Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

uh why did the void entities that emerged from the sunwell declare they had located the vessel after seeing alleria and company? usually a void vessel is an object, like a dagger, not a person

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I cant say im liking the new cinematic…

Edit: im just gonna copy paste something i wrote on another thread as it explains why :stuck_out_tongue:

I cant say i was a fan of how alleria was portrayed in it.
Previously she was all badass with the void and running around with Turalyon on missions.

Now apparently shes avoiding her family and being a void elf makes her sad?
Bit of a shift there. And not one that fills me with racial pride.

When do the earthen come out again?


I get what you mean, but if you think about it, it’s rather unrealistic for a person to always remain the same as time passes by and things change. The story of void elves is also one of sadness, nostalgia and even mourning their old selves, their old lives.

It reminds me of this precious fanart:

Alleria in particular seems to miss her family, likely because they can’t touch each other. I know this was kind of rebutted, but after seeing this cinematic, I think that’s what she’s implying, that she can’t be near her husband and son because they’re both paladins.

And now that makes me wonder how exactly they are going to give us void elf paladins…… :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

In any case, I love how she’s been portrayed. Despite her nostalgia for her family, she remains confident. Love her.


They can touch each other just fine… as long as she isn’t in void form.

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I think it has more to do with the fact that they are avid followers of the light, and she knows that they do not approve of her consorting with the void. I imagine most light-oriented individuals might not be too accepting of Void elves just yet.


Well she almost voidnuked the sunwell, went evil and killed her husband and submitted her son to a fate worse than death in an alternate dimension, tortured some people, and saw her sister go full supervillian due to bad writing.

She’s been through a lot relatively recently since she’s retired from smacking demons silly.

November when the expansion comes out I think.

That is literally N’Zoth fan-fiction. Nothing there happened, it was just what N’Zoth wanted to happen.


Sorry, I should have said alternate reality, not dimension, I know the Visions aren’t what happened but they were still experienced

I dont know if i agree with this.
Alleria chose the path of the void and new void elves are those that chose the path as well.

Really its only the original lot of void elves from the unlock scenario who didnt have much say in the matter.

But ive decided to stay open minded as to where this goes.


I think Alleria isn’t talking in the format of not being able to touch but we know that Turalyon and her have had misgivings about their respective natures and Turalyon is very devoted to the Light. Plus add in his new job and I’m betting there is a lot of friction there.

I am still excited to see where the story is going but I want to caution folk on reading too far into Alleria’s specific story and using it as the basis of all void elf existence.

We also still have plenty to see with Umbric who is to my knowledge still encrypted.

Working with the whispers of the void and our new powers is definitely a part of our story but it doesn’t mean its a dire one. The new void elf we encounter in the story seems rather pleased with her choice for instance.


It would be a matter of context. I imagine the original Void elves would not be too concerned over how others perceived or felt about them considering they had no problem with the taboo nature of the Void in Silvermoon.

Others who might have joined the Void elves ranks later on might not have had the same falling out with their friends and family and would face some social conflicts with those who might not approve of consorting with something as infamous as the Void.

If for example a High elf became a Void elf, but had a family that were mainly devoted followers of the light, they might be distrustful and disapproving or could even outright disown them. It reminds me of what Lor’themar said to Alleria in regards to being able to trust her.

“You doubt my words? Yet how can we trust your own? Do you deny that the lords of the Void whisper to you? Did you not surrender yourself to the shadows on Argus?”

I imagine many would have similar things to say to their loved ones if they decided to join the Void elves. And for that reason I could see some being remorseful or saddened in a similar way that Alleria is feeling.


100% this.

I don’t think it’s contradictory to choose a path and yet feel sad or nostalgic during the journey. It’s like when you choose to study abroad. You chose it, and you enjoy it, but you still miss your family, your friends, your home. You’re homesick, it’s natural. That doesn’t mean you regret your choice.


wow look at this

A half elf with VE customizations.



This NPC has officially canonized high-elf/half-elf customizations for void elves. :thinking:

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So he definitely is a half elf, whether he is a “high elf” or just a blood elf that turned into a Void elf is up for debate since he doesn’t use High elf eyes just the standard Void elf eyes. (we’ve seen one void elf using High elf eyes already at the spa) so I’d imagine they would have given them to him as well if that were the impression they were trying to make.

Although I hope they expand on his story and don’t just give him interesting customization and then do nothing to explain it like they usually do.

Unless they have some dialogue I wouldn’t claim it canonizes anything. Blizzard makes odd customization choices too often for NPCs for that to really work out.

I hope theres more there as that would be wonderful to see for sure.


Idk if anyones shared this yet but this Void Elf is such a vibe :fire: https://twitter.com/kottkrigart/status/1786323669276373155?s=46&t=P-saCrhTpuw_LtMbEaex-w