Void Elf Warrior?

anyone know how the no pushback effects warriors? or does it?
07/22/2018 10:10 PMPosted by Pwnator
anyone know how the no pushback effects warriors? or does it?

You mean the "damage doesnt interrupt spellcasting"? Pretty sure it has no effect
02/15/2018 04:52 AMPosted by Crushedvoid
First off, arcane torrent from blood elf is good on any class, AoE silence + a little boost to resource (mana, energy, rage).

As for void elf, I switched mine from human. The animations, transmog, and overall look of the class looks really good. The random proc of Entropic Embrace doesn't provide a huge dps buff, but it extra dps.

Overall, I'm glad I made the switch.

Belf racial is no longer a silence. Now its a aoe dispel :D
I think this toon looks cool. Nice change of pace from dwarves which I usually play.
07/24/2018 07:15 AMPosted by Greggy
I think this toon looks cool. Nice change of pace from dwarves which I usually play.

Your toon does look like a "Greg." Just looks very "Greggy" to me.
@Void Elf Warriors

You call that a beard? Do you even grow bro?
02/15/2018 09:11 AMPosted by Kaedrith
I really like the wing transmog, it gives a lot of nice options

Not for a warrior, delicate wings break the whole front line though guy/girl fantasy.

This post didn’t age well.

Just race changed from Human. I love it so far cause I get to roleplay as a High Elf.
Only negative is that I was already level 60 when I changed so no velf heritage armor :confused:

And healing.

You can see all animations on wowheads dressing room tool.

With ward’s kit nothing. Unless you are channeling or casting some from a non warr source.

2 year old thread… these people you’re replying to are dead and gone by now

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