Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I like to see that one as a step towards the void infusion. For whatever reason some void elves take it easier than others. The nature of the void is possibility and I think that variability in what void elves can look like would be helpful to show that.

Thats a fine way to see it for sure.

As I kinda said just above, the void is inherently variable and I think several options wouldn’t hurt. Perhaps the void affects each elf differently as they go through the process leading to a multitude of differences.

But all things are valid in the void. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing wrong with that. The darker skin tones folk want would be really nice to see.

And yeah Blizz will decide in the end as they always do. All we can do is request.

I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say Shadow Silvermoon, but I do want to see them built it up significantly.

I said this about it earlier. >.>