Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

But doesn’t he have void-elf eyes?

Just a customization, most likely. High elf wayfarers in Telogrus Rift have DK eyes, that doesn’t mean they’re actually DKs.


The ideas are good, if they remove the high/blood elf skin tone and dark ranger eyes. They already got too much customization they shouldn’t ever have gotten.


I dont know, that plus the void elf hairstyle has me thinking otherwise. He’s definitely influenced by the void to some degree.

No. Alleria has been shown to not always be purple. Saying velves got too many customizations they shouldn’t have ever gotten is just wrong. There are different ways velves can look. I love the dark blue eyes we got from that round of customizations, I use them on this toon.

I am hoping that we get more voidy customizations, like the ones that have been listed here.


Is that stated in the alpha or just an assumption due to the customization Blizzard chose to go with?

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Alleria’s transformation was different from the elves who were part of Umbric’s small group. Those void elves, which are the playable VEs, have blue and purple skin only.

Blizzard only added HE/BE skin tone for them because the high elf role players wouldn’t shut up.

It’s implied that there have been new Void Elf recruits from among the High Elf Wayfarer and Silvermoon Scholar NPC’s in Telogrus. Umbrics group was a “squad”, yet the Void Elves are obviously growing in number. I’m hard pressed to believe that the new recruits are going through a process similar to the accident that made the original batch, rather than a method more like Alleria’s given the risks involved.


Not anymore in TWW. :wink:

Edit: Actually, no, new velf recruits with regular customizations have been canonized in DF.

Remember the female Void elf in Thaldraszus (the spa place) with regular skin/hair colors?


Alleria’s was also very risky, and it was not optional for her, she was literally void abused.

Void elves have pale blue-ish skin tones and blue eyes. Everyone knows Blizzard just added the white skin for them because of RPers.

Still the same race and thing.

Edit for your edit: Blizzard adding NPCs doesn’t actually mean anything. And another proof of it being just to make the fanbase shut up is giving them dark ranger eyes, which makes zero sense in every possible way.

Void elf could have been a great thing, but it isn’t, due to these reasons.

I meant to say that, no, void elves aren’t only blue-skinned.

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but by this point I don’t think he would have joined the Void elves, or have undergone that sort of transformation yet. I’m sure we’ve only just met him so I’m curious as to why he is clearly void-infused. Interesting

And as I said: that changes nothing.

It’s canonizing race appearances.

It’s okay to be wrong, you don’t need to get defensive.

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Yes, so explain to me why there is a night elf paladin NPC and night elves can’t be paladins.

Yes, as you said, it’s ok to be wrong. Play your failed elf race if you want, but facts are facts.

Amazing concepts, but we know Blizzard would never do something this big.

Well, wouldn’t this only canonize the half-elf appearance? I would wait until we see what’s going on in the Rift before before we get ahead of ourselves.

And until we see that he has joined the Void elves, it’s just a void-infused Half-elf.

Blizzard should work on male humans, those people need help.