Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Pretty sure they have for the last 15 or so years since they were added to the horde. The only people that think of Alliance are imagining other franchises that are not Warcraft.

Its not the developers fault they wanted to take there interpretation of elves in a different direction, any slight is an imagined one.

“Alliance players” were never promised, nor entitled to there interpretation of high elves.


He foresaw all the elf drama and took matters into his own hand. Truly an OG.

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Let’s put things in the correct position here.
Alliance-players think of High Elves.
Horde-players think of Blood Elves.

The only reason people call themselves “High Elves” on the Horde-side is out of spite towards the minority faction. When you think of High Elves, then it’s about the glorified image of the blueish-silver elves in WoW, which is an Alliance-exclusive thing. Blood Elves cannot be Silver Covenant elves or even don blue/greyish sets from BfA. If you want to play Blood Elves, then the Horde is “waiting for you”.

This is just your take on a war you wage with the other group you don’t like for personal reasons. They have already won with 9.1.5 and continue to win with every future update by default. Even if the Helfers just get more hair styles with a void-based update for the race, it’s an instant win.

Objectively speaking, the playable Void Elves-race are better than the Blood Elves in any regard but available classes, which will corrected in the near future and further improved with the feedback. They can be either three generations of Void Elves and High Elves on top of it while Blood Elves are just High Elves without access to their iconic blue designs.


You don’t see me asking for more stuff after finally being given a Dark Ranger skin tone and red eyes. So no, I don’t see what you mean by “look who’s talkin”.


You mean the position you believe is correct.

Again, its not the developers fault that people might believe this.

Pffft, im sorry but this is only a difference in opinions. People that take it so seriously as to call it a “war” i admit can’t take that seriously. Especially with what we have now still trying to stir the pot and keep the “war” going, at least it is always receives splashback.


Again, you do realize we have DISCIPLINE priest for a reason. A balance can be achieved by using both and the lore has specifically been built to imply you do need to balance the two to actually get the best result.

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And so far I haven’t been wrong in the slightest. I told everyone in the beginning, when I joined the US-forums, that the Alliance will get their High Elves… and look what happened. Lightning will also strike a second time when it comes to the upcoming classes. It’s pretty much given at this point.

Both sides are pretty annoying at this point. Objectively speaking this is still the longest swansong ever played regarding player races, with the helfers getting everything in the end with the inevitable realization of the other group, that all the pushback was in vain. Persistence is the key, which is why I also think that the wolfies will get their tails in the near future.


Wrong. Horde has access to superior Red themed sets that the Alliance lacks. This means Blood Elves are objectively superior as the High Elf Race.


You know the Alliance colors are blue right and when we see red they are dead?

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I really don’t think anyone wants to play Blood Elves on the Alliance side… it’s also a very disliked gimmick on RP-servers when people try to push it as “Blood Elf visiting Stormwind”-gag with some transmogs from the TBC-raid. It’s not liked, at least here in EU.

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That requires the Alliance to be good at pvp.

Irrelevant. I brought up Red Themed sets that the Alliance sorely lacks that the Horde has. This means once again Blood Elves are the objectively superior High Elf race.

Off topic and irrelevant to the discussion. We’re talking about two different topics.

Incorrect. Looking Fabulous is the cornerstone to any real High Elf race member.


You have a 56% win rate in Battlegrounds. Not exactly flying colors or symbol of Horde dominance.

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I have a N/A% W/L Rate in DF because I haven’t pvp’d at all. Get your facts straight.

I’m just talking about random battlegrounds here.

That sounds like some serious head cannon. There any proof of this in game or the books? Ive given you examples i think you can do the same

The blue/silver is because the alliance was such, not the elves. IIRC in multi player warcraft RTS the base blue you are claiming is so intrinsic will change to another color.

The ‘inevitability’ of ve paladins literally ruins the entire point of why VEs are on the alliance to begin with though with how the magic system light and void is… explosive (You did the recruiting scenario right)


I mean, trying to shift blame of a perceived slight on to the devs, cant believe that as being truthful sorry.

Bottem line is, you got what you wanted and anything more is basically redundant.

Im all for giving more classes to races that make sense, which is probably what the deves mean by opening more up in the future, but if they do completely remove restrictions then go whole hog FFXIV style and let us change classes whenever we want.


Void Elf Generations:

1st Gen: Void-skinned elves with tentacles, the real void elves

2nd Gen: High Elf wayfarers who embrace the void or void elves who learned to revert the physical corruption, Void Elf Darkfallen

3rd Gen: Silvermoon scholars who decided to leave Quel’thalas altogether,blood elves???


The things players should be absolutely allowed to ask for without gatekeeping of any sort:

  1. Variety in appearance, be it hairstyles, tattoos, jewelry, skin tones etc. No matter what colours these are.

  2. Variety in available classes to their favourite race, no matter what class that is.

  3. Unique flavours in racial and class appearances, such as class skins.

Imposing restrictions or attempting to gatekeep the above in any manner severely adversely impacts the concerned players enjoyment of the game.

That said, I want people to keep note of this:

  • We ideally should not ask for our Thalassian elves to look exactly the same. That is called homogenization and is very, very boring.

  • You want separate High elves on Alliance. Then make suggestions for such to look different from Void and Blood elves . Significantly different.

*And the last most important thing that you should ALL remember. NONE of this is our fault as players. We did not come up with Void elves, none of us forced Blizzard to create Void elves in the way they did, unfinished, lacking and leaving both High elf and Void elf fans alike wanting. Stop blaming each other :blue_heart:.

All parties, both Velf, Helf and Belf fans made suggestions. LOTS of unique suggestions. It was BLIZZARD’S choice not to listen and implement them other than some copy pastes.