might as well let nightborne be pure night elves right down to a model toggle. same with undead and living humans

im not obsessed with the blood elf model and lotr so i never cared about this stuff but it seems fair and there are humans that hate the alliance and have worked with the horde(most recently in bfa). it should go both ways

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Where in any of the lore does it say she was specifically training only resurrected dead elves to be dark rangers? It was my understanding that the reason dark rangers are all elves is because they were only the ones who fell when Arthas sacked Silvermoon. Meaning dark rangers should only be blood elf. I have never once seen any other race as a dark ranger. I’m not sure where this suddenly came from where it’s all elves. Especially since elves weren’t the only ones to be resurrected by Sylvannas. Why then aren’t dark rangers like DKs where any race can cosplay as a dark ranger?

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You realize that wasn’t “given” to the Horde, right?
This is such a ridiculous sentiment to have.
As this game ages, the split faction model makes less sense because imbalance is more likely to happen.
This isn’t some decision Blizzard made, be reasonable.

Nightborne have been fairly neglected. The reason they got any customs at all in the second round is because people made noise for a long time. YES, they got neat new customs, but they are still severely lagging behind. Never mind the fact the Horse has nothing as customizable as Humans. Regardless of faction, I think every race (except for B/N/V Elves and Humans) needs a LOT of sprucing up.

Nightborne 100% should be able to use the Dark Ranger customs.


This is correct. The question remains (because Blizzard has yet to explain how new Void Elves come into their power), could a Darkfallen elf defect to the Alliance and become a Void Elf after the fact? Sure they’d still be undead, but I don’t think undeath prevents mastering the void does it? We’ve certainly seen powerful shadow users among the undead in the past.


You do realize that Nathanos is a Dark Ranger right?

The only one, though. He’s her special snowflake lover. lol

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From Legion onward…

Nathanos Blightcaller has recently been training a new generation of Forsaken rangers comprising of undead humans, making the undead racial composition of the order more diverse.

Forsaken are already dead and have red eyes, though. So… :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Yes but they are explicitly denoted as being trained as Dark Rangers now. And weren’t the red eyes added with the customization pass?