Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I actually have a big list of those.

Races without tattoos are markings/tattoos all would like to have some. It’s an easy way to add flair to a character so I added them in their own section with more elaborate info on the ideas and designs.

Worgen Scars

Worgen Scars Concepts


  • Large Visible Scars on the Face/Limbs/Body.
  • Face/Limbs/Body Scars are all separately customizable to mix and match.
  • Current Scars are Delinked from faces with more Facial Scars added.
  • Mostly Bite/Claw marks.
  • All scars can be visible on both Human Form and Worgen Form.

Facial Scars.

  • Raked, 3 large claw marks across the entire face.
  • Swipe, 3 claw marks across the bottom half of the face/muzzle.
  • Inner Rage, Claw Marks down the sides of the face.
  • Crescent , One Large Curving Scar across nose/cheekbones/muzzle.
  • Torn, large oval scar with jagged edges on the side of face.
  • Fang, Teeth marks.
  • Stocks, Worn/Scratched area around neck.
    (Note; I am not including the old facial scars as those are established)

Limb Scars

  • Bitten, Large outline of a Worgen bite on Arm.
  • Scratched, Claw Marks on Forearm.
  • Gored, Large Jagged patches on Arms/Legs with other scratches.
  • Mauled, Bite and Claw Marks on Arms and legs.
  • Alpha, 3 large Claw Marks on Upper Arms/Thighs.
  • Plagued, Plague Burns/Scars on Arms/Legs.

Body Scars

  • Preyed, Large Bite Mark on shoulder.
  • Raked, 3 Large Claw Marks down Back.
  • Rip, Pair of large Claw Marks of chest.
  • Mauled. Many Claw Marks on Chest.
  • Swiped. Many Claw Marks on Back.
  • Clawed. Many Claw Marks on Chest/Back.
  • Animal, Claw Marks across Stomach.
Blood Elf Runes

Blood Elf Tattoo Concepts


  • Magister Rommath/TBC Box Art and Indo-Arabic inspired geometric shapes and Sanskrit styled writings.


  • Face and Body are separately customizable. (Note; This will help with Demon Hunters who want the new Face Tattoos and want to keep Demon Hunter Tattoos)
  • Large Patterns and Small Runes are separately customizable. Small Runes follow along patterns of the Large Runes/Lines.


  • Arcane Blue, Fel Green, Sunwell Gold, Blood Red, Arcane Purple, Faded, Black. (Note; These match Eye Colors and Demon Hunter Tattoo Colors)
  • Can be Glowing or None Glowing.

Runic Writing

  • Sanskrit Style. Like TBC Box Art
  • Sketchy. Somewhat Cuneiform Styled
  • Geometric. Abstract Shapes and lines.


  • Scryer. TBC Box Art on Face. Large circular/sweeping lines on Chest/Arms/Back.
  • Rune Master. Large Runes across the Face/Nose Bridge. Large Runes going down Chest/Arms.
  • Sunwell. Large Sun Shape over Eye. Large Sun Shape on Back (Or Chest?)
  • Sunfury. Small Suns on the Shoulder.
  • Grand Magister. Literally based off of Magister Rommath’s Geometric Arms Sleeves. Can continue on Face to just below Eyes/nose.
  • Blood. Large Sweeping line across Eyes with lines going downward under Eyes. (T_T) Large line across Shoulders/Collarbone and going down center of Chest/Back.
  • Filigree. Curving Intricate Patterns down Arms/Chest ending at fingertips/Toes. (Henna Inspired) Starts Under Eyes when on Face and going up ears.
  • Arcane, Asymmetric Circles with dashes/lines going through them.
  • Falcon, A downward pointing triangle on nose and a large sweeping line connecting under the eyes to the ear tips. Similar pattern across chest/back.
  • Ashes, a Large Phoenix on the Chest/Back. Feather Patterns around the eyes and a Flame Pattern lines along the jaw for the face.
  • Phoenix. Literally Farstrider Hanzo’s Tattoo from HotS.
Forsaken Stitches

Forsaken Stitches Concepts


  • Large Stitches across the head/body/arms/legs
  • You can pick a different skin color for each stitched part.
  • Each part is Separately Customizable.


  • Skull Cap, a ring of stitches around the top of the head.
  • Phantom, Stitches around the right side of the face.
  • Orbits, stitches around each eye socket.
  • Two Faced, Stitches down the middle of the head from back to front.
  • Grin, Stitches at the corners of the mouth.
  • Muzzle, Stitches around the mouth.
  • Neck, Stitches around neck.
  • Horizontal, Stitches through the middle of the face.


  • Lefty, Stitches around the upper part of the left arm.
  • Righty, Stitches around the upper part of the right arm.
  • Hugger, Stitches around the upper part of both arms.
  • Degloved, Stitches around the forearms.
  • Forearm. A line of stitches over the forearm.


  • Lefty, Stitches around the upper part of the left thigh.
  • Righty, Stitches around the upper part of the right thigh.
  • Trousers, Stitches around the waste.
  • Bootstraps. Stitches around each leg below the knee.
  • Shin Splints, Stitches down the shins.


  • Rib Spreader, stitches in the shape of a ‘Y’ down the chest.
  • Zipper, Stitches down the center of the back.
  • Heartless, A line of stitches across the left side of the chest.
  • Gut Wrenched, A line of stitches across the stomached.
  • Kidneys, Line of stitches over the kidneys.
    (Note; these are based off of Artwork from Handclaw)
Void Elf Markings

Void Elf Markings/Tattoo Concepts


  • Alleria and Celtic inspired with waving lines and abstract shapes.


  • Left/Right Eyes, Arms, and Legs. Note each are separately customizable so you can mix and match.


  • Blue, Purple, Red, Black, Green, White, and maybe a pale Yellow.


  • Normal (Like Alleria in Normal Form)
  • Glowing (Like a Backlight Tattoo/Alleria’s In Void Form)
  • Corrupted which is the Tentacle Effect on the Tattoo for moving/waving patterns.


  • Scarred, Streaks across the face/limbs.
  • Abyss/Beyond, Curling Patterns in random places. (Triskelion Inspired Design)
  • Entropic, A Waving Tentacle like pattern that covers the majority of the Eye/Forelimb.
  • Consumed, Covering an entire Arm/Leg/Side of Face.
  • Allerian, Literally based off of Alleria’s waving/tendril like pattern.
  • Silver Covenant. WC2/Silver Covenant Homage.
  • The Eye, Large Eye Tattoos. (Dalaran/N’zoth symbol mash up.)
  • Seeker, Bands over Eyes/Arms/Legs.
    (Note, these names came from Dwarf Tattoo naming conventions of naming places/concepts)
Human Mural Tattoos

Human Mural Tattoo Concepts


  • Full Color patterns based of Various human Kingdoms and Heroes.


  • Lothar, A Lion Head Tattoo on the chest.
  • Varian, A Eagle on the right shoulder and a Lion on the left shoulder.
  • Trollbane, A Sword down the chest.
  • Uther, A Silver Hand Fist on the chest.
  • Stormwind, A Lion on the upper back.
  • Stromgrad, Fist on the upper back.
  • Gilneas. Gilneas Crest on the upper back.
  • Dalaran, A Dalaran Eye on the upper back.
  • Lordaeron, A Lordaeron Crest on the upper back.
  • Kul Tiras, A Kul Tiras Anchor on the upper back.
Gnome Grease Marks

Gnomish Grease.

  • Grease marks in Black, Brown, Green, and Gold on the Hands/Chest/Face from working with machines.
Pandaren Fur Patterns

Fur Patterns.

  • More distinct fur patterns for Pandaren with fully customizable fur colors.
Vulpera Fur Patterns

Fur Patterns.

  • More distinct fur patterns for Vulpra with fully customizable fur colors.

And here’s some ideas for Goblins from Handclaw that do a better explanation then what I could.

Goblins Soot Marks

Goblins Soot

  • Soot marks from explosions on the Face/Chest/Arms.
    ( Soot Concepts by Handclaw)

They should devote time to a big patch for these instead of realising a few hair colors every so often.


I dont know what it means, but on the ptr, the void portal to fathoms edge now works like a weird flightpoint.

You disappear and turn in to a cube called shadowy apparition, then fly there.


I hope Void Elves will get some lore and background in TWW or Midnight. If not, I don’t know when they could get more lore or background.


I am what all void elfs wish they looked like.

I hope so too. Would be nice to get more info about them. Also more customization options that are void themed… and some tattoos. Still hoping for some ranger tattoos. A star cursed ranger tattoo would look so cool on this character.



TL3 powers….


Speaking of which, when are we getting this Voidform as customization for void elves, Blizz?


Well if there is any expansion that might add this form to the Void Elves or as a Meta if that rumor of Void 3rd spec DH are even true to add the Void and Nightborn Elves to its races (even if it was true there is always the chance it got scrap)… would be during the World Withing Saga… maybe as a Racial Glyph at least… :thinking:

I’ll be honest I was surprise to see that Hunters “Dark Ranger Hero Spec” dint add a Theme Banshee Transformation as a passive or togglable… not even when casting Black Arrow as a Casting animation!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe Blizz will do the unthinkable and create a DH 3rd combining Cosmic Void + Domination magic of Death a combo I never seen beyond the consept of Saronite ( It is the harden blood of Yogg-Saron The Old-God of Death) and its use by the Ebon Blade that I’m know off. :exploding_head:

I guess it could start as 3rd spec Cosmic Void called “Oblivion or Herald, Harbinger” and then the Hero Spec Death Magic called “Domination or Vassal, Tyrant”?

  • Gameplay: Void Mid Debuff range DPS & Hero Spec Domination full CC Dots :person_shrugging:
  • Lore: Turn the Void Hunger against your enemies & Hero Spec, DH’s must be the Jailers of the Cosmos!

Some super edgy or dark theme name like that… :face_in_clouds:

LOL Heck of an introduction of Void Elves to DH if you ask me! Ranking the Edgelord meter from 1 to 10 into a 20!!! (IMO) :rofl:

I know, I know keep dreaming… and all that don’t get your hopes up stuff…
But hey, if I’m going to dream might as well dream big!! :sweat_smile:

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Anyone saw the comment by Michael Bybee at interview saying they do not plan to introduce more class / race combos at this moment in time?

I’m very disappointed with these news because Blizzard is not a small indie company and could have allocated their resources appropriately to allow Shamans and Paladins for all at least. Especially with the storm acolytes and Tyr’s Guard in DF, the background had been set for the introduction of these 2 for all races.

I don’t think that saying animations complexities is enough of an argument because they could prioritize and allocate their resources accordingly to achieve this for TWW launch.


Sad but honestly most of us saw that coming from the beginning, pallies and Shamans will come but they each have their owne customizations and then Druids will be absolutely dead last given the amount of forms needed.

Then DHs given you’d have to rework every skeleton of every race as well.

Here’s hoping we get pallies and or Shammies for all in 11.0.5

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Ugh…I’m just so tired :frowning:

So tired of waiting around. I just want to finally be able to enjoy my game without all these restrictions. Void elf warrior is alright, but it will never have the same charm as a Pala or Shammy. And there’s only so long I can just play Draenei for. I don’t like the Human models either, extremely outdated even with 26 eyebrow options available to them.

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Don’t believe devs when they say this, it’s just a lame excuse.

You can use the Atomic Recalibrator as a DH too to change your race and all animations work just fine.

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pls blizz more cc for void elves (and belves).

They don’t though

They do though

They don’t, and you’re gonna disagree so to avoid the uh huh nuh uh back and forth, g’day/night you do you

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I mean, this is obviously easy to disprove. I’ll record a quick video for you when I get home and animations work perfectly.

Unless you mean something else?

Well usually in a conversation you reason your arguments, you don’t just pop in and say “no” lol

Uh, that was you, you popped in on something I said

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Mmm, I’m sensing you’re feeling attacked or something. I’m not attacking you, my intention was never to “correct” you or anything like that, on the contrary, I wanted to cheer you up by letting you know that demon hunter abilities do not need to be reworked in order for other races to have access to that class.

In any case, here’s my beautiful Draenei demon hunter:

Isn’t she pretty? <3

Here’s her demon form:

This is her using Fel Rush:

Using Immolation Aura:

BUT, you are right that there is one ability animation that doesn’t work and changes back to Blood Elf, that is Blade Dance:

That ability happens so quickly I never noticed it didn’t work with other races until now that I made a screenshot and looked at it. :rofl:

So yeah, I mean, it’s just one ability animation that they have to update for the rest of the races. That doesn’t seem much work tbh. Maybe they could also update the demon form model, although I wouldn’t mind them keeping it the same for all races.

Man, now I want a Draenei demon hunter, they look so cool :frowning:

Personally, I think this is good news. It means they are planning to introduce more class/race combos, just not in the immediate future. So I’m guessing 11.1 or 11.2.

I can’t wait to play a void elf paladin :smiley:


Much appreciated for the screenshots, they very well could have been updating the skeletons behind the scenes, with still roads to go.

What about the glaive autoattacks?

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