Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Oh by the grace of Elune… wow. I’m just gonna mute this thread. OP is clearly not serious.


I agree with Rhielle BEs shouldn’t get VE customization, I do however disagree with Rhielle over the impact of what VEs got from BEs.


if you can cast void eruption than ya, i think your infused with the void in DNA. Plus blood elves literally got purple eyes in prepatch just like Void elves.

Hnnnnnnnnnngh. :exploding_head:

Yeah I’m muting this too.

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why though? we got purple eyes just like void elves. our foot is already through the door but blizz wont give us the rest.

Velfs got skin tones and blue eyes. They did NOT get green or golden eyes. They did NOT get Belf hairstyles.

Let’s try this one more time and maybe you can comprehend it if it’s in bigger print…

Blood Elves are not infused with the Void and can’t have Void infused customization

Good lord… :woman_facepalming:

You can roll your eyes all you want. It’s pretty clear which one is a Velf, due to hair color and hairstyle. Alleria originally created the reasoning behind the blue eyes and skin tones. But since we also have special snowflake NPCs, Alleria does need to have one difference that the rest of the Velfs shouldn’t have: and that’s the hair. Which is why I’m one of many who will always be against normal hair colors and copying the Belf styles.

Also true.

I hope he’s trolling. No one can possibly be this IQ dropping.

Void Eruption does NOT require being infused with the Void. It is a USE of Void. YOU ARE WRONG.

The blue/purple color is for ARCANE. Good lord. :woman_facepalming:


There is always one.

Can’t have a discussion of any kind without someone ruining it.

true. has to always be this way

sinu a’manore

the purple color is not arcane. literally look at void elf eyes, SAME exact thing. There is no way that you can disagree, its the same eyes and its the void

It’s a mixture of blue and purple and yes, it is absolutely Arcane and has been said to be. The original Velf purple IS NOT the same as the blue/purple irises that they received.


Once again, you don’t have Belf hairstyles and colors, so still different.


No I supported the HE community on some sort of compromise because I felt sorry for them.

This was the compromise and I am happy if you can enjoy your options. I don’t support more (ie: hair colors etc) and I recognize it for what it is which is effectively a second visual theme.

You aren’t entitled to anyone’s support because you were on the same page in the past, people can take advantage of their own ability to change their minds.


I’d…buy into some of this. Since probably not getting dark ranger class I go option B…RP time.


The lightest BE skin color is still a bit too…lively.

VE gets a nice “undead” tone (mogged and barbered this…looks nice with the ranger hood from hunter legion hall quest reward of sorts) but a VE would not be a dark ranger.

Weak on timeline so…either they were kicked out before Arthas’ party visit or…they were alive and went on to be kicked out later. Either way they are not undead high elves.

Also the game mechanic of blue racial charge up messes up the RP for VE. For me anyway.

I’d take at least the really pale almost undead pallets of the VE for BE at least.

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its literally messy hair. that means nothing. Also the purple eyes 100% mean void because there are multiple purple eye customization options for void elves, and blood elves got one. that is void

The whole reason the Void Elves defected to the Alliance is because the Blood Elves so strongly rejected them. Ironic given the proclivity of any flavor of Quel’dorei to play with whatever form of magic happens to be handy, but that’s how the story is written. Any Blood Elves with visible void taint have been booted out already, and there’s nothing to suggest that new dabblers would be treated any differently.


And yet I am not, I have always said I applaud the RP tools for what they are, and don’t support more options because it damages the visual uniqueness of Blood Elves.

Part of the things you see in these threads being a regular, is how often people think HE fans think the game revolves around them / their request / continued request. People come in and say it at the beginning of a thread for example and I normally scroll past it its not my fight for example.

I will say it’s funny that one can organically have their support shift (long ago by the way like this wasn’t yesterday I stopped my support so you must have been waiting a while to bring this topic up who ever you are) but I find it funny you somehow think my support no longer being there is somehow to spite the HE community.

People (usually HE fans) say the devs made VEs to spite the HE community, or they hate the Alliance/players. Now its moved on apparently now you’re accusing me of spite for the HE community, it must be hard thinking everyones out to get you when that isn’t the case at all. I hope you get more void options moving forward :hugs:






I literally posted the lore for you. Stop ignoring facts.







I can’t handle the IQ dropping responses any longer. I’m muting this sad display of ignoring lore and logic.


Who cares two fluffs about the differences, Void Elf and Blood Elf guys are both cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


that elf looks like me but im a void elf

this is literally copium