Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

That quarantine barely worked… For more than a year some helf-pro would make a new thread any time they got uppity, and I always tried to tell em to post in the megathread.

Between that and a few others saying I should make a thread myself for Void options specifically, I finally felt that it was time.

I appreciate you find this to be unnecessary, I recommend you either mute the thread or mark it spam and move along with you day.

We don’t need to argue.

Which I appreciate by the way.

I feel… happier with something actually dedicated to Void Elves for once.

There’s content?

I’m out of likes. :sob:

You seem to be mistaken about what this thread is.


I’d love to see more Void themed customization. The current options are pretty lackluster. I’d love for my rogue to be in permanent void form. It really fits with his identity I think, and fits with rogues overall.


I stand by seeing this thread actually benefitting Void Elf fans and not more HE options for VE fans. So I’m happy to see it.


Void elf green hairs. I want to steal from night elf now.


i would like green. as well as white and black which all fit the void theme


I also want to see pink and light blue on void elves.


I want tendrils that appear and disappear, like the monk tier dragon mask. Maybe with a bit of animation to them.

I want mottled and asymmetrical skin and hair. I’d like void cracks and scarring, too.

And I would LOVE an option to get random void whispers (that you can turn off, like DK reverb) artifact weapon style as you’re playing.


Anyone find it sad that enough people apparently just read the thread title and automatically reported it as spam without bothering to actually read the OP and see that it’s asking for VOID options for void elves? >_>; Kids these days…

Anyway, not going to lie, if I could get black hair gradiating into dark purple void effects at the ends and Izzabelle’s new hair tentacles and the black eyes with the pupil glowing purple instead of white I’d be a happy woman.


Haven’t used Gimp in ages and I’m really rusty but I tried to make a Blackish hair option, with pulple/blue high lights.


So much this.

I get that High Elf fans are happy but while they got a lot more than most of us ever thought would come to pass, Void Elves themselves got basically nothing for the void. (though those purple eyes are really nice)

I forgot to add that to the list from the other day!

I do not begrudge High elf fans wanting what they want, but that they always end up claiming “oh we want void stuff too” and then always ignore my void options and don’t even like the posts where I talk about it on the whole always bugs me.

I am happy to put forth a thread where the Void aspect of void elves can be explored as the focus, not a secondary thought.

Sure I guess.

Actually a green tinted more towards the darkened colorations we already have expanding the void hairs wouldn’t be super bad looking I think.

I am immensely amused by your choice of active pets. lol

Yes! Pink for everyone! Oh and the light blue would I think work as a void option… but not the one Blood Elves have from their DK…

That would be amazing.

Wonder if Blizzard would allow them elsewhere beyond the hair…

I saw some of that awhile back.

Very nice stuff.

Probably a little beyond the scope of these customizations but why not! lol

I doubt for many it would change the result.

Most threads that have the word ELF in it tend to get hit with that.

Blizzard will either clear it or they wont.

I’m just glad we’ve only had like… 2 total so far actually post that they hate it without reading a thing.

I think I have hair fading into another type up above… I’ll double check.

God I love it!

Mind if I add that? (I know last time we talked you told me I didn’t have to ask but I feel odd not asking.)


I don’t mind at all.

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Forgot its currently hidden by community flags… I’ll update with the stuff that I forgot and people have suggested since then once its been restored.

I don’t want to use that forum glitch where you edit it slightly and it undoes the hide.

I want Blizzard to see it and judge it for what it is.

Obsidian… eyes? Skin? Hair?

Or just… like


As it should be moving forward is my stance. Especially want Azshara like eyes

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Flagged? D:

No clue who would want to flag a thread that simply wants void customization for void elves. Nevertheless, void elves are in desperate need of some void customization. Something that was neglected in the customization wave.

I separate those out to just the eye itself and the three eyes she has (though she actually has more if I remember correctly.)

I expected it would.

Its whether or not the mods let it stick or kick it out.

I do hope we can see much more of their void aesthetic come through in the future.

I literally came back to the game because I was excited about the Void Elves. New elves steeped in one of my favorite magics in WoW.

I hope we see plenty of them in the future.


Also wish we could get skin #24 (the entropic embrace) as just flat-out an option when making a void elf and when the racial procs you still get the mechanical benefit, but your character’s skin always looks like that. Entropic embrace skin + white/‘starcursed’/darker purple hair would look awesome.

Also my point on the eyes was I really love Izzabelle’s solid black creepy eyes, but the ‘pupil’ would be glowing points of dark purple light instead of white.


Fenelon, as you know I´m not a fan of the race and my personal policy prevents me to make suggestions for the race (I simply don´t feel comfortable to do so), but you are a great poster and I´ll lend my support to your cause. Exploring more customization options for the actual base core theme of the race seems like a pretty coherent and harmless thing to do.

Please, the fact most of the “we want to basically hijack Velves to make softcore Helves of them” threads don´t get the same “flagged as soon as they appear” issue is quite suspicious in itself. After a decade of dealing with the worst of that particular fanbase, I´m not surprised to what tried to happen to your thread.

Hopefully the people that flagged will FOR ONCE IN THEIR LIVES meet their words with their acts and leave it alone if it isn´t of their interest (for the sake of getting “wider customization options as a whole” at least).


Although we don’t agree on the regular customizations part, I have to say I do love those dark tentacles.

It’d be very cool if we could choose tentacle size and color.


This is high praise coming from you.

Thank you truly. It means a lot to me.

I am continually surprised that some of the more vocal helf supporters have chosen to see my actions to focus on the void aspect of void elves as hostile.

Most at least say they support more void options but generally they don’t like any of my suggestions… Nor have they come here despite my (at least attempt) making it clear anyone can offer what they want to see.

I expected at least some to offer what they want to see.

It’s fine though. I’m no stranger to this.

Speak of (one of) the devil(s).

I’m glad you find something of interest within this.

I’d hope to see a few options for tentacles in the end. If not at least for variation.