Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Are you really blaming all Humans for the actions of one dead racist?

Furthermore, High Elves that refused to eat Naaru and Fel Magic were kicked out of Silvermoon and hunted down if they tried to stay in the forest.


Only good elf is a dead one.

You’re wrong on all counts. No wonder your chosen race fell to the Legion so easily and got smacked down by primitive, savage Orcs on a genocidal level.

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And yet I’m not some filthy knife ear.
So all is well.

I’m clearly human, cloven one.

Still inferior.

Probably when they get around to making a lot more race class options. Wasn’t that one of the long term goals?

Says the race that had a road built out of your races bones because orcs with clubs were superior.

At least I ain’t an elf simp. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Yet nearly all dragons pick High elf arms their visage.

They don’t even want to be an ugly cloven one.

obviously. Those ones are loud and for whatever reason Blizzard listens to them though…

Which is awful because they just wont stop

No the entire alliance after WC2 decided to not help them rebuild after the stupid humans made their orc problem an elf one. Then the problems with WC3 happened (garithos and an alliance princeling going genociding) then in WoW we learn that the NEs are sabotaging their defenses and the Dwarves are looking for massive concessions to even trade with them… all while not provided any modicum of actual aid.

They got kicked out because they were turning into wretched and literally eating their friends and family. Did you not read the quests in the silvermoon starting area involving them? Those were the guys who starved and went nuts and started binging on mana whenever they could.

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I’m sure a bunch of them would rather be Tauren.
God knows the players would rather have that.

B-but, my Edgelord.

We really need to rez Garithos. Surprised Sylvanas didn’t do it and placed him in Silvermoon to keep an eye on the elves.


I highly doubt it considering how WoW treats Tauren as villains or off to the side.

we should have during the whole godfrey questline that ends in SFK. He the runs off into the sunset to plan revenge with his old friend Hogger and it becomes a raid three patches later

I think the concept is cool, and that it could be used by races other than Void Elves (Forsaken and Orcs/Mag’har come to mind), but I’m not necessarily married to the idea. But if Void Elf Paladins are going to happen anyway (assuming Blizz follows through with their stated desires), I’d rather that their abilities appear void-based just so it doesn’t conflict with lore.

But if you think that’s too much of an ask, I have no problem with Void Elf Paladins running around casting Light-themed abilities, even if it flies in the face of lore. :man_shrugging: I mean, it’s not like we don’t already have player Void Elf Holy Priests slinging the Light around in game already so it wouldn’t make much difference.


yes !!! give me void elf paladin and give void elfs and blood helfs high helf tattoos etc so both races would have access to high elf fantasy . I dont see the point in gatekeeping cosmetics .


I’m very aware of the whole lore but it does not matter for me. You don’t think of High Elves when you’re a Horde-player. It’s an Alliance mentality and I fully support this. Every Blood Elf-player, who wants to be a High Elf, foregoes their own lore by default to be an Alliance-alligned political High Elf. High Elves are seens as the natural state, before either they get corrupted by their circumstances (Blood Elves) or literally by magic (Void).

The closest original state you can play is ironically as a Void Elf on the Alliance. A Blood Elf does not represent themself in blue/silver, this is only a feature available to Alliance-players.

Helfers are encouraged and enabled by the anti helfers. And you have to thank them for making this dream a possibility in the first place. I’m looking forward for the emotional impact everyone will have when Paladins become available for the Void Elves. It’s inevitable, they want to make almost everything accessible for all races.


Not all turned wretched. Many fled to Dalaran, Stormwind, and even Ironforge.

The wretched are a blood elf problem.

The true High Elves learned to control their addiction and overcome it even as their traitor prince tried to have them massacred.

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