Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I played around with the visage forms on the wowhead dressing room.

With the faces dracthry have, it might not be a bad thing XD
(I jest… mostly. Their visage faces are really ugly though)

I’m never going to be a fan of restrictions like that. Whether Canon or not. Like I cannot stand the red eyes being locked to a skin tone. Players should have the choice to use it as they see fit if blizzard is adding it even if blizzard doesn’t intend it to be Canon to that non pale skin tone.

Same thing for those slit eyes. Plus I like the idea of the Allerian style void elf that has little bits of corruption added that shows the void.

I do however think that the Dracthyr eyes themselves shouldn’t be specifically used except as a guide for how such eyes would look on us. It would be neat to get slit eyes made for void elves rather than taken from another race.


off topic, farewell olivia newton-john


She will be missed. :frowning:

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The differences between male and female options for all races compared to Dracthyr.

The raw numbers are poor indicators overall for customizations as things as simple as separation of beard and mustache can have huge implications to these numbers (looking at you dwarves) but the just vast difference between Dracthyr and everyone else is stark.

Until everyone is up to the par that Dracthyr set at least its important to remind Blizzard that we still have options we want added.

Things like simple hair options and an extension of the tentacle toggle to all hairstyles.

New colors and hair options such as the ever popular Starcursed hair.

New skin tones and tattoos.

A plethora of eye colors.

(this last one is probably going to everyone but I’m including it.)


More body options including tentacle color and look.

Significant Void Corruption.

Starcursed body options and EE options including always on EE.

Changes/options for our heritage armor and making the void wings either optional transmog for more than one armor piece or as a barbershop option.

Did I mention give us the heritage weapons? (also please add more too so every class can benefit.)

Heritage tints!

And we’d love some more Starcursed mounts.

There are so many things blizzard could add to Void elves to help bring us up to the level of Dracthyr and while I don’t expect it soon I hope they strongly consider updating everyone to that level for the expansion after DF.

For the Ren’dorei!
:octopus: :purple_heart:


Sure. Ignore all the wikipedia of WoW and the Legion storyline.

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You don’t have to ignore all of it but its not always exactly accurate either. Its not an official thing…

However perhaps you can elaborate on what you’re specifically referring to cause when I look at the post you’re referring back to from Jun 27th nothing I say there seems like it ignores anything… and your previous post to that is full of errors.

Like you claim the Void Elves were driven insane by the void. We weren’t. Part of our story is that we maintain control of our minds despite the Void infusing us.


Yup, but we are in constant battle to control our minds.

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If only if Void Elves had a Home on Azeroth or atleast fill up the Lodges with them besides being refugees in Stormwind and the Rift.

Dood is literally just necroing his own argument from a month ago to troll and spout more nonsense, just flag.

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Returning to this thread with lots of love and an insatiable need for N’zoth eyes :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


Give Void Elves Black Eyes and then I’ll be happy. Because Wood Elves. XD

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It is with a very sleepy brain that I am sad over the fact that we haven’t seen any more datamined assets of upscaled old-world models. The new human, orc, and blood elf models look fantastic. I really do hope this means they will be giving the old world (preferably SW and Org) a much needed make over.

On that train of thought I keep coming back to wanting to see progress on the Telogrus Rift. Would be nice to see it transform from research camp to a place of respite with some actual structures. Dead horse discussion, but it’s time we got something to push along our story.


Speaking of, thats something I wish they’d go into more detail on. Have npcs dealing with that in the Rift or in the alleys of Stormwind.

Maybe add a quest or two in the new expansion going into that.

And how we recover those who are falling to the whispers.

I don’t see why void elves wouldn’t try to at least visit the two lodges we have in the Alliance… I could see the Highvale Elves reject them a bit…

Still I think the void elves first priorities should be on building up the Telogrus Rift and expanding their base of power.

I’d also like to see them branch out to Void Steeped areas around Azeroth to at least study some of the void aspects of those areas. I could easily see them show up in the Twilight Highlands for instance.

Also I’m not sure I’d classify them as refugees in SW or the Rift. Its our home…such that it is.

There are many options along those lines that would be amazing to have.

I think I’d really like the Starcursed ones I showed above… Though I think I’d probably default to my purple most of the time.

A common request.

Yeah I didn’t have high hopes but it was nice to see them. With luck they’re just the tip of the iceberg and we’ll see more assets updated as time goes on.

I think DF is going to be relatively small development wise and remain fairly narrow in its scopes because the company is about to change hands. They probably don’t want to try to do a full overhaul right now.

Very much this.

I want to see a few buildings go up when we next get a heritage quest there. I want to see them contain and control that third islands Void Storm so they can use it to be the Void Essence in a ritual to make new void elves. I want to see staging grounds for the warriors, rogues, rangers and our siege weapons and equipment. I want to see a place of learning go up where we train new recruits and another where we continue the training of those who have become full void elves.

I want to see a hall for priests where they help to allay the whispers on their brothers and sisters. A tower where the magisters and Umbric continue their research into new avenues of power through the void.

Maybe a place for them to forge our weapons on Starcursed Forges…

I just like this picture for that.

By Sir Pigeonz


I wouldn’t mind a quest where one failed to control themselves and we have to fight them. maybe they transform into a void being too. Would be cool.


Aye. Theres many ways that can go.

I’d kinda like to see a small group fall and we help a Void Speaker (priest) to track them down and try to bring them back to the Rift before they hurt anyone.

Get there find them and then realize that most have already lost themselves and have to fight them. Ending with a big “boss” velf who does turn into something else so infused and empowered by the void.

At the end I want it to be that a few of the members of this group though are able to be recovered and returned to the Rift to be bolstered, and that the Void Elves actively try to keep this quiet so the rest of the Alliance doesn’t get antsy about em.

I think it would be a cool addition to our lore. Give us some level of “oh hell this is dangerous still.”

Plus it would give Void Speakers a dedicated “job” among our new culture.

I’ll admit though I’m very biased on this idea. Its kinda what I decided Fenelon does in universe. lol


With the changes SL did to us, we need to have that “danger” re-established with void lore.

Atm it is feeling like the void isn’t any different then any other normal magic the mortal societies use (arcane, light, life) with no real standing effects, which had been built up to be supposed to be the contrary with void magic.


Void Elves are just High Elves who served under Alleria Windrunner then Sylvanas in life turned undead. Now that Sylvanas is gone they’re going back to the Alliance to serve their true leader or they could be Void Elves risen during the Fourth War. Either way there’s wiggle room.

Also Void Elf racial and blood red eyes look so ominous it makes Blood Elves look bad by comparison.

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I mean in some ways it isn’t any different. All the cosmic powers are effectively just power sources. Some have some “intelligence” behind the forces involved, such as the Eternals with Death, but DEATH magic is still Death magic. It’ll be the same with the Light and the Void.

The Light works best off of faith obviously and the Void seems to work better on a less ordered mind (someone who is crazy for example.)

But the power inherent is just a cosmic force. Channelable and usable just like any other.

That said it would be nice if the flavor of those powers could show through a little bit. Like Void Elves having to wrestle at times with their whispers constantly pulling at their minds and causing them to doubt.


While I would VERY much like an explanation in game for it, its easy enough to just headcanon any number of setups for your own.

Maybe you’re just playing a former Ranger who served when Arthas killed em all those years back. Maybe you’re more newly raised than that. Maybe you’re a Void Elf from the 5th 4th War who was killed and raised by the Val’kyr.

If Blizzard does want to give it an in game lore reason they can just add a Dark Ranger to the Telogrus Rift and have them explain that some Velves were raised and some helf Dark Rangers decided to return home.