Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I don’t think so on the whole.

I’d rather see blood elves get something that fits their theme and void elves not to get anymore high elf options.


VEs are a copied model from the Horde, now given part of the BE visual theme with non void skin tones, and I find it important that they do not get natural hair colors / styles as it directly impacts the visual theme of Blood Elves.

As per this thread I also don’t support BEs getting VE options on the context of the same issue I have with more loss of BE visual distinction, the two races should remain unique especially moving forward.


I think they should expand on blood elf options–but in a direction that makes sense for them. Anything from added fel to mana-starved aesthetics. Or more…high elfy even. Take from their own history/future, not the alternate direction of their void counterparts!


Rhi, stop being so logical! :sunglasses:

Plus you saved me having to do the same set of cop-and-paste bits to respond to.


Personally I would like dark ranger and/or San’layn customization. We have our own monsters on the Horde, I have no interest in void elf shenanigan. Or even going further on the fel-side of things and giving us felblood elves. I acknowledge the fact that we would need more lore for San’layn or felblood customization. To that, I say we could have some sort of ‘Night Warrior’ thing to unlock such customization. That would be my personal preference. I’m not going to delve into why I think the lore works here, as there’s other threads with it (including one that I made), but all in all, not interested in any sort of void customization and would prefer blood/undead or fel.

Edit: More void customization for void elves though is something I find way more interesting than high elf stuff, personally. Like extra eyes, more monster features leaning toward void. I’d actually play alliance more if that was the case. Otherwise, ‘high elf’ stuff is boring to me.


Then wear a hat on your VEs if visual distinction isn’t important for you. Or don’t forget you have a bald option too.

Either way VEs shouldn’t get natural hair colors.


The HE community was already heard you mean?

People who value visual distinction should be heard as well and natural hair colors seem intentionally left out, I wouldn’t expect any if it were me but you do you, glad you can enjoy your RP tools I personally like the blondes, blacks, and brown hair colors that the visual theme of BEs fulfills for a natural generic Elf fantasy as opposed to entropic embrace going off etc for a Void fantasy.


You can think that, I’m still confident in my stance and my stance is what I’ve elaborated on.

Visual distinction matters, people aren’t doing things “out of spite” for HE fans you’re highly exaggerating your own importance in peoples reasons for why they support what they support.

The issue is you need an easy argument to make to villainize people “oh its out of spite” is an easy go to, because maybe just maybe its harder to argue against the visual distinction argument because even Blizzard themselves have always valued it on some level, after all they are reluctant to add that final piece you’re asking for.


Agreed :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That would be because they used to BE blood elves thus some retaining their more blood elfy looks. A Blood elf however never used to be a void elf so it would make no sense whatsoever to have voidy features on a blood elf :joy: BEs have nothing to do with the void genetically- sure they can use it if they wanted to but it isn’t in their DNA like VEs.


All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

Same thing.


I don’t mind VElfs having a mostly BElf customization as much as I thought I would, just give me more Drow appearances. I’m horde, I want to look little scary (maybe sexy scary, like a Succubus), People that want pretty and not scary can continue using the Barbie appearance options.


Hello, as an Alliance player I prefer that we don’t get a full on carbon copy of a horde race and instead vouch for half elves to be made playable with as much close to 100% new assets as possible.


i mean, i play a shadow priest so id assume most people dont. but when VE can get regular BE customaztion it kinda makes you wonder.

At this point, imo, your posts are getting to sound like harassment. Maybe take your personal vendetta against others away from this forum.


Lann was having a discussion you were making personal attacks. Which is against the rules.


Why not just delete all races and make 1 race so all players can look same and stop crying?


Lann was here for a bit, he seemed like he was having normal discussion to me dude


I don’t want to sound condescending or what not, and I’m not going to take sides, but your discussion had turned into a personal attack of character then a discussion on why you think VE should look like BE and not vice versa.


I’ll be honest here, but I’m the last person you should say is on starla’s side. But please go on lol.

I obviously know nothing about this history here, but does history really matter when discussing the topic at hand? Especially something off forums like Discord. Seems personal.