Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

To kill the scourge and any of those countless living peoples who wanted to kill them regardless of their freedom.

You expect them to sit and let the Scarlets and Scourge to attack uncontested?


Why would the order of events matter here his hunch was correct do we have any idea of how in depth that hunch was? I could speculate it was a bigger hunch then it was and you could speculate he had relatively nothing to go on so it feels hypocritical. I would say the TL in this case doesn’t matter if his hunch ended up being correct wouldn’t that be Blizzards way of confirming his stance on VEs as being of sound reasoning.

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Fair point that we have too little to go on to actually judge.

The Timeline of events matters, you can’t decide to kill someone because they may be a murderer.

If they were just studying the void then got exiled, found Dar’khans research, and then Alleria affects the Sunwell, its a different thing than if they were studying the void, then Dar’khans research, then exiled, then Alleria.

The result regardless is the same, but the decision to exile them makes either less or more sense depending on when the events occur.


No but you do act on suspicion of murder? That’s why people are called suspects in a murder case or you go on trial? They may not have been put on trial but I recall they were told to stop or not do that.

They weren’t just exiled on the spot were they? I was under the impression were warned? And then actively proceeded breaking the law.

That’s a bit different then making a case to kill someone with no proof of being a murderer.

It’s not hypocritical to knowingly prosecute people you know broke the law?

But you’re arguing the law itself basically was hypocritical but we can’t know that because we don’t know how in depth Rommaths hunch was but what we do know is he ended up being correct.


Thats true too and certainly works with my comparison. The point is Umbric being exiled because he might cause an issue with little proof is different than Alleria showing up and causing an issue, then Rommath saying that he was right in having those void researchers exiled.

Rommath was right in the end. The Void Elves are likely a danger to the Sunwell, and their people, but when he exliled them and what his proof and reasoning were does matter.

And I still think its a little hypocritical of them personally. Blood Elves are all about doing what they need to to survive. But sometimes being hypocritical isn’t the wrong choice.

Rommath knew the dangers probably better than anyone using dangerous magics at all costs without heed.

He was right in the end.

I can’t tell from what I’ve found on it… Maybe someone else round here has that information.

From what I can gather they were studying it and kicked out for refusing to stop when told to.

I’m unsure when they started working with Dar’khans research, and exactly when they reached the Rift.

Blizzard didn’t give us hard information on this topic unfortunately. We’re not even entirely sure how long ago it was.

No, thats entirely fair.

I probably should have come up with a better comparison.

Yeah more or less.

I think I summed that up earlier in this specific post but yeah.

Like I said though being hypocritical is not always a bad thing. Sometimes its needed.

The Blood Elves have come a long ways from needing to do anything and everything to survive. Research like that may have been perfectly acceptable at one time. Now its a danger.

EDIT: Softsong has been writing a reply for a looong time and I am afraid. lol


Lol, for real, I’ve done two battlegrounds already. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I was gonna add this too rn when I saw you replying.

I feel like it’s hypocritical if we’re comparing BC era Blood Elves (in other words I feel like your case is stronger if that was the BE society we were still comparing the Void Elf era to), but current BEs aren’t moving in that direction any longer.

We can make the argument warlocks were grandfathered in and continue to be acceptable because they’ve been productive members who fight for Quel’thalas (the player character isn’t former Kael Elves right or anyone who sided with the Legion unless you RP that way) , but otherwise they aren’t resorting to darker paths to survive anymore, so to say to be against deep void Magic’s is hypocritical I feel like that’s unfair because it’s holding someone to a standard they don’t represent themselves anymore, no one can argue they are those same BC era BEs the narrative has shifted.


You’re absolutely right. Context of the times is extremely important in these sorts of things.

People have the right to move on from where they were.

Though in some aspects they also have a responsibility to own up to the things their past selves did.

I can see that viewpoint.

Though I may not share it exactly I do think you have a very good point.

And I want to be clear while I say they’re hypocritical, I do not mean it as negative.

The Blood Elves have come a long ways and needing to turn back on something they would once have accepted is entirely valid.

The narrative, as you say, has shifted considerably. Blood Elves are now among the most respectable races in the world and have bled and been burned to get there. If Blizzard were to give them better more indepth stories when they do things like exile members of their society I think we’d all see that.


I’ve been trying final fantasy for the first time today, I’m still undecided on it but I’m going to give it a decent try, when I’ve gone to other mmos that weren’t wow both SWTOR and eso have voice acting I’m accustomed to that so far I’m not seeing.

Anyways makes for something different while I’m checking the thread here, still kinda not about grinding anima it certainly doesn’t make WoW seem fun for me lately.


I just can imagine Rommath keeping a comfy chair by the entrance to the sanctum where the Sunwell is, a baseball bat leaning against its side, and Rommath sitting there with arms crossed and a scowl on his face, while surrounded by signs that say “No Warlocks allowed”.

But seriously though, with how Rommath is, specially when it comes to the Sunwell, it would make sense for him to keep extra surveillance around warlocks to ensure they don’t get close. Granted, this is my speculation, but one I feel makes sense.

It does seem like a stretch, but I guess that’s all they got with the elementary school level writing.

The whole thing with Blood Elves is that they’re never afraid of using power for their own benefit (Blood golems… I wish we’d see those again…), so it does feel out of character.


The only reason I’m still here is that I like the art style, leveling alts via bgs (WoW has decent pvp for an MMO, and that my husband is playing Mass Effect so I don’t get the big box for the foreseeable future.

But. Seriously, Blizzard. Customization is content for me. I will absolutely level a character for a cool look.


I mean, it’s been their thing for as long as they’ve been elves.

Here is a dangerous magic thing and I’m going to lick it.


I mean it’s totally fair, and especially in the context of people questioning how warlocks exist in BE society as some sort of a gotcha to allude to VEs in some way despite the fact that the player character would be a warlock that has fought for Quel’thalas and been a productive member of its society and operated under what ever laws they might have. Edit to add I feel like it’s safe to assume that like the player character the warlock NPCs would be under that same umbrella as far as warlocks that have been operating in Quel’thalas and have shown to be loyal (they didn’t side with Kael for example).


I mean which Elves are we arguing?

In general? Or just Thalassian Elves because Thalassian Elves are the only ones that in this context matter and I don’t think it could ever be said Blood Elves/High Elves don’t take the Sunwell seriously and feel protective over it. In this case to the detriment of seeking darker magics.

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Might be one of th reason I like them

Each time I see a mysterious clickable thing out in the world I go “Hmmmm” while I’m walking towards it all while my guildie goes “Don’t touch it…”.


I believe it’s implied that the light portion of the new Sunwell could someday cure them of their addiction to magic, although many elves are still reluctant to relinquish their ties to the arcane.

The new composition of the Sunwell offers Thalassian elves an interesting choice, continue to indulge themselves on the Arcane magic that’s empowered and defined them as a race for thousands of years, or embrace the light and shed themselves from the shackles of addiction, but also their main source of power.

The Void elves are a good example of their race’s worst impulses. Most elves saw the error in their ways when the Sunwell was restored, contemplating the evils they wrought in their conquest for power in the Sunwell’s absence.

Void elves on the other hand were not so easily convinced, and continued their reckless pursuit for power despite the many warnings from their people, leading them to consort with dangerous, and corruptive magics that almost led to their destruction. (Much like Kael’thas, and his Felblood elves.)

Arcane, while not faultless, is certainly a far cleaner source of magic than many others. The Void might have freed them from their dependency on the Sunwell, but at a pretty heavy price. Their bodies now twisted by the nether, and their minds haunted by the ceaseless whispers of the void, they’ve simply swapped one avarice for another.

Who knows what sort of effect the purifying magics of the Sunwell will have on the race in the future, but it’s restoration has renewed the soul of their people, and brought many back from the brink of madness.


In general.

The Ur-blood elves are the highborn, after all.

First of all, lack of arcane won´t make Belves “go crazy” (the ones hearing voices inside their heads are the Velves as per “The Three Sisters” comic dude, so get your lore facts right for starters), the canon effect of the lack of arcane is debilitating weakness… but their minds stay very much estable, tyvm.

Also, the “even DIE” part only applies to very sick, very old or very young individuals as per the current canon lore. What do you think happened between WC3 and TBC, hmm? Cause I don´t remember High / Blood elves dying en masse and becoming extinct after Kael blew up the Sunwell. It´s almost as if they survived and became playable in WoW :clown_face:.

Just to get addicted to something worse than a rando arcane well…

It´s like saying Velves at least stopped being addicted to smoking while they ended up getting attached to coke, ffs…

The Sunwell is a massive handicap but more from a cultural and socio political PoV (losing it nowadays won´t probably be a big deal biuologically speaking, they have 6 core races + allies races supporting them in the case they need to destroy the magical fount and will be less stressed. Also, they already know how to Mana Tap, so…)

The way their society works on the other hand is still uncomfortably supported by the “logistical advantages” of the Sunwell, so yes, destroying it would be probably a good thing in the long term.

BE warlocks, like Orc warlocks, aren´t openly addresed in Belf society. They exist but they probably pretend to be a regular Magister.

The actual intreresting fact is how the Belf Warlocks actually have had the mental acuity and discipline not to bother the Sunwell regardless of their practices (so many people that never read “Blood of the Highborne” and don´t know about the “Balance” principle exposed by Rommath in that novella). Velves on the other hand channeled their inner rebel teenager and couldn´t act faster to ignore the orders of their superior… so maybe the Velves ARE a public hazard in Quel´thalas not because Void per se but because they ARE indisciplined, overconfident and reckless.

“Buut, buut!! Belves were reckless and Fel and Burning Legion!!!”… exactly dude, they played with THE chaotic cosmical source and got burned while at it. And they learned the lesson, maybe sometimes is important to check if the rewards are worth the risks. Velves represent the individuals that DIDN´T learned this lesson (and this is made evident at the end of the Velf intro scenario with that delicious dialogue said by Umbric in which he says “Rommath was right!!”.

Warlocks don´t have creepy voices randomly telling them to murder people and family, Velves DO as per the “nice” Three Sisters comic showed (I mean, the part about void telling Alleria to murder Turalyon or convert Veeresa were… instructing).

Not really when you realize they got exiled AFTWER they refused to obey their superior. A superior whose arguments got proven right at the end for the embarrasement of Umbric et al.

To put it simple they literally told the equivalent of the FDA “I want to sell cakes that have pesticide as one of the components and I refuse to change my product just because you have issues with it!!”. If anything, Umbric and his buddies must probably be grateful these are new times and a good guy like Lor´themar is the one in charge, in Kael´s times they would have gotten murdered and the menace they represented absolutely contained, period (if you disagree, check “Galell”).

Yes, which illustrates how massively moronic Umbric acted. Imagine Alleria doesn´t go to Quel´thalas that particular day or that she gets a “maybe” and stays chatting with Lor´themar… the result is Umbric et al become Ethereals instead of Velves AND probably contribute to the Sunwell corruption intentions those Ethereals were concocting at the time.

No speculation Lann, Umbric SAYS Rommath was right in-game. That´s it. Nothing else is needed, the game aknowledged the issue, period.

Err… someone has not read “In the Shadow of the Sun”. Cause me clearly remembers Rommath makingn a HUGE fuss over Lor´themar trusting Sylvanas on that short story.

You know people, the problem for poor Rommath is that he is NOT the Regent Lord, he´s only the Grand Magister… so when Lor´themar wants to act like a softie and give merciful solutions to problems like Umbric or Alleria, he has to follow the Regent´s orders. And when he wants to rebel against threats like Sylvanas but his boss orders him to stay down because they can´t confront her (it was military and politically unwise to attack Sylvanas at the time), he has to follow orders too.

Do you people even pay attention to the story?

The lore surrouding the Velves in the intro scenario was NOT kind at all… it made them look like irresponsible reckless idiots and validated the Belf argument while at it.


We assume it freed them anyways.

Technically there isn’t a concrete bit of lore that actually states that.

Very much this.

Warlocks might have a demon whisper in their ears. We’ve known that to happen before too. Far less common though.

The whispers tell us the things that could be, and of course the Void wants to convert everything to its way. This is expected.

See my above thoughts.

Blood elves once sought power at any cost to save their people. Exiling others for the same is still hypocritical.

As Lann points out though, looking at it as though everything is still exactly as it was in TBC is not accurate. The blood elves have moved on and they have reason to be hypocritical to how they were then, now.

Umbric could never have forseen that.

Thats why it was a trap. lol


I could be wrong but if you listen to Umbric talking during the war campaign it doesn’t seem like he was all that distraught over being exiled.
What is your role in this campaign, magister?

As a magister, my duty has always been to Silvermoon and its people. When the mad Arthas devastated our lands, I knew we must harness every power available to ensure our survival.

Prince Kael’thas proposed one way. I sought out another.

Gossip So you sought the power of shadow?

My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.

But hubris got the best of me. I was certain I could master any force we encountered.