Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I think most people would be interested in looking like corrupted void monsters like this:


All good options.

I hope that all new hairstyles allow for tentacle placements (without leaving holes thats just bleh.)

I’ve always been a fan of these styles.

For the void hair colors I like what Rama made (which is up in the main post and my more recent one) but I always thought a green coloration would be interesting. Voidified like the others of course but that sort of… otherwordly blue but with green I think could work out really well.

We definitely still need blind eye and all colors for both side with one blind eye and heterochromia options. I think all races should have that in full.

I think everyone from Blood Elves to High Elves to Void Elves is waiting on tattoos/warpaints.

Scars and such too.

Not so much a concern for this thread as the focus is on void aspects here but I do see that echoed an awful lot. (Don’t forget to talk about high elf options over in Sandrinar’s thread, the link to which you can find up in the main post.)

I’ve found a lot of contention on how corrupted monster some want to be or not.

I don’t honestly think its likely but I can see more monstrous options being added to change up the face here and there like that nose on the Falmer or the extra eyes.


Got the perma-void bug on my priest today. It’s been a minute since I seen this bug. Now where is the option to keep this skin tone? :laughing:


Ah! I thought they fixed that since it hadn’t happened to me recently!

Thats awesome!

I really wish they’d let us have that option for our skin tone as well as that negative black that shows up with the White eyes on the forums… Its an error for void elves that makes us look like we’re blackholes. That would be amazing.

I also just want these tones…

Specifically the Obsidian color… Want that for Fenelon.


When I first saw that I thought it’d be a perfect entropic embrace option. A skin tone like that would be cool too :sunglasses:

Working on leveling my void elves atm, so I’ve been thinking about this thread a bit. About to hit 4/8 at level 70 :nerd_face:

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I want that hairstyle for Void Elf. Actually this game desperately needs new hairstyles for the existing races.



Honestly I want it as both a skin tone and an option for our Entropic Embrace(EE).

Being able to choose would be amazing as well as give us more variety.

Old Gods I wish I had the time to level like that again.

Even Fenelon here is behind cause I can’t afford to move him back to my main account. I never thought I’d love him so much in the end. I’ll find the money eventually.

Very nice! Honestly more hairstyles are just a good thing overall for all races. Wish Blizzard would just let some group of artists go nuts with customizations sometimes.

I was making a new Void Elf but what is the lighting near the ear? Am I weird for thinking that looks off I did like a 360 turn too and its not on the other ear but its like idk an arguably different shade then the skin tone I chose. Is it hair style related or skin tone related or working as intended like I’m confused.

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this is a very interesting thread and has a lot of neat ideas I think. Thank you those who put time into making it.

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Never noticed that before… probably unintentional. Looks like the lighting is messed up like you say.

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Earrings and other accessories in a future update.

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Found this today. Appears to be a build of Void Elves for Warcraft III? Not entirely sure. But it sure is neat!

by Nightelfbuilder (Possibly by a person named Mythic its unclear in the place I found it.)

Really would love some additional heritage armor and heritage weapons down the line.

Especially want a covered chest (perhaps with armor) too.

That image from the bottom left is giving me heavy Legacy of Kain vibes for some reason.

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Oh man I can see that.

I miss that series… I should play it again…

Wooowww, I LOVE it. I love that it emphasizes the cosmic side of Void elves so much more in lesser graphics!

That would be rad, I just hope they don’t leave out the extra hairstyles. I really really want some new hairstyles and maybe some ported over from Kul’tirans

It looks like a clear earring shape, doesn’t strike me as a lighting bug. I really do hope it’s an indicator that we might get some stuff soon

Yeah IKR I really think they should go for what DOTA 2 has done where external parties inc artists can make art and animation submissions and on approval it’s added to the store for player use.

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Kinda like the Blood Mage type look there too. Saw a fan art where someone basically made Kael’thas as a Void Elf and really like the look of that type of armor on us.

I have Blast on ignore so I didn’t see that but I don’t know if its earrings myself. Could be though. Be nice to see more added in that regard especially for men.

Honestly as things go on there is the possibility of it happening… but given Blizzards past records on such things I’m dubious that it would.

Heres hoping regardless we get some nice new customizations down the line!

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So Blizzard announced Human and Orc Heritage armor and when they did so mentioned that there will be alternative tints or options possibly, which would be amazing for all races but here are some alternatives for void elves.



Possibly an armored chest (this is a recolor of hunter tier.)

Would also be nice to see the wings removed from mog or as an option in mog. I’d like to see it become customization personally.


When I originally saw the void elves I thought the wings were just part of them and was a bit excited about it. To my great disappointment they’re attached to a stupid collared (shawl?) that clips into my pony tail.


I’d like a void knight style class, and when Dracthyr came out, they’re essentially the framework I was thinking of.
Your regular (visage) form, open to most races then your combat form (include a toggle, always on, always off, on via combat/off when combat and expand that to worgen) ends you shift into which would be a customizable aberration. Could go the shaman route and have a caster spec too (cultist).
I was basically thinking medieval fantasy venom, with a bunch of customizations pulled from other void beings/old gods. Horns/crests, multiple eyes, tentacles, tendrils etc. Could throw in various body types/coatings. Various plating.

One idea I had was even adding voice lines like Xal’atath. An old write up I did had you starting out as a warrior, captured and taken to a void encampment of some sort, where they make sentient weapons by binding void creatures to the weapons…in order to escape, you and one of these creatures bind together, granting powers and such.

Could always just stumble across something in some black empire ruins and you free a being that binds to you so it’s not trapped again etc.

Sounds like there’s a chance we’ll be exploring some black empire stuff before long too.

Having an actual class built around the void would be a nice option.

Be neat playing a void elf (or whatever race) and shifting into a big hulking monstrosity with 6 eyes, horned head crest, back tenctacles, big toothy maw all decked out in void themed armor…size physique like the new drakonid models or something like that…maybe even the stoneborn.

Make it very customizable, lots of body sizes and shapes, materials.

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Should have made it a back piece or better yet, a neck piece.

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