Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers


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You’re ADORABLE when you’re so utterly wrong and so CONFIDENT about it oh I could just eat you up.

Wrong again.

So incapable of a conversation that you have to resort to condescension and insults. Got it. Flagged, ignored and put your headcanon into a dark closet because you’ve been factually proven wrong. With quotes and page numbers.


I set her to ignore. As you can see she doesn’t want to have any conversation.

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Ironic coming from you “honey”.

That’d be you baby.

Video evidence from an expansion released after the books, effectively retconning it :wink:

The absolute IRONY of saying “YOU DON’t WANT TO HAVE A CONVERSATION SO I’M BLOCKING YOU” as I am providing evidence. KEKW

Zero self-awareness.

Void Elves are High Elves BTW. Being a shadow priest doesn’t change your race :wink:

Enjoy malding.

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I know a lot of lore people are not happy with void elves getting dark elf customization but i love my void elfs undead skin with red eyes. Makes her look mean which she is lore wise. The void made her emotionless but she is still in control of herself…for now.


The Nightborne arent known for their skills in Archery, Tracking, and Espionage. It makes no sense for there to be Nightborne Dark Rangers.

A velf can RP as a Darkfallen who joins the Alliance after Sylvanas leaves Azeroth. Case closed.

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Of a new paladin being blessed, nowhere does it say she was infused. My god, the straw grasping is just astounding. Go insult someone else while I try to figure out your stupid special characters name to ignore.

This does not prove that Paladins are infused with the light

Want source to actually outweigh your arguments:

Of Blood and Honor (Chapter 2):

  1. “Archbishop: In the Light, we gather to empower our brother. In its grace, he will be made anew. In its power, he shall educate the masses. In its strength, he shall combat the shadow. And, in its wisdom, he shall lead his brethren to the eternal rewards of paradise.”
  2. “Archbishop: Clerics of the Northshire, if you deem this man worthy, place your blessings upon him.
    One of the clerics comes with a blessed dark blue embroidered stole in his hands, which he placed reverently around Tirion’s neck. Then, he dipped his thumb in a small vial of sacred oil and anointed Tirion’s forehead.”
  3. “Archbishop: Knights of the Silver Hand, if you deem this man worthy, place your blessings upon him.
    Two of the armored men comes, the first laid the warhammer before Tirion’s feet. The second, Saidan Dathrohan, placed the silver plates upon Tirion’s shoulders.”
  4. “Each of the clerics and knights raised their right hands and pointed toward Tirion, empowered him with the holy light.”

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (Part 1: Chapter 5):

  1. “In the Light, we gather to empower our brother.”
  2. & 3) are similar to the 2) & 3) from above
  3. “Sweat broke out on Arthas’s brow. What was going wrong? Why wasn’t the Light wrapping itself around him in blessing and benediction?”

The rest of the book makes a point that the light flows through him or he’s channeling it etc. Same as priests.

  1. Chapter 8 … “Maybe if he focused on fighting, on learning how to accept, and channel and direct the Light, he could get the hell over her. Over the girl he himself had broken up with”

Had he been infused, why would he need to learn to accept, channel, and direct the light? Seems like it’d only be directing.

  • This ceremony is exclusive to the Order of the Silver Hand, which not all Paladins are a part of. There is no evidence to support that other Paladin individuals/races/organizations undergo the same process nor is it explicitly mentioned that it’s needed to become a Paladin.
    This is just a fact. Silver Hand was originally just Humans and Dwarves.
    Draenei became Paladins through the Naaru teaching them about the Light.
    High Elves had Paladins through normal worship of the Light, but briefly lost in after most of them renamed to Blood Elves and had to drain it from Naaru. With the Sunwell restored, the Blood Knights returned to embracing the Light like the originally did.
    Sunwalkers get the Light from basic worship of An’she, which is just a different form of the Draenei worshipping it through the Naaru and Humans/Dwarves through the Light itself.

The first Human Paladins were literally just Warrior + Priest
Tides of Darkness (Chapter 5)

  1. “I will establish a new branch of the Church, the paladins. I have already selected the first candidates for this order. Some were knights before but others were priests. I chose these men for both their piety and their martial prowess. They will be trained, not only in war but in prayer and in healing. And each of these valient fighters will possess both martial and spiritual power, particularly in blessing themselves and other with the strength of the Holy Light.”

And just so you’re aware there is zero statement about the ORIGINAL paladins of the Church, mentioned above, having gone through the ceremony mentioned twice earlier. This implying that the ceremony was created afterwards, and that again it isn’t necessary for one to be a Paladin.

A worded blessing doesn’t make it so you suddenly lift a hammer easier.

They were infused, sorry. That’s the only logical explanation.

I think any pretense of lore integrity went out the window as soon as they started using time travel and retconning major characters. At this point there’s no real reason not to open stuff like this up to more races.

They were never infused. Paladins are basically just priest who took extra training, able to wear heavy armor and hold a giant hammer as a better way to put it.


Through their infusion of the light, see I am glad you agree with me and bring such evidence to the table.


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Riddle me this: IF a paladin is just a Priest with heavy armor and as sword.

Why is Anduin still (by the DEVS, story writers, lore etc-) still considered a Preist?

Because he didn’t infuse himself with the Light, and can therefore use shadow spells, such as mind control (which he has done before).

I agree. Lorash chose to be dark rangers, I am sure some allies would get offered that choice too.

And the night elf dark rangers stayed on horde (some of them). So they could just make forsaken/nightborne have an extra bodytype with night elves imo with those undead skin tones at least and full customization.

Probably give forsaken the human body type too since human dks use those and they are undead.

Only the first generation, the original ones. They never outright stated it but there are at least three different generations of Void Elves out there, now even four if you want to add the Dark Rangers.

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Where do you get three? At most, there’s two.

According to the questline, those Dark Rangers are the former High Elf Farstriders turned into banshees and then became Sylvanas’ elite. They were released from their duty and chose to go back to the Alliance, instead of their own people.

Void Elves aren’t Dark Rangers.

Basically, Blizz just decided to pander to people and gave Void Elves a subrace of High Elves.

I base it on the options. Either it’s two, as you say it - or three, depending on the grade of corruption (hair colors).

But didn’t the quest line ended with Verolana (or how she’s named) saying that the Dark Rangers stay by our side? Isn’t it possible they simply join afterward?

Yes, they did. Shouldn’t have twisted the original wish before the Void Elves have ever been planned. Now they need to revisit the concept and designs several time due the negative backlash. Could have been prevented all the time.

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