They should both have most of the same hairstyles and their own type of jewelry. Just because you like the void does not mean you can’t change your hairstyle to something different. VE even gets a transmog discount racial ability, playing dress-up is their thing. Blizzard really needs to work on all of the Allied Races as they are not nearly as cool as the old races after the update.
As you should, they keep taking things from us and wanting to take things from us and we get nothing in return, I could put it more harshly and in harsher words but I don’t want to get silenced. Lol.
I tried to come of at it from a place of, I love Blood Elves, and I love Void Elves so I feel bad for people who can’t play their version of their favorite Elf. So long as they never pushed anti BE ideas like taking Quel’thalas or Silvermoon, or stopped that ridiculous “they should have never been playable” type comments I had no issue, but now in the face of them getting better customizations, and being a bit hypocritical its hard to care.
Me wearing the same Tmog for an entire year be like
Up until pre-patch Velf mog options were super limited because only a few color schemes looked good with their blueberry skin. Now we have much more freedom
Why cant nightborne get all the Nelf customizations?
No one said they shouldn’t
I’ve been saying they should share for a while now
Especially skin colors
I can understand where you are coming from and even support you being at a different point of view than me, sadly it doesn’t change how bitter I have become toward Alliance, Void Elf players and High Elfers which is sad because it takes a lot to make me dislike someone or something.
fezzy doesnt want copy/paste
talendrion doesnt want copy/paste
avarie doesnt want copy/paste
theres many more.
i seem to be sporting a belf with turquoise hair now. in fact, 2 of them. remember that discussion about pastel haircolors being a way to differentiate velfs from belfs? well velfs were never dks so we didnt get those colors, belfs did though. i still have the same haircolors i did on day one.
It’s very like “This isn’t acceptable! We don’t have the hair! We don’t have Paladins! We’ve been slighted too many times!” and I’m like …
First of all what happened to that “We’d love VE’s if they actually came from HE’s” thing that was always said.
And second of all oh my gosh, BE customization is lacking not VE’s with two visual themes.
We should and should have, if they are going to copy/paste our model and our options they should do the same for us so it’s a fair trade.
Problem is you already got the copy/paste twice and there’s no going back unless they actually remove Void Elves and start all over from the ground up so my point stands.
turquoise haircolor and eyecolor. looks awesome. coulda been used to separate velfs from belfs but unlocking dk haircolors erased that option. all thats left for velfs, colorwise, is pink or maybe a mint green.
They have the option to be a high elf directly who became a Void Elf and its still a problem for those who once said yeah that’d be fine. Its ridiculous.
And yeah those who cannot grasp them getting a second effective sub race compared to their core race who has nothing… and lets face it got rather lack luster little impact customization as a whole… its depressing really.
They are the same race they should get same options to show this.
Yeah, Belfs now have blue eye options and blue hair colors, making them look much closer to Velfs too
My idea was always to keep Belfs with the warm/summery hair colors and give Velfs cool toned/muted hair colors but that’s kind of out the window now lol
At this point I just want them both to have a multitude of hair styles an colors
Or just give us color wheels for hair Blizz
Void Elves should have less options they aren’t a core race.
argh. so who’s your anti-helfer?
Last time I checked I’m not void corrupted and my hair doesn’t look awful like I never shower so I’m going to say no way are we the same race.
I main a night elf.
S’cool with me.
Besides, nightborn could really use some more options.