Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I could go for a side-plot about subjugating the remnants of the Old God’s minions c:

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Speaking of Visions of N’zoth, and that patch, I thought that patch would’ve been extremely good to expand further on the lore of the Void Elves, but was disappointed on that.


BfA had so many good moments for that. Unfortunately it’s just another thing they dropped the ball on with setting up SL…


Should have led into a Black Empire expansion.

The slid into SLs. Could still have Sylvanas MIA after abandoning the Horde in BFA for it too. Have quests here and there referencing her actions.


I agree. Shame also the BfA story had to be all mixed and confusing and made very little sense either.


I think the Story for Void Elves should have a backstory to Umbric as a Character atleast in terms of just being another Magister. Like was he really with Kael’thas and the Blood Elves or was he around during the Fall of Quel’thalas or the Early days of Dalaran or something like that.

Right now Umbric is kind of like a random Magister with little history besides the one with exiled hated elf that betrayed Quel’thalas for Arthas. If he was a Student under him that would also add more to his story.


To be honest I’m tired of void elves always being tied to alleria or Umbric and by extension blood elves to be an antagonist of them. Let us see some neutral void elves idk be a cult or something.

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More story for Umbric would be nice.

We know fairly little about him.

You mean Dar’khan? Umbric and his followers appear to have found his research afterward from what I read. I doubt he was a student under him. I’d rather he not be either. Attaching all Void Elves to Dar’khan isn’t my favorite concept. He was a traitor who killed 90% of his people with his actions for power. It doesn’t feel like thats what the Void Elf story is or where it was meant to go.

They’re not actually.

The Twilights Hammer during bfa actually had several Void Elves within their ranks and they were among the forces of N’zoth in some number here and there.

Seems the Twlights Hammer and N’zoth also know how to make more Void Elves. More reason to request Blizzard show how the Ren’dorei of the Telogrus Rift make more void elves proper.


Did they do anything more with them storywise. BFA was such a mess storywise like so much possibilities for strife between void elves and light forged Draenei maybe self sabotaging each other.

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Not really. Though a few scraps is better than nothing. Its at least worth discussing here and there.

Just knowing that there are unaligned Void Elves with the Telogrus Rift one is an important piece to our puzzle I think.

It suggests several potentialities quietly…

I’d love to see Blizzard confirm a few of them down the line.

It’s weird because I don’t understand why blizzard didn’t do anything with the lightforged and void elves being on same faction but they don’t even get into conflict with each other. Like no void elves are hearing whispers from the void so intense to attack lightforged or vice versa for lightforged draenei to purge the heretical void elves for using the void.


Its very frustrating.

I’d love to see more interaction between the LFD and velves.

I’d love to see more interaction between Velves and other velves.

I’d love to see more affects of the whispers and velves hunting down other velves who lose it to keep the Alliance from assuming they’re all failing and need to be put down. Policing themselves.

I want to know how they operate, I want to see them have a home with BUILDINGS in it. I want to see how we make more.

Its all immensely frustrating to just have random vague concepts and little to go off of!


You don’t think their home rocks?

I’ll see myself out.


Rocks and more rocks.

Welcome to my Disappointment of not being attacked by Death Knights or Paladins attacking the Death Knights during the Legion Class Order Campaigns.

Pretty much Blizzard abandoned the idea of Death Knights vs Paladins during the time of legion when the Death Knights was trying to raise Tirion Fordring back from the dead as the Fourth Horseman until Darion dies and becomes the next horseman which I think it would be nice if they continued that fantasy faction war.

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Haha, always expect disappointment from Blizzard. Though that sort of story would’ve been cool.

My theory is the LFD don’t fight with VE’s in honor of turalyon’s service to them and leading them. He is married to a void being and still loves her.


Why oh why couldnt we get a proper settlement?

An actual void infested planet would have been nice.

Sending my daily support.

i like both corrupt and uncorrupt void elves, adding more customizaiton in one or other way is a win for me, yet i cannot make a pale/brown void elf with tentacles, is like you completely void or you aren’t,same with faces if you want to be purple but keep uncorrupted faces you can’t

it would be nice to mix all customizations being they void or not

shadow and holy priests worked toghether in legion, light and void while enemies are part of the same cycle at least in naarus. they knowing each controls one pole of a same energy would be enough to not hate each other.

they could even work togheter to release both magics at the same time to make powerfull nukes.

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Naaru’s actually don’t naturally go void unless mortals are involved, normally from having their light sucked out or getting wounded and leaking light energies.