Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i vote for more void customizations too the more te better.

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It is unknown if this cycle occurs naturally without an external catalyst.

The two cannot exist without the other.[[6]]
The Void is not necessarily “evil”, it is a primal force with its morality characterized by how it is wielded.[4]

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That part has no sources, and since the wiki is fan based it should be taken with a grain if salt.

These do have sources though;

Examples of darkened naaru are D’ore, M’uru, K’ure, and K’ara. Thrice, darkened naaru have also been shown to transform further into void gods; though in all known occasions this was only when their light was forcibly drained by an outside party, so it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon and is normally extremely rare. The ethereal Locus-Walker noted that the few cases of naaru falling into Void he knew of had occurred when mortals were involved, which he thought carried fascinating implications.[59]


It would have been cool, but no allied races got anything good.

Lightforged got the ship we quested in.
Highmountain has their questing hub
Nightborne has a very tiny section of their city
Maghar got nothing
Dark irons have a small room
Kul tirans “have” boralus
Zandalari “have” dazaralor
Mechagnomes have a room in the city
Vulpera have nothing

Its either a place that was in the game anyhow, a tiny spot, or nothing.

It would have been nice if they went all out for allied races, but i get why they didnt.


Isn’t Vol’dun also a questing hub?

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I dont think that really counts.
Its a zone. Not a vulpera dedicated zone, just a zone where theyre from.

I dont think vulpera needed anything since theyre nomadic. But vulpera start off in orgrimmar which is why i dont count them as having a place.


What I look for in a city/town is functionality. I have so many ways to travel that my hearth is usually set somewhere that my character would call home. Does it have an inn, mailbox, and an AH? These are things I think everyone should get, if not a dedicated area within their faction capital.

Speaking of, RIP goblin district. You could have been great…


They really took that away from us. It was such a nice corner of Org. I don’t see why they couldn’t expand Org to add another building, those rocks are hollow!


This is what i want for my Warlock i made recently. I love the natural skin tones and platinum hair. But i want some more Voidish eyes and some Void/Starcursed Tattoos to go with that look. It would be a nice contrast.


I completely agree. I love the Starcursed / Voidy hair effects made by Rama, and they fit with all the VE hair colors, inc the lighter ones. Starcursed tattoos would also be gorgeous - or an option to turn EE into bright Starcursed blue markings :smiley:


Today is another day.

Its good to be a void elf. Sending my daily support.


I use the platinum hair color for my monk since it really compliments the skin that’s solid blue with purple fingers/toes.

It made me wish we could change the hues of the tentacles because it does look really jarring to see how they did not blend the effects at all for the majority of the original hair cuts. Future hair really need to have the tentacles woven in and not just slapped underneath the hair layer.


yawns, stretches

Went to make a Void Elf Monk (the booze helps with the whispers) and decided to look at the masc options… dood… they legit have cool hairstyles. WTF

More of that please.


I get why they didn’t go that route but I also understand the disappointment.

They don’t need to be constantly murdering each other but some tension at least would be nice.

That’s fair.

Though I don’t really want them literally fighting exactly but rather just having them interact and show tension.

I do like the mixed look as well, though I’m very much into the blueberry looks.

I’d really like to see this skintone option added for exactly those sorts of toons.

Hopefully when they show how more void elves are made they’ll have the end result be a mix of Allerian, Umbrician and a mix of em.

Even that sort of interaction could be nice too.

That they don’t interact at all is just weird given their power sources and beliefs.

This is very fair.

Still nothing wrong with wanting to see our home expanded… At least to have buildings if nothing else.

I would love it to see the other races all get their own places expanded to like at least town like setups.


They deserve to have their island dock in Aszhara updated to be useful like a city.

Plus it gives a few avenues in the lore for stories without anyone being able to say otherwise…

More tentacle colors would be very nice!

Also any new hairstyle needs to have the tentacles and the toggle as an option!

No half measures. Still so annoyed we don’t have this yet.

I actually like most of them and thought we had a nice spread.

I do get the widows peak being a problem for some, so I wouldn’t mind new hairstyles.


Patch dropped and according to early reports looks like velves may, along with Belves nelves and NB, get dark ranger options!

Very interesting!

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While it’s not old god eyes, it’s at least something spooky!


Red eyes are pretty unexpected, but imma RP the hell outta my VE being part of the Kabal now that it’s an option.


Sad to report the eyes are tied to the skin. This is in direct conflict with my love of being blue. :blue_heart:


dang Somand, you got the thing.

Another patch, another new void elf customization that’s a hand-me-down from blood elves. And it breaks your forum avatar if used on a void elf, since it was probably only intended for blood elves but got shared with the former anyway due to coding. Meanwhile, DKs can’t use any Dark Ranger skin while night elf DKs can still be Night Warriors, so your undead blood elf can be a paladin or priest (we got Darkfallen paladins before Forsaken paladins, lmao), but not the one class that’s undead as its theme. DHs can’t use the skins, either, though the reasons for that should be more obvious.

Admittedly, it was either both races get the skin, or people spend the next few years begging for void elves to get it, so they inadvertently nipped that topic in the bud. I think I’ll use the DR skin on Senarillyn (belf mage) while Sonasha (velf rogue) will stay full void, and hopefully the latter gets some real new customizations in the future.

But I won’t get too hung up over it. Seeing what the pro-velf community has come up with, all the ways the art team could expand on the void theme instead of tacking more non-Void options onto the race, it fills me with hope that they’ll come back to the Void theme someday and give void elves a real customization pass; if not at the beginning of Dragonflight, then somewhere down the line. I can also sympathize with the community being antagonized by people claiming that the void elves’ addition was a mistake that needs to be corrected, because I’m in the pro-mechagnome community and we’ve had to put up with the same crap.