Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Ah yes, the demand for a toggle off for the remaining thing to show they are void elves will hopefully never happen.

They should always be shown in one form or another that are void elves (no to turn toggle off)

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Literally who cares about EE you turn blue like once every few minutes at best, and only for a few seconds, I could care less about that :skull: Doesn’t ruin my High Elf fantasy at all

Like you guys try to hold it over our heads as if it’s a big deal when it’s the smallest thing ever :skull:

Sorry that my very rare proc doesn’t make me sad like you wish it did :cry: I have High Elf skin and eyes and hair 99.9% of my gameplay lol

I LOVE how Alleria turns SUPER dark and has glowing tatoos. Would LOVE for an option to have ours do that!

My current Velf customization wishlist is:

  • Way more hairstyles
  • Tattoos with diff colors and also a void effect options
  • More jewelry for both genders
  • Split-dye hair color options like Dracthyr are getting in various colors, with a starcursed void effect being an option
  • Void-dipped limbs like how Nightborne have glowing hands

And make our wings a customization option or something! With different stlyes/colors!


Cool. Don’t care about your headcanon on Void elves.

No to toggle off EE.

I do agree with this. Or at least they could make it into go to the cloak slot.

Me I care. I randomly go Void mode and mess someone up, it’s cool as hell.

Didn’t realize that Developer Ely Canon saying the customization options are meant to represent High Elf options is “head canon” but whatever helps you cope!

Didn’t you also say “no natural hair colors” a few months ago? Didn’t seem to work too well for ya :woozy_face:


You think turning solid blueberry blue for a few seconds and doing 5% more damage is “cool as hell”?

Personally I think the visual could look a lot cooler like Alleria’s transformation but maybe that’s just me lol…to each their own!


Represent =/= is.

Yeah i also remember ppl saying that they would stop with HE requests once they got that. What do we see here?


… you don’t use cooldowns do you?

Yes I do…most of them have much cooler visuals than just turning solid blueberry blue for a few seconds…we don’t even get the starry void effect…it’s just blue shadowform lol

Maybe I’m just spoiled by how cool Void Eruption looks lol <3

Anyways still hoping they let us customize EE to look more cool like Alleria’s!


Using anything but auto-attacks is a crutch.


Aye, void elves need story.

I’d love to see how we make more, which I realize I’m basically on repeat about, but so many things could be brought up. Organization, what are our goals, information on our class titles, expansions to the living space of the Rift.

Much could be done.

Side note: I got a covid vaccine booster yesterday and I appear to have some side effects. Lol. I hate this.

A common one. I used to think that too.

Is that when they got it? Always wondered if it was explained.

Maybe, still worth asking about.

Plenty of criticism could be had for our recruitment story but not much can be done about it.

Umbric being the leader of most of the void elves prior to Alleria and the hero saving them does leave some questions though.

While I’m all for more void for Alleria if they go that route I don’t think I’m in the venom style camp as much.

That said…

By Lancelot

I’ll always be a fan of Voidberg.

I wouldn’t be against this.

I want the hair change bit Alleria gets. Probably as an option.

Wish they did those short stories more often.

I like all of this. I’ll see about working some if it that I don’t have in the main post in…

I’m a big fan of changing the wings into customization. (or to a cloak).

I like it too. Worked it into several stories as main issues. (somewhat long story though.)

Nothing wrong with enjoying it.

No doubt. They need not be exclusive. One can like both options.

I also really like this idea…

By Somand

OK, but like… That’s subjective to each person. It’s not like one high elf pro saying that is saying all high elf folk would…

OK but hear me out.

Our EE comes with tentacles.


Posting my daily support for bubblegum pink hair.


Or maybe our EE gives us the heritage armor wings too when it procs.


I think a few have mentioned that before.

Wouldn’t mind that as an option either.

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I am not a fan of the wings. Wings, to me, are way more paladin/blood elf in nature for their design. If we’re talking about toggles, I’d love the option to turn them off on the heritage set.

I’m so sorry :sob: But congrats on your booster! I know around here they are still making priority waitlists.

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Some things i would like would be some more eye colors that look more voidish. I know there’s two purple options. The “Natural” purple eyes as well as well as the other purple color, but i dont really think either of them fit the Void look all that great. I’d like a Void color that has a bit of a glow to it in the same way that the blue eyes look or even the Green/Golden on Blood Elves does. A void color that sticks out. I think on the O.G Void Elf skins the purple eyes even create some kind of purple shadow/mark around the eyes. I’d like to see more customization with that. As well as having the ability to have that on the natural/High Elf skin tones.

Get well soon.


Bunch of options in the main post that might entertain you…

By Silverleaf


By Somand and Lancelot

I don’t expect any options to be limited between natural tones and blue tones. I’m not a fan of that kind of limitation once something is given.

I’m hoping I’ll be better by tomorrow. Its messing with my brain which is making things hard and giving me a great deal of muscle and joint pain. Seem to be periodically queasy too.

Bah. Hate it.


Old gods probably whispered to her tbph. seems more realistic. An army of void elves in the alliance to corrupt and force to betray? sounds good

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Possible I suppose but our theme appears to be more about control of the void and being able to use it for protecting Azeroth and the Alliance.

I mean they did in the Visions of N’zoth, but those were only visions.

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