Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Velf and LF customization options should’ve just be rolled into the base races.
Neither of them were needed to be their own standalone race. They feel very weak as standalone races as well. (LF is automatically inferior to base Drae because you don’t got that racial heal.)

So yes, delete velves first.
(I mentioned them and lf in one go because they both came out in the same patch, and that was a bad idea.)

Except I’m not a Void Elf player. I think the idea is cool and that is the only reason I need. Maybe your petty race vs. race conflict obsession is taking over your mind in an unhealthy way?


You’re free to think it’s cool, and I’m free to think it’s unreasonable and reeks of the entitlement that has been on display in the forums since the inception of Void Elves.

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Blood elves are literally high elves. Changing your name and political allegiance doesn’t change what species you are. That would be like saying Steamwheedle and Bilgewater goblins are different species from each other.

Some high elves moved to Dalaran/Stormwind/Theramore/Outland/etc and after the destruction of the Sunwell chose different methods to sate their arcane addiction and retained their original political affiliation.

The rest (majority) of the race started calling themselves blood elves to honor the fallen and joined the Horde. Doesn’t magically make them a different race from the high elves still loyal to the Alliance or Dalaran.

Blizzard then pulled a previously unknown group of blood elves researching void magic out of thin air to give to the Alliance. The original team was infused with void energies. They’re still blood elves though…just like if a blood elf were to become a lightforged he/she would still be a blood elf. Blood elves are in both factions now- the Alliance ones just have void powers and the Horde ones don’t and have the option to be paladins.

The main option not currently available to players is the ability to run around on a Thalassian elf on both and have the tag ‘high elf’ next to their name. And if Blizzard ever gave that, my point was in the name of fairness it should be given to both factions since both factions have the same race in them.


This is late because I failed to notice a notification. Honestly? Not terrible, but not amazing either. I wouldn’t put much stock in them for lore purposes anymore (considering the whole ‘chronicles is no longer pure fact like advertised but told from the titans perspective’ so it’s at risk of getting ham fisted away via new conflicting narrative based retconning)

Like if you can get them on the cheap they’re not a completely terrible read through but I wouldnt suggest putting any actual money into them

It ends when Blizzard fixes their mistake and adds in real High Elves.


Void Elves can become Paladins but upon creating your character and logging in you’re forced to watch as your Void Elf violently explodes over and over as you rez.


because this is what probably should happen considering the whole bathed in light things paladins do and the entire reason why the VEs even exist as per the whole scenario.

Odds are Blizzard will butcher Paladin lore to justify Void Elves getting Paladins.

You got real high elves.

They’re called blood elves.


most likely because ‘rule of cool’ and telling the story they want to now is more important than any narrative in game already as far as the writing team is concerned

If we’re gonna ride this train then let’s hop aboard the Crazy Train, give us Pandaren DH and Paladins.

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NGL I wanna be a Pandaren druid.

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No. Those are traitorous blood elves.

I want the loyal High Elves.


I’m holding out for Tauren DH

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They’re the same damned species.

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Ones filthy and mutated.

The other never betrayed the Alliance and are pure.

you mean the ones who betrayed their kingdom when their king left the alliance after the second war and their king left because the humans didnt wanna help them?


They’re elves.
They’re not pure to begin with.

Anyway, you have your high elf paladins.
They’re just on the Horde side of things.

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Don’t worry about that one, they’re living in their own headcanon universe.