Void Elf Hair styles

Just going to say it. I love all the changes that are being made in 9.1.5, but somethings just need to be made clear, to really give the community what they want.

Void Elves? Yeah, the hair colors are nice, but can we please have some better hairstyles? I think the majority of the male ones are pretty bad compared to their Blood Elf Counterparts. Just give them some of the hairstyles as well and be done with it.

That being said, Nightborne, just give them some of the incredible Night Elf customizations you gave. That would honestly bridge that missing gap.



At least they’re allowing us to remove tentacles from some of ours.

Though I’d prefer styles the Horde aren’t using.

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I’d love one or two of the female BE “short hair without void tentacles” hair options for sure on my VEs.

Never enough.


Thanks for creating this thread OP. My heart really couldn’t have done without void elf customization thread no. 2646842689. Not only are you the hero we need and the hero we deserve but also a brave soul.


No. Unlike the Void Elves, Nightborne are 10,000 years separated from the Night Elves, with their own distinct aesthetic and identity and that should be reflected in their options. This whole borrowing of customization options needs to live and die between the Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Also, I don’t think any of the Shadowlands customization options for the Night Elves could be called “incredible” by any stretch of the word. I mean, come on…vines in the hair? Burn marks and scars?


Thank you, it’s so nice to hear that today.

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I love my Void Elf hairstyles. With that said, I am always happy to have more options. I’d prefer not to upset Blood Elf players further by getting copies of their hairstyles if possible, and there are plenty of really nice hairstyles that could be shared from other races instead!

There’s quite a few Human and Kul Tiran hairstyles I wouldn’t mind getting a version of for my Void Elves.

I was thinking about Hairstyles that would be nice for Void Elves like from League of Legends for example, Warcraft 3/2 High Elf Hairstyles, Legends of Zelda Hairstyles, and of course even Elder Scrolls High Elf Hairstyles as well for Void Elf Race.

You made laugh out loud xD

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I agree, but I think it would be better to use hairstyles from Alliance races rather than Horde.

I love the hairstyles of the void elves, just by giving the option of being able to remove the tentacles, they would be perfect. I prefer them to the blood elves.

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