Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

IDK if there’s a male animation, I’ve always only seen this female one.

It does play into the vain angle, but it also plays into the elegant-stylish angle I think, which fits well with velves goth vibe. And also would serve well for those who are using the Helf options.

Yeah, they are borked. Do you use firefox?, I think that’s the issue. Firefox has been weird today.


That is great. I do hope they find time to visit this thread too. A lot of people have given great ideas here. With all the negatives voiced about this game right now, I hope they take the time to listen to the people still passionate about the game. :milky_way: :purple_heart::milky_way:


It’s probably not Firefox. I use Brave which is made by the same guy but it’s affecting my phone and my computer. Which suggests it’s on forums side not mine. (use different browsers on phone and computer.)


Yes, I agree with you there, and they might just do it if they can copy paste it.

I am just wishing on a star for some uniqueness, probably. It would be interesting for those wanting a more ‘Void’ direction to move away from the whole Belf culture- after all- we’ve been kicked out.

Someone posted some void spells that heal, and are already in the game. Makes me think that we really have not explored what the void is at all. And what are those ‘voices’ saying? If the void can heal, then perhaps the voices are not ‘evil’??

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The Void is not evil as confirmed in Alleria’s story. The void is chaotic. It can be evil, it can be neutral, it can be selfish, it can be good. Alleria is looking to harness the good side of it.


Hey Guys I couldn’t hold myself I made a thread on Void elf customization as well Void Elf Customization Ideas!
Sorry Fen I know you’ve been busy and trying to gather your thoughts for your thread but I’d like to have one up as well to keep it a bit more simple and tidy. I could delete it if you want after you have updated your thread :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You are welcome to do as you will. I have no claim to void elf requests.

I would say that it’s better not to spam the forums with the same thing too much as that’s generally frowned upon and sometimes leads to threads being deleted.

Also had Blizzard not decided I have no toons for no reason I’d have this damn thing ready to go by Friday. -_-


My wishes for Void Elves:
Pink hair
Starry/Starcursed hair
Old God eyes in red, orange and yellow
Black eyes
Starcursed skin
All of the hair styles I saw listed by above


I resubbed and the forums are finally working again, so now I can comment on this post :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I adore the black eyes! Especially since they remind me of my current favorite band. Their new album cover looks exactly like them :laughing:
Also, this is an actress in a couple of their music videos. I would totally make a velf that looks like her. We need some piercings and braided hairstyles, maybe with some dreads :smiling_imp:

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Void Elves should be customized out fo the game.

Yes, hello, lets skip past the part where you misspelled “of” and get right to the meat of it.


I respect your opinion but I disagree with it. I do thank you for your time and bumping my thread though.

Have a nice night.


Blood Elves are better than void elves in so many ways!

The void isn’t my thing and I prefer blood elves, but Fen is awesome and hopefully will get some awesome void customizations, because it’s fine for people to like different things.

I also hope blood elves will get some awesome customization.


Are they?

Can you count them?

Yes, like how many fingers and toes does King Mrgl-Mrgl have?

He’s a night elf so I’d assume ten fingers and ten toes.

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Yes, and that’s how many reasons why Blood Elves are better than void elves!

20 is a small enough number. Can you name them?

I had covered them in the past, view my forum history if you dare to feel like a lessor elf.

I certainly can’t name any reason why blood elves are better aesthetically.

From a gameplay perspective they have all void elf classes and two extras so I guess that’s a reason?

I prefer my thalassian being allied with the alliance races and prefer the void-twist more than the light infusion of the sunwell.