Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

  1. The preservation of uniqueness of appearance or of place in the story

Obviously the Void Elves were a miscalculation which paid not off. The reception is still negative attached to the Void Elves due the general believe that this race was created out of spite due the High Elf request.

I really don’t care/play Void Elves, although I have three now (2x Void, 1x High). One of the most boring races ever to defend on the forums. I would like to see more Pandaren customization, there is where my heart is. But it is also undeniable that the Void Elves were a miscalculation on an immense scale.


No, that’s pretty deniable.


Blizz went about this whole thing bass ackwards, they should have made High Elves first, then added in the void thing a little later.

Could have given Blood Elves a new spin-off as well via customization, either the vampire elves, or the fel ones we saw during parts of BC.


I for one would love Void Elf pally. They could get a special move. That they can’t control and they just explode randomly wiping a whole raid.

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But, that’s what they did.


The argument for that was tossed out as of Mists. And now more so with Dracthyr.

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I disagree.

But at this point, I’m just advocating that as people shouldn’t gatekeep other requests, neither should that request be gatekept.


Well, with talks about factions stop being restrictive for players to team up and play together and the fact that the Deav team have been discussing to let all races be able to chose any class in the future…

I can see they taking the existing Blood Elves, txt change their race to say “High” Elves and letting players play that they were always high elves in their personal canon… since there is literally no physiological distinction to each other except by name and philosophy last time I check the lore. :person_shrugging:

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I mean, if you only see things in an echo chamber. But again

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green eyes for velfs pleese

Pretty sure they don’t. Seems like you missed the Nightborne campaign where Elisand clearly distinguishes between Blood Elves and High Elves.

Ew no why? Fel is yucky.

Like sure I am not going to campaign against that request, but I personally don’t think it makes much sense.


disses the so called high elves as pretenders pretty much


Effectively distinguishing them from Blood Elves, indeed.


I mean, they’re a group of individuals yes, doesn’t make them a different race from the ones who stayed in Silvermoon.


Strawman. Nobody is saying they’re a different race.


Nobody asked for void elves. Nobody asked for blood elves turncoating from Silvermoon to inexplicably immediately join the Alliance. People wanted Silver Covenant High elves that existed in the Alliance but were not playable.

Nah, it really was a spiteful conciliation and you just have to think about it for like a minute to realize that it was. Void elves did not release with High elf customizations originally. They were nothing but void. Ion said that blonde haired and blue-eyed elves are just not going to happen on the Alliance, and if people really wanted that ‘The Horde is waiting for you’. Of course, mid-way through Shadowlands when subs were tanking - AND they said they had no plans to implement more player customization in Shadowlands - look at that, suddenly you can be a blonde haired and blue eyed elf on Alliance. I wonder what changed in the intervening couple of years since “Horde is waiting for you” and “Here’s the High elves you wanted”?

Blizzard would’ve saved themselves, and the forums, the headache of all the High elf threads if they just added the Silver Covenant High elves that people wanted to begin with. They could’ve had a slightly different model or hairstyles, a lot of people made mockups of how they could look to differentiate themselves from Blood elves.

Instead they literally took Blood elves from Silvermoon, gave them tentacle hair and spraypainted them purple. Something nobody asked for. Then they backpedaled on that decision.


Void elves are the best elves.


Seemed like what you were doing when you acted like Ellisande calling them out for being unworthy of the name high elf and that they’re diluting their bloodline with other races was some sort of proof of a great identity, rather than someone calling out what they seem to see as claiming a name that they are not worthy of.


Yeah, that’s a you problem really, I am not responsible for you purposefully misunderstanding arguments.

Elisande distinguishes between high elves and blood elves because despite being the same race they are not the same people in terms of political alignment and culture, to the point where high elves are mixing with humans.

But sure, go ahead and tell a South Korean they’re the same as North Koreans. They’ll love to be regarded as North Koreans.