Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’m really loving Xal’atath and Alleria’s void eyes.

I want that for my characters. So bad. It’s so lovecraftian, to stare at people with the might of a darkened eclipse.

It’s the most metal part of being a void elf


I would kill for this.


He’s an arathi. The important bit is that they are finally using the VE model to portray half elves too.


It’s really interesting that this Arathi half-elf has a void elf model because these people are linked to light.
Maybe we have another possibility for void elf paladins… :sweat_smile:


I don’t think using the void elf model for Arathi half elves means anything other than it was done for cosmetic purposes. I wouldn’t read much into it, honestly.

I do think that could mean round ears for void elves as an option will be available, though.

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Off topic but will you reach up to level 70 at some point before War Within Starts?

Sorry I know your post is over three weeks old, but I only rarely check in with this thread. So late reply it is!

But yeah, I agree with you. In fact I would imagine in spite of Vereesa and Alleria’s connection the high elves of the silver covenant would likely view the void elves with a great amount of skepticism. At least with the blood elves, they were the high elves’ people up until they split. They disagreed, but they knew them and knew the path they’d taken. They still share in their reverence for the sunwell. For all intents and purposes the high elves are technically welcome in quel’thalas. The void elves though are an additional step removed from them. A path that was too questionable even for the blood elves is definitely going to seem too questionable for the high elves.


Me? This is a Classic Era character. There’s no level 70 there :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I really don’t think we are meant to be reading anything of the sort into it. IMO it’s just neat they are using the VE model as well to represent half elves/Arathi because it offers them more hair options for NPC’s.

The bummer for me is that in like 7 in game years we basically have nothing of how Silver Covenant High Elves and Void Elves see each other, nothing explicit at least.

Personally, and a bit speculatively, I think the biggest indicator is the Rifwarden Acolyte strolling around the Mage Quarter with the High Elf Sorceress; given the later ones are historically associated with Dalaran, is the closest we have to any representation of their relationship. Which seems to be good, at least in magic scholarship related fields.


I’m really curious about what Blizzard is keeping underwraps on the ptr. Many NPC’s in Telogrus are using cubes for models and have their names shown as “unknown”. It’ll be interesting to see what those end up being and if we’ll get more insight into how Void Elves are propagating. I’m also curious to see Umbric’s new model that’s apparently hidden away for now.


I mostly think the update is gonna be related to the Harbinger quests, so it will be a modest update where we perhaps get some new info and characters, nothing crazy, but welcomed!

But if I get optimistic, I really hope we get a VE exclusive quest and we get the datamined VE weapons :smiley:


It is odd to me that so many are like that still. Curious to see what comes of this as well.


Likewise, maybe I’m just lifting my spirits high but with much being disclosed already about 10.2.7, why keep those many details encrypted? :face_with_monocle:

One can only dream…


My guess is that those npc’s are going to relate to the progression of the Void Elf story in some way. It’s basically all the High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars. I don’t think they are just going to replace them all with run of the mill generic Void Elf npcs. Those mystery npc’s could be replacements for the Wayfarers and Scholars using void elf hairstyles but use high elf skin & hair colors, maybe a mix of void elf and high elf colors, or maybe there will be some new customization options that Blizz is keeping mum about as a surprise?

It’s also not just the NPC appearances being hidden, but the names and dialogue text as well. It’s possible that there are some new Dalaran and/or Silver Covenant NPC’s mixed in that Blizz wants to keep under wraps for now, or maybe it’s something entirely different that I haven’t thought of. It’s also worth noting that the Void Initiates being taught on the accessible second island have their models hidden as well, and those were generic Void Elf NPC’s already. The fact that their appearances have been hidden could be another sign of new customization.

I’m keeping my expectations low but… I’d really be happy if they added some new customization options for Void Elves. Especially hairstyles >_>


look at her index finger

It seems my issue fixes itself about 5 minutes later XD


Ok… What am I looking for I don’t see it?

Indeed it seems so. lol

Glad to see they’re going that path. Which probably means they’ll show that more high elven looking void elf stories where we then transition into a proper blue void elf are very plausible for real.

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Wenren Althal is an Arathi high elf/half elf NPC from the Hallowfall zone.

I’m just happy that Blizzard is finally adding high elf/half elf NPCs that have void elf customizations.

I hope there will be more, especially in Telogrus rift.


Well, I guess they don’t consider themselves either, just Arathi. But that being said if he is “void” infused, when could this have happened?

He’s just a high-elf/half-elf mage of the Arathi people, he’s not a void elf.

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