Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

To say they’re canonized is to suggest that it is widespread, and not just this one individual. I’m saying that one NPC (I can’t even remember if she has a name?) is in flavor-spot and I wouldn’t put too much weight on it until we start to see it among the Void elf population kinda like how the Blue eyes are now being used with the Blood elves.

Let’s not forget in the past when Blue-eyed Blood elf NPCs were originally cited by the players everyone tried to dismiss them as bugs, and make us jump through crazy goal posts before anyone would take them as canon. I had to reach out to Danuser myself to get him to confirm over twitter to get everyone to shut up. lol

Just hopping in to say, I hope they make Alleria’s new eyes available for Void elves. They are gorgeous and I would kill for them. Also more Void customizations for Void Elves. I want Alleris’s new tattoos as well, that is all.


That is not correct :slight_smile:

From that point, the Highborne traveled on foot for months, before finally settling in a place called Tirisfal by tribes of primitive humans that inhabited the area. In time, the Highborne detected potent ley energies in the land, and while it was no Well of Eternity, the lingering supernatural presence intrigued the experienced arcane practitioners. Some speculated that they could unlock its secrets and restore themselves to their former glory, and they were desperate to succeed quickly. After being exiled, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity, which meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They gradually shrunk in height, their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans, and they began to feel the effects of aging and disease. The Highborne feared that the effects would only worsen over time.[23]

For a time, the elves dwelled in peace, yet, as they tapped into the area’s latent magic, they found shades of dark energy that drove some of them to madness. As they determined whether they should force the human’s settlements to relocate from the most potent ley lines, or just conquer the primitive beings, Dath’Remar refused to war against a people who posed no threat to his kind and theorized that they might be responsible of this situation. Ultimately, he chose to lead his people away from Tirisfal to avert violence, sparing them from further calamity. After they wandered the land for years,[24] they sought to make a new home in the north where their scouts had discovered a region rife with lush forests and powerful ley lines.[23]


Yes, that is correct. Literally WoW official source.

As you said, it’s ok to be wrong, so learn with your own words.

I mean, they don’t have night elf skintones anymore, but instead are closer to that of humans and dwarves.

Which includes darker skin tones.


Yeah but whether or not they are just interested in learning about the void or wanting to actually become Void elves is questionable. But I believe giving them the “DK” eyes was suppose to suggest that they too are becoming infused with the void through frequent use.

It will be nice in TWW when the rift opens up to see some Void elves using the High elf customizations to really solidify it. And I think Blizzard wants it to be a surprise so they’re purposely hiding them lol

Blizz was being practical & pragmatic.

If they had been thinking about pleasing players in first place back in Legion, we would have gotten Alliance High Elves instead of Void Elves. But due to the “rule of cool” and wanting to avoid just a flat out copy paste of Blood Elves to the Alliance, they pulled Void Elves out of their… voids.

But Void Elves do exist, and to address the continued request for High Elves on the Alliance, they added High Elf customization to Void Elves. It was far simpler, and cheaper to do that than create yet another Thalassian derivative and have negative feedback about an allied race slot being “waste” on a copy/paste of Blood Elves.

You’d be wrong if you think every High Elf RPer would agree with you though. I certainly don’t. I understand that in video game development, there’s limited time and budget for things, and making the most of what you have, and getting the most out of what you’ve made, is paramount to staying within those time and budget constraints.

That’s why we have High Elf customization and Dark Ranger (Darkfallen), Wild Hammer, and Sand Troll, customization instead of them all being allied races. It also prevents more dilution of customization options. Adding more options to existing races pools them all in one place rather than only a few going to a bunch of races.

And what is the reason for some of them being extremely lighty and others to be extremely dark? What are the genes here.

Also, dark human skins and dwarves’ are also recente in the game.

I am not advocating for Blizzard to remove it, but it was an adaptation, and not what lore was. There were no dark skinned high elves.

Nope, again I am not suggesting anything. That they are canon is irrefutable after this NPC was added. Still, we don’t know whether there are 2, ten or hundreds.

Exactly my point, though. NPCs aren’t just randomly added. Devs discuss about these things and they add them for a reason. Lanesh being a blue-eyed blood elf was not a bug or something unimportant, it canonized blue-eyed blood elves. And yet again, we didn’t know back then the number of blue-eyed blood elves. But not knowing the number does not mean they are not canon.

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I shared my source, care to share yours? :wink:

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What in the actual hell is going on in this thread?


The same “genes” that made them get two feet shorter in the personal lifespan of Lorash Sunbeam, my dude.

Weird place to draw the line on how much magic can do.

Worth noting that the removal of dark skin from humans was a WOD thing.


Why wouldn’t a HE RPer agree if they literally want to be high elves and not void elves?

Also, if Blizzard didn’t want to copy and paste BE to the Alliance they shouldn’t have given VEs the HE options, this doesn’t solve the problem, this creates another.

I would be ok with HEs on the Alliance having only blue eyes while BEs couldn’t have blue eyes.

It wasn’t, it was a bug. I know that for a fact because I reported it on the ptr way back when and spoke to a GM about it. They said it was a mistake of the artists when they were putting together the NPC’s for Telogrus but no one noticed at the time. Before all character eyes got updated, the DK eyes looked very similar to regular High Elf blue eyes, just with some low tech head lights added to them. After the update to character eyes it was far more apparent.


We have a “black elves is anti-lore” who doesn’t know his lore either suggesting that regular skinned void elves are not real despite them being customizations and there being one NPC in Thaldraszus


This isn’t a logical answer. Read and try again.

I tried, it says I can’t include links yet. It’s in Wowpedia.

Raven, I cited Wowpedia.

Someone coming in to be upset that Thalassian elves got dark skin. It still amazes me that, out of all the problems WoW has, that’s something some people decide is a problem. They claim ‘but my lore!’ when Blizz doesn’t even adhere to their lore and retcons it often. Also changing what skin color a race can have isn’t a big deal, or not to me anyway. I guess it is to some people.


I wouldn’t say it’s irrefutable until a character with a notable name, or a backstory supports it. Otherwise it’s just a flavor NPC in an RP zone. Otherwise it’s canon for non-DK Blood elves and High elves to have undead eyes because they were used on a few NPCs.

Yes, but if you were around back then when I originally suggested that he was a blue-eyed blood elf I was scoffed at everyone dismissed it as a bug. I’m sure there are some people here who can attest to that. It was only after Danuser came forward and officiated it that people finally had to accept that he did indeed have blue eyes. And I was the one that finally had it officially canonized that Lanesh has blue eyes lol

To be clear, I do think it’s canon, I just don’t think anything on live atm would be enough to convince anyone that it is. Especially if your only example could just be a random generated NPC in RP zone. It’s just too easy for people to dismiss.