Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I meant more as a if they do it I won’t mind it.

I mentioned before I had a scenario in my head about it but I’m not going out of my way for it.

Sending my daily support for me and my fellow void elves. Much love.

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Will not happen because of the branding and marketability. Umbric could become a possible poster character but he is no Sylvanas in a bikini.
She absorbed a Naa’ru, she didn’t ate one.

I really wish they’ll push him front and center the next time we get a spotlight. We haven’t had the opportunity to really see how they’re structured, but I played Forsaken long enough to know where the focus might go when Windrunners are involved. As I have said before, Alleria just isn’t the same as the rest.

In either scenario, I’d just be ecstatic to consume more void story. :clinking_glasses:

Edit: Oh, hey! My armory finally updated!

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Umbric feels like a side character even though he was the leader of the blood elves when they were exiled.

Alleria came in and saved them and feels like she became the poster for void elves. Well…because she is a windrunner. I always knew about turalyon and alleria since the burning crusade expansion.

My character role play wise (i dont actually rp). Is that she was a part of Vereesas silver covenant and she became interested in the void before she found out about the telegrus rift void elves. She secretly researched the void and joined up with the blood elves who changed into void elves and agreed to become infused the void? Why? She is infatuated wit the void but wont let it control her.


Yeah, the whole “saving them” didn’t sit right with me. We know that communing with the Void is dangerous in any capacity, and why would they suddenly not know how to fight it? Wouldn’t step one of working with the Void as sustenance be fortifying your resolve?

If she simply snapped them out of their shocked state that would have been one thing, but I don’t know. Got very Great Value Sylvanas from that scenario.

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Yeah. It was a plot device to invite blood elves into the alliance.

Anduin was already allying with the leaders of the horde and wasnt all warmonger like his dad. Even though Varian wanted to have peace talks with lorthremar and have blood elves join the alliance back in mists of pandaria.

But yeah, Alleria saving the void elves was… to allow is to have void elves, i think it could have been written better. Maybe have umbric and his void elves save Alleria from a void lord or something after they fought back control. You could maybe at the start gain control over the whispers and go and help umbric save alleria but have him remain the defacto lead and alleria the minor character


Slow acting void Naaru release lozenge. All day relief.


Surprisely the Void Elves haven’t lost their taste of magic or anything else since they found a new source of magic that isn’t the sunwell. Meanwhile the High Elves or Silver Covenant are pretty much lucky they live in Dalaran or else they would be like the High Elves at the Lodge in Eastern Plaguelands that didn’t do so well.

All thalassian elves with possibly the exception of the Void Elves (Blizzard hasn’t really made it clear with them yet. Now I think on it or the Darkfallen.) get what they need from the relit Sunwell.

The SC and other Dalaran elves no longer have to care.

The Lodge in the EPLs elves succumbed to over eating even after the return of the Sunwell. The object they had was just… weird.

I really do wonder about Void Elves though and wish Blizzard would be a bit clearer on whether or not they can still feed off the Sunwell for their magic addiction or if its been removed by the void infusion. Or if they just can use the void to sate their needs.

Likely it has been removed due the Void fulfilling them now. That’s why their have no regular blood to begin with, they are one with their magic.

Likewise, I believe the void has replaced their thirst.

While I do want a physical representation of where they “recharge”, because the concept of the wells is cool to me, I’d rather it be more intangible. Fit Telogrus itself as a sort of sauna where they can get their fill.


I just want a clear lore response on it. Right now its just an assumption which is frustrating.


I have no more likes today + :blue_heart:

I was being completely honest that I was desperate for a short story. Just anything that gives us something to jump from.


The next opportunity for this is in 10.2 or 11.0, until then nothing will change.

That’s a misconception, Wretched come from elves who overindulge in magic.

The player brought the Quel’lithian Lodge a cursed object in vanilla that they thought might help cure their mana addiction.

Well, they did make the Sunwell work throughout all time, space, and distance so they wouldn’t have to mention it in places like Draenor and Outland.

I don’t think they care.

She was also the literal inspiration for Void Elves so she was always going to be an important figure to them.

I kind of see Alleria and Umbric as a Tyrande and a Shandris kinda thing.

Though the fact she just happened to to hear Rommath mention and we just happened to catch them before the opened to cube and we just happened to save them at the exact right time to be the form they are in is still some of the most horrid righting…


would be cool to see alleria give in more to the void. i always wanted flailing tendrils and big sharp fangs for void elves like venom

or even just take on her void form permanently and giving it a player customization spot ala night warrior. what a wasted AR voids are


Oh hell YES! I would actually love for that to be some sort of enhanced version of Entropic Embrace. The purple is beautiful, but I want to go beast mode.

OOoo some web fiction like they had been doing involving Void Elves would be pretty sweet.

gurl, same

Maybe they will rework EE with 10.0 so that both the Void- and High Elf players get their will in the end.