Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Oh, no, I didn’t meant to say that I thought they were.

Umbric and his followers clearly did not have a lot of love for the Horde… probably one of many reasons they ignored the order to stop. lol

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And NEs are trolls?

You would agree the Thalassian Elf is no longer a NE Highborne yes?

Those same Thalassian Elves have formed a society that is quite protective of its Sunwell yes? They aren’t Azshara.

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I mean I don’t think being kicked from Silvermoon really upset them all that much. As for why they were kicked my speculation would be this. Rommath blamed the Void and its insidious whispers for causing Darkhan to betray them to Arthas. Having another group studying Darkhan’s works and using the same magic which was ultimately responsible for the death of 90% of their people might have been looked poorly upon. Especially shortly after the Sunwell was just relit.





LOL! I tabbed out after my last battleground end and saw this first and omfg. Haha. :joy: :joy: :joy:


You sure you aren´t mistaking Warlocks with Demon Hunters?

Cause the ones that have a demon whispering stuff to them 24/7 ARE the Demon Hunters. Who (fun fact) canonly are NOT part of Quel´thalas, and are affiliated exclusively to Illidan and the Illidari (you know, I put this before some “smart” poster points that Belves are “hypocrites” cause Demon Hunters or something).

Nope, it is NOT. The big lesson after the Sunwell Plateau fiasco for ALL the Belf leaders was that dealing with questionable magics was NOT worthy if the rewards are not good enough (no seriously, go back and check Lor´s short story: in that one he MOURNS the fact they had to kill Kael´thas, to the point he doesn´t even want to LOOK at the Sunwell. Rommath is decribed as looking fragile and brittle thanks to the hit that killing Kael´thas took on him. And we have too Liadrin criticizing Kael´s foolishness since TBC. And we have the most recent short story in which Lor´themar is STILL hurting about Kael´thas betrayal after what, a decade?).

Hypocritical would had been the case had Rommath expelled Umbric first without giving an argument and afterwards asked Umbric to stop researching the void; but quite the contrary, Rommath asked Umbric FIRST to stop dealing with stuff that was potentially dangerous for the Sunwell -and by proxy the nation itself- and Umbric REFUSED and ignored the orders. Umbric refused to aknowledge the dangeous potential that was proven CORRECT in the scenario, so no hypocrisy, just Belves that learned their lesson apply themselves according to it.

But Rommath COULD foresee it, which proves it wasn´t something hard to figure out. So i take it you agree with me in regards to Umbric acting more than a little bit idiotic that was advised?


You know that adding the obvious disclaimer won’t prevent people from doing exactly this.

To be fair, it really makes no sense that they wouldn’t be upset about that. They did carry on with the research under the pretense that it would be a effective way to defend Quel’thalas, or at least that’s what they told themselves (this is the part that bothers me, like… dude, the pillar of your society it’s a giant pool of Arcane and Light).

Sure, those could be the initial tempting whispers or whatever, but I don’t think I’d be ok if I were given the boot out of the place I’m trying to protect.


Glad to see how many people don’t support this rubbish suggestion.

Hopefully people can focus on promoting the suggestion of giving Void Elves things that are new and unique instead of circling the Blood Elf avatar like vultures.


That’s quite inappropriate of you to say, especially given that this suggestion has such overwhelming support. You shouldn’t be calling anyone or their suggestions rubbish.

Void Elves rightfully and most likely will receive the Blood Elf hair options, along with other races getting more customization too.


The guy is just really REALLY smart or a massive nerd (or maybe even both).

In “Blood of the Highborne” there´s a point in the story in which undead Dar´khan 2.0 (yes sounds weird AF but this supposedly happens between the Sunwell comics and TBC) puts a trap for Liadrin and the nascent Blood Knights. The trap is discovered almost too late by Astalor (you know the other cute Belf mage that gets criminally ignored by Blizzard) who runs to notify Lor´temar and funny enough, he says “if only Rommath was here” in the middle of the rant. It was a curious pharse for me, cause I understood it as if Astalor would have trusted Rommath much more than himself to resolve the issue on who put the trap for the Blood Knights at the time.

And then ofc we have Rommath basically having terrific insight regarding Dalaran to the point he annoyed Aethas with how accurate he was regarding the motivations of the Kirin Tor in Northrend.

In Pandaria he recognized the magical effects of the Sha while Aethas was still too busy making Pikachu faces, etc. My headcanon? Yup, Rommath must be a HUGE nerd. And this is the reason why he got the Grand Magister job (and kept it even after the Sunwell Plateau fiasco) even while he´s junior to people like Lor´themar and Liadrin.

It´s just a progression Midare… Belves were too reckless by pre-TBC times and indeed were not afraid to use ANY kind of power that crossed their path BEFORE they had to euthanize Kael. After having to kill their own maddened prince, I think they took a much more responsible outlook regarding the research and use of “risky magics”.

Canon wise the ONLY warlock Belf character is Shinfel. And she´s NOT affiliated as a warlock with Quel´thalas, but with the Council of the Black Harvest (or to put it in simpler terms: we don´t know how does she represent herself in Quel´thalas, we just know her WARLOCK persona is only openly shown working for the Council of the Black Harvest; she can pretend to be a tailor while in Silvermoon for all we know).


The use of this word suggests entitlement.

I hate to break it to you. You are not entitled.

If you want to play a Tolkien elf, Second Life is waiting for you.


The warlocks do exist in Silvermoon though and the guards will answer you where they exist though …? As well as there being a warlock BE trainer in the starting isle when they had trainers iirc but they still stand around don’t they?

Edit: I hate the spell check on iPhone sometimes so much


The first thing that came to mind when I saw this:

But are you ready to admit you’re spamming?


God I wish I had the drive to draw this…

But yes I was also thinking about Astalor and wondering what in the blazes he’s been doing. Last time we’ve seen him was in Talador juicing up the blood golems, right?

Oh yeah, I mean, as I said, I do have recollection of seeing them commenting on the things they’ve learned from what they went through from quests, just wish I remembered which ones exactly so I could look them up.


Gameplay =/= Lore, Lann. Orgrimmar´s guards would point to you too were Neeru Fireblade was in-game pre-SoO; however lorewise speaking he was being spyed by Thrall before MoP and outright killed when discovered by Garrosh (which means warlocks CAN´T aknowledge openly they ARE warlocks in Orc society… they didn´t do it with Thrall and they paid the price with Garrosh).

Heritage armor scenario most probably… it´s the only scenario in-game in which almost ALL of them are present (the only Belf leader absent is Tae´thelan… the rest of the Belf leaders are present: Lor´themar, Halduron, Rommath, Liadrin).


You might be right there, but I also do have recollection of seeing that much earlier than that quest chain, perhaps as early as in Eversong Woods. Even after running that zone so many times, everything just kind of blurs into a lump of info at this point.


I agree but in this case BEs do have warlocks in their society, I mean the classes they add or don’t have to make sense, it’s why VEs don’t have Paladins etc, there has to be lore reasoning for or against a class.


I repeat: gameplay = / = lore.

Does the warlock class makes sense for the Belves gameplay wise? yes. Do warlock andf/or warlocks organizations working openly in Quel´thalas make sense? Nope, it doesn´t… in the wake of the betrayal of Kael´thas AND the restoration of the Sunwell, Fel magic was deemed undesirable in Belf society. And this is even reflected in-game: Keyanomir and his pet Succubus are only seen in Murder Row (a.k.a. openly in the city) when it´s “night time”… meaning the warlocks hide their guild and operations base in the day and don´t openly recognize they are warlocks to the current government.

A shame cause this paralell with Orcs could be potentially amazing to write Orc / Belf affinity stories (I mean I guess both Orc and Belf warlocks can bond over having to hide the fact they are warlocks towards their respective governments…)

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But then wouldn’t all classes make sense for all races on that argument?

There has to be a lore reason for or against a class for the races, it’s why VE Paladins should never be for example.


Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the loss of their ancient homeland, Quel’Thalas, have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark side of their magical natures. Calling themselves ‘Blood Elves’ - these cold hearted refugees seek to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost - even if it means courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion![15] The blood elves began to turn to the darkest parts of magic, abandoning the water and frost spells of the Kirin Tor for the fire and heat of what some people fear to be demonic magic.[16]

The blood elves had taken the ways of demons to fight demons—indeed, actually draining the magic from the demons like leeches.[17] The blood elven prince Kael’thas heard Lady Vashj’s claim that the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage could help the blood elves with their addiction to arcane magic. His people were suffering greatly and felt that he had little choice but to search for Illidan in Outland alongside Vashj. They discovered that Illidan had been captured by Warden Maiev Shadowsong. Vashj and Kael’thas worked together to free Illidan, and then Kael’thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them how to drain arcane magic from other sources, including demons, and thereby feed their painful addiction. Grand Magister Rommath, who was in Outland with Kael’thas, was sent back to Azeroth, spreading the teachings of Illidan.[18] As the blood elves drew upon demonic energies it would make sense that the blood elves had warlocks summon and enslave demons which would be used to supply the blood elves with magic.

Links not included, copy/paste on mobile doesn’t automatically do it.


The lore reason for warlock class in Blood elves is that they got direct knowledge regarding the manipulation of Fel magics from Kael´thas (and by proxy Kil´jaeden), and that Kael´thas was pretty muchy their leader up until he succumbed to Fel addiction and had to be euthanized by the Belves themselves. This means the Belves had 5 to 10 years to practice this magical school while stationed in OUTLAND (take in mind the canon lore establishes that the Belves that stayed behind on Azeroth had no clue regarding Kael´thas making bussiness with Kil´jaeden… they only learned when he appeared in his fancy half-demon disguise to steal M´uru and basically destroy Quel´Danas. Not even Rommath supported Kael´thas when he saw in which the poor prince converted into -one of the saddest phrases in Lor´s short story mentions precisely this: how Rommath would have once upon a time conceded to his leader that the ending justified the means, but that after having to bury that same leader in Quel´Danas he didn´t believed in this anymore-).

they had time to LEARN the “profession” so to speak… heck, they have Sunfury Elves that returned after the whole TBC fiasco (and some must be Warlocks) but culturally wise, the current government is NOT ameniable to Fel and Warlocks, ergo why they are literally never shown in the lore (no seriously: no official warlock organization, no warlock leader, nothing…).

How about you put the COMPLETE quote and not the part that is convenient for you?

From: h^ttps://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_elf

Kael’thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them to drain magic from powerful alternative sources, including demons. It was an offer Kael’thas felt he had to accept; he was certain his people would die without either a cure or a new source of magic. Kael’thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan, who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered. These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland, who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic. The prince sent back a master magus named [Rommath] and several of his [magisters], with a message of hope for the blood elves remaining in Quel’Thalas: That one day Kael’thas would return to lead his people to paradise. Rommath has made great progress in teaching the blood elves advanced techniques to manipulate arcane energies, although unlike their brethren on Outland, the blood elves of Azeroth employed this technique only on mana crystals and small mana-bearing vermin, and attributed these teachings to Kael’thas alone - most were unaware of their prince’s alliance with Illidan. With renewed purpose, the blood elves have now rebuilt the city of [Silvermoon], though it is powered by volatile magics. (Text referenced in minute 5:02 of this link: h^ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE-4Edh3RuM)