Void elves and blood elves need more visual distinction

I felt Garry was too young and gung ho during the wrath campaign and needed more time to get gud before he went off to be the faction head.

With that said he was amazing during the very brief bit we saw him in shadowlands

i think that was part of it tho, the horde had to conquer a large swathe of alliance territory going into cata and the only other major horde character at that point who could have done it was cairne. saurfang was still barely ascended from being a faceless npc and vol’jin only made that same leap in cata. cairne was, let’s be honest, never going to lead the horde to conquest of alliance territory.

Isn’t there an orc whose the son of another big name that’s still around like one of the main families

I wonder if they’ll ever utilize him

jorin deadeye (son of kilrogg deadeye) is still in outland as is thura saurfang (niece of broxigar and varok), who has the axe of cenarius.


Blue eyes always represented High Elves. Green Eyes Blood Elves. Now Gold eyes also Blood Elves. Red Eyes Darkfallen.

It’s not like humans, gnomes, dwarves, orcs, etc. etc. The Elves eyes show magic.

I think I’d honestly take the volume.

They were doing body jewelry stuff. Blood Elves kind of got blown up by the moment. I think they thought the body jewelry as a bad look. But that means a lot of the development time on Blood Elves just ended up in the wastebin.

They also did the Blood Elves first, so you could tell by the end they were doing better with scars.

As far as the complaint of that stuff disappearing under armor, I mean, Night Elf tattoos except for the face disappear under armor. That’s not really something that isn’t effecting all the other races.

I think the other thing about Blood Elf customization is that there is just like
 an internal theme and an internal direction they’re going with Blood Elves and the Blood Elf playerbase doesn’t like it.

They’re heading towards gold eyed, light infused looks
 and the playerbase honestly just wants them to be High Elves. They want some Alleria Tattoos. I think Blood Elves have had an identity crisis for a long time. The Frozen Throne, Vanilla WoW, Burning Crusade
 and then
 Well Chris Metzen said the plan was to redeem them with the light and it’s a long game.

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Ah okay yeah , specifically I was thinking of Kilroggs son I think

yeah it’s sort of weird he hasn’t made an appearance given how important his dad was in wod

But it’s a leap if you really badly want it to be a leap. I honestly feel like it’s basically the most obvious lore detail to explain away.

Yeah. But your argument is that what Garithos did was absolutely so detestable that the Blood Elves joined the Horde. But the lore says that they joined the horde because of trolls and scourge
 and it obviously wasn’t such a deal breaker that they didn’t literally attempt to rejoin the Alliance in canon.

Yeah. But Kael already rolled on Lorthemar and the Blood Elves at that point. So, his getting smashed by Garithos doesn’t really change people for Lorthemar and his Blood Elves.

The Fel Blood Elves in Outland probably have a thing against Garithos and the Alliance. But that thing didn’t happen to Silvermoon. It happened to Kael and his tiny army.

I mean, the author of the WoW diaries pretty explicitly states why they did it. I already posted that citation. I can’t find the citation with Chris Metzen being upset about it though. It’s out there somewhere.

I mean, once again, Blood Elves are part of the Horde not because of lore reasons, but because they needed a pretty race for either korea or china’s players girlfriends to play. So, the complaint of, “They caved to player demands.” when High Elves were already part of the Alliance anyways is pretty absurd. The idea of them trying to keep things visually distinct is just from Ion playing damage control.

In classic if you played Horde in PVP with a premade you’d get instant ques and have tons of people to destroy. That’s also honestly where the idea that Horde were better players came from. Which ironically persisted through Horde getting a larger playerbase to Alliance.

Remember the words of the great English philosopher Mick Jagger:

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try some times, you find.
You get what you need”.

It really wasn’t. I said that it attributed to pushing the HEs towards the horde. Nothing more and nothing less. Never said it was the end all be all and actually listed other reasons that pushed them that way as well during this thread. That was literally just one of them.

He left Lorthemar in charge while he took his men out to look for a solution to the ‘magic starvation problem’ I believe I said this earlier as well. You think he didn’t send runners between himself and Quel’Thelas?

Mana tapping was the solution learned by Kael’thas through Illidan and that all got shipped back to the city. He then went to outlands in search of a replacement for the sunwell and remained in communication with the city until he went on his fel bender. You really think word of Garithos and his betrayal was just not passed along to the Elven people? The humans of the alliance tried to literally kill their king

Your singular quote on the demand of the Asian community playing a roll was also acknowledged when i said the the alliance was the majority of the player base in vanilla and one of the big complaints was that there wasn’t a pretty race and that further cemented the future lore for it. Paladins offering a massive advantage also played a role. It may not have been a direct response to you so I’ll repeat that too.

Because of the massive player base disparity between the horde and alliance back then. Paladins and having the pretty races was shockingly pivotal for raid progression because blessings and illumination was absolutely busted with down ranking. Giving the BEs to the horde to bolster numbers on that side because they were actively trying to keep the factions balanced population wise back then is what it is during the design. This was already stated though.

Lore supported the HEs joining either side potentially because of the events in WC3 involving the HEs leaving the alliance over the ‘we’re not helping you with your troll problem,’ then Arthas the son of the leader of the alliance leading a genocide against them and lastly garithos trying to use them in a meat grinder after all of that while being garithos.

Blizzard had a problem with Horde player numbers and shifted them there and further bolstered the BE lore to promote it. Doesn’t change what happened in the WC RTS games and the lore made around TBC that further enhanced it. shrug


Daily reminder that the blood elves’ last appearance prior to BC was them leaving the Alliance in spectacular fashion. Them joining the Horde was no less in keeping with the lore than if they’d turned around and re-joined the Alliance after having left them like three years earlier. What happened wasn’t against the lore and saying otherwise is just sour grapes that a situation that really could have gone either way lore-wise went in a direction they personally disliked and have been bitter about it for 15+ years.


Bitter? Whose bitter? Blood elves are perfectly happy in the Horde.
We’ve saved your Orc bee hind enough times.


People who are still in denial about the fact that we got blood elves and they didn’t.


Exactly. It was actually a tragic misstep that Blizzard never put High Elves into the Alliance earlier (Warcraft III Gairthos backstory aside).

Also, I really don’t think Void Elves should be an allied race. They should be considered a MAIN or primary race for the Alliance.

What difference would that make?

Just change both races name to High Elf.
There, everyone’s happy lol.
P.S. Belf reign supreme! :crown: :magic_wand:

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Blood elves belong on the Horde, with their other friends who blow up homeworlds (or very emotionally important locales), get addicted to dangerous magic, and depend on others to bail them out.

My tongue is firmly in cheek, but my point remains.

Blow up home worlds? We burned down their silly tree. And we were at war at the time. Who uses a tree as a fort anyway?

As for bailing people out, where was the Alliance when Arthus, a human by the way, was overruning Quel’thalas? Yet when the Alliance needed help fighting the Burning Legion, we were there.


Night elves, dwarves, humans, draenei, void elves, gnomes.

Night elves, void elves, worgen, draenei, Turalyon.


These are meta-changes you haven’t paid attention to (interviews).
And it’s likely you get the Nathanos-model or Lightbound-Forsaken in the near future as a customization options to justify some class-changes.

This unhinged tribalism displayed during BfA was the reason for all the gameplay and cultural changes we face now, by the way.

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