Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I mean, her eyes were supposed to be green anyway.


I never really understood how the whole “glow≠eye color” thing really worked.

Lor’themar is supposed to have hazel eyes right?

Is it supposed to be seen under the glow?

When they lose the energy of the Sunwell and the real eye color comes forth, kind of like when you can see the night sky better during a blackout?

Only when they die?


What about entirely new ones not tied to Bloodelves?

It’s supposed to be based off the types of energies or magics you use, for example me as a Warlock should have green, a Holy or Disc Priest would have golden but a Shadow Priest would have purple or black, Mages would have blue for Frost, orange or red for Fire and pink or purple for Arcane, Blizzard just doesn’t follow their own lore stuff for a lot of stuff. Lol.

Wasn’t Fandral leader of Nelves at that time? I don’t think Tyrande would attack belves unprovoked.

I think her eyes are pale blue because of the void. When we found her in Argus she already has void powers.

But i think that the main reason she doesn’t have green eyes is because they don’t want players to mistake her for a blood elf.


Yeah, that’s why many prefer Void Elves get Void related options.

Yeah, that’s why Valeera’s eyes changed to purple at some point.

But I mean more like, how do you see it.

For example, say a priest, regularly has green eyes, but he’s really into the Light, shirt and giant foam hand cheering for “Light #1”, and so his eyes get a golden glow.

How does one see the regular eye color?

Do you have to look really closely?


Oh in this case, I really have no clue. Lol. Sorry, I thought you meant like how I explained it but in this case no clue dearie. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Far be it for me to stand in your way.

I just get uppity about the Shen’dralar options we didn’t get.

I should point out that I made a Shen’dralar as well

Really though I was hoping for so much more.

I rather enjoyed the Shen’dralar back in vanilla.

Grew to love them over the years.

I really wish we’d gotten more to show them off.

Bothers me that that bit of lore is barely used. It’s en entraining premise.

Imagine one of those Allerian high elves who always remained (even after TBC) with the Alliance having to deal with people thinking they’re a blood elf because of their eyes.

Technically we have only had confirmation on colors for arcane (blue, and this includes fire and frost spec) fel (radiation anyways green) and the light being golden.

Though I’d love red or orange eyes for fire mages and frosty blue for frost

Orange and red are two of my favorite blood elf requests.

Tyrande has always been the leader. Fandral was in charge of our druids for a time.


I go off what has been said previously by Blizzard which is why I listed the colors I listed and why I said that they don’t follow their own lore because really they don’t and I’m okay with that despite being super pink obsessed and not getting to have almost pink everything on all of my characters. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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If we had Orange for Blood Elves I think thats what I’d finally settle on for this toon.

I also don’t think it’d be that big of a lore push to say that different focus’ on different powers even within the same sphere could change an elves eye color.

Another thing I might like to see eventually
 Different colors for Nightborne and Night Elves based around their own eyes being affected like that.

A light green for druids for instance for nature magic maybe? The silver for elune that we have, the black for the Black Moon effect, maybe even some purplish blue for Shen’dralar.

And uh
 I’ll take pink hair for almost any race honestly. lol I rather like pink



I support this. :blush: :blush: :blush:

And I really support this, like it’s my number one want character customization wise. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Orange Skin? You don’t mean

I’m pretty emotionally drained over the hairstyle thing and I’m sort of at the point where I’d be okay with Void Elves getting our hair colors.

However, I believe there has to be justification for copying + pasting an entire race onto the enemy faction and believe Blood Elves should receive additional customizations to keep them unique.

Ideas I’ve been brainstorming for ways that Blood Elves could be compensating for losing their original visual distinction:

  • Farstrider tattoos
  • Facial scars
  • Body jewelry (and add jewelry to males)
  • Ripped ears, missing ears, etc
  • New nail polishes (or removal of)
  • Feathers in hair
  • Additional long hairstyles for women and shorter hairstyles for men
  • Dark ranger options (red eyes, pale skin)

I feel personally that receiving these options would make me feel more comfortable about losing our original visual distinction. We’ve handed over and shared our models, skin tones, and faces, and we have people who advocate for us sharing our hair colors too. I’d like to see us gain more to make us unique :heart:

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mal has baby druid green eyes nowadays too

I totally see your POV and feel it’s fair, I definitely for me just personal experience feel like I was there in terms of having that outlook, especially supporting HE options prior to in what ever form Blizzard could have done them I definitely thought they would not have allowed BEs to lose that visual distinction without doing something in return.

Since then we’ve all seen how lacking BEs are and there is no like line of understanding with especially the aspect of HE fans who have never had the best of interests of BEs or BE fans, I think some people advocate for darker themes purely out of spite in terms of people who just don’t care for BEs I remember someone saying we should get wretched options and linking the most awful like example and it was clear they meant it as a “haha” and many have a “you have blue eyes you got what you wanted” type attitude, and I just feel in my heart of hearts that BE fans can keep visual distinction that is left as well as get unique options by advocating for unique options for VEs and making that distinction that more for VEs shouldn’t be more shared options / the BE (HE) visual theme.

Anyways I totally still get where you’re coming from and respect it, I just feel like for me I’ve definitely felt that way before and I definitely love your list and support it but I see it more as an opportunity to advocate for distinction on both races now.


Oompa loompa

No I meant Orange eyes.

You probably already know my thoughts on this one

I think the Farstrider Tattoos should be for both though the colors should be restricted per side in some way.

This entire section I, personally, think is more standard stuff that should in the end be spread across all races (where applicable of course). None of it really screams Blood Elf to me specifically.

Rather it seems to me to be standard cosmetics you might see on any race. (and scars

Hes the one I meant to say I got the idea from.

(Fenelon again.)


Oh ok. I thought you meant Orange Skin like from the Teen Titans Universe that Starfire has.

But ok. That makes sense.

Ah Im not up to speed in hair style preferences so ty.

I actually don’t disagree at all. I think the customizations I listed above should be the minimum for all races, for sure.

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Careful, look at the language
 the Sunwell is a CONDUIT, notTHE source per se. The magic in Sunwell affects the elves regardless of where they are -apparently as per “A thousand years of war” it even affected Alleria who was quite far away from Azeroth, lol-. IF the Sunwell were “lighforging” or directly INFUSING the elves with Light energy, then ALL of them regardless of their profession would develop the golden eyes (this is the canon lore, reason why when Kel®Thuzad was revived the residual necrotic energies would had affected EVERYBODY and not simply the people guarding the Sunwell or the Magisters that regularly used it.)

Sorry, but this is NOT how lore works. Fact is, the answer for the golden eyes IS individual devotion as per the words of the game developers and until they say otherwise, any other hypothesis is just that: a personal hypothesis a.k.a. headcanon, period.

It is a complex issue cause the answer can®t be perfectly applied to ALL schools of magic. For example, arcane and it®s mirror (Fel energy) seem to be naturally “corrupting” and indeed the elves developed morphological changes related to those cosmological energies simply by the fact of living near them or using them sporadically.

Light and Void on the other hand seem to require a more “direct” approach. “What do you mean AriĂ«l?”. Simple, look at the canon lore examples regarding boh the Velves AND the LF Draenei: those individual didnÂŽt suddenly sprouted golden eyes (in the LF case) nor tentacles (in the Velf case) simply because they played regularly with those cosmological magical energies, they requiered a DIRECT infusion of these magics into their bodies to develop the changes
 in their case “living near” or “regularly manipulating” was NOT enough to cause a permanent change in the morphology. This is the reason why ONLY these two races developed these types of changes while SPriest, regular priests, Pallies and commoners from the other races that are in contact with either Light or Void NEVER mutated; because the degree of interaction they had with these cosmological energies wasnÂŽt strong nor direct enough.

In a way the way the cosmological magical energies affect the living organism seem to follow a pattern: Arcane/Fel are always corrupting (they corrupt BY Force) but the effects are gradual depending on the level of exposure, Light/Void arenÂŽt corrupting by force and seem to require some threshold to be crossed to even become corrupting, and Life/Death (manifested as Nature and Necrotic) cause the more severe morphological changes after corruption.

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