Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Speaking of the heritage quests for weapons that have come out in 9.2.5.

When the Void Elves eventually get their own, I hope it helps to explain how we make more void elves. Like shows it.

That would be a nice way to expand things.

Maybe show Void elf armorers also making new weapons along the way kinda like this…

By Sir Pigeonz

We already have the weapon files in the game…

Though I hope its more than just this. We need a weapon (And this should apply to all races) that can fit every class and setup when they do these heritage weapons. It can’t only be useful to a couple classes.

The Belf one being just the polearm is a bit annoying.

Both the Belf and Dark Iron quests however also added a mount.

I’m very hopeful that they might actually add the Starcursed Dragonhawk or maybe a Starcursed Courser.


I’d like if the void elf heritage weapon quest also updates Telogrus Rift a little bit. We really need a couple buildings with the Velf colors/architecture.

Also, I just wanna say I love the galaxy effect on the void elf armor.

A starcursed dragonhawk could be insanely cool. The fanmade one above is gorgeous.



It would be really neat to see it updated to have buildings and actually look like we’re making a go of living there.

I need to get up and finally write it better in the main post but I have a wonderful concept in general for the five or so islands we have floating around and actually using them each with their own purpose.

Among my favorite things they have. Hope to see so much more of that in the future.


If anyone happens to be able to find its artist by the way… its still a bit of a question if I found them or not. lol I’d like to give proper credit.


Someone in another thread brought up a pretty interesting idea about that. I hadn’t noticed the High Elves in the Rift before, but we could see a sort of Gen 1 and Gen 2 like with Forsaken (pre and post Wrath).

I doubt any more Blood Elves will be jumping ship to join us, but teaching the True Path to the High Elves would satisfy how we get more numbers.

I am also banging pots and pans to build a city inside Telogrus Rift. I don’t want a district in Stormwind, and I sure as hell don’t want to go back to Silvermoon. I want to live in the space between realities.


There are absolutely Blood Elves joining. There are High Elf Wayfarers and Blood Elf Scholars coming to join the Void Elves.

I’d like to see a sort of gen1-gen2 setup too but I tend more towards the high elf and blood elf trainees going through a ritual to become proper full void elves.

Now I’m not a fan of retconning choices so I’d want them to come out with a smattering of our customizations. Some looking Umbrician while others looks Allerian and some a mix of both.

If they ever add…

By Ramavatarama

I want this to show up for sure.

That way all our options become canon to Void Elves, without anyone being able to claim otherwise… personal pet peeve of mine when folk do that. One that Blizzard is allowing by not showing the how and where to making more Void Elves.

I don’t know that I want a city… though only because I think its unlikely. Buildings and even farms and staging grounds definitely though.

I do also think it should show up in bits and pieces if they’re going to do more Heritage quests over time. Let it build up more naturally.

but a couple tents is utterly ridiculous.

Far as Stormwind, I see no reason why the Void Elves would want to have a district… We have the Rift a place literally steeped in the Void. Its the best place for us really.

Silvermoon we gave up when we left. It will always be important to us, but 1) we’re dangerous to it and our people left behind. and 2) we left it willingly. We lost any claim to it.


I’ll have to go actually see that myself now, because I was so hyped to just start leveling that any and all extra npcs flew right over my head.

I also shoot right for the moon, because if you don’t go big you’ll generally get less from Blizzard from modest requests. It’s really sad that Telogrus isn’t set up as a place of respite.

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If you stick around awhile you can see them arriving too. I’ve never seen them walk off but I’ve been told they sometimes do so and walk to the void portal to the second island?

Again never seen that bit though.

There is some logic to that concept. Definitely tell Blizzard what you WANT to see for sure but always be prepared for a lesser version is kinda how I see it nowadays…

Sadly I’ve been disappointed an awful lot of late.

Still even a few buildings and some expansion is better than nothing and a full city would be amazing for sure.

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The Void Elves should have gotten one as a purchasable option a long time ago. Gatekeeping a FOMO void dragon mount from BfA was not a great solution to begin with.

They will likely come with the Void customizations in 1-3 years.

Just supporting this thread daily.

My hearts desire is to have my pink bun hairstyle.


I want a loose bun tied back with a tendril. :pleading_face:


I. Would. Sell. My. Organs.


Would be very nice!

A bun and a pony tail I always thought would be nice with a tentacle holding it.

Considering seeing if Rama might want to make a few more colors in this setup for me…

I think we could do with some more greens and off blacks.


Still want these wonderful items and options for void elves.


Anything loose and a bit messy is adored. My main concern is that so many styles use paper layering to the, which gives the effect that the hair is either stringy, or super thin.

Definitely want to see styles that utilize tendrils that hold the style in place. That feels like such a no-brainer design choice.

I’ve been thinking about my rants and ravings about stories, but if we were to get some type of Night Warrior questline… what would ya’ll like it to look like?

Personally, if they are sticking with Alleria being at the head, some exploration on how the Ren’dorei draw power from the void. Showing us what makes it different from simply being a shadow practitioner, or how you might draw power from the Moon/Sun/Nightwell.

In this quest we see the next evolution of the Ren’dorei as Alleria’s visage shatters more completely; tendrils and almost liquid skin completely overtake what she has previously preserved of her body. These, of course, would then be accessible at the barber.

I am simply sick with fever and day dreaming.

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[quote=“Fenelon-wyrmrest-accord, post:1, topic:1008860”]
Faebelina has also provided a mock up of hairstyles for void elves where the tentacles are wrapped within the hair itself. The tentacle toggle in this case should simply replace the tentacle with hair.

please? yes? Blizzard. The bun with the tentacle coming out as the tail? :frowning: I want…need…hairstyle? I would never change it.

Blizzard won’t let me post pictures of the hairstyle, but it is the pink hairstyles by Faebelina in the post.

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A favorite of many a void elf fan.


For good reason, which is why i keep repeating myself. They are amazing and should be implemented.

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I wouldn’t be against this in general, further void empowerment of Alleria is always good in my book and I’d not mind if she took on a more Umbrician look in general.

For a night warrior questline in general? I mostly just want to see them figure out how to reproduce the “trap” to make more void elves but modify it so it’s not dangerous in general.

Perhaps by harnessing the void storm on the third island.

In the process I think I’d want to see Umbric be taking more of the lead. Alleria is more a teacher and ambassador for the void elves. Umbric feels more like their leader to me.

With them learning a new more controlled way to infuse their brethren with the void to make more proper void elves I’d like for more customizations to be available. To show its a newer format. That said I also want some to come out looking Allerian so that all our options are Canon to Void Elves.


Finally located this thing and checked it out. Very amusing.

I was speaking in Thalassian at someone who was running above me and they were greatly confused. It was fun. I showed them the way in too in the end.

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I dunno, Alleria changing now seems silly and pointless to me. She ate a Void Naaru. If that didn’t do it, what would? I’d rather the dev time be spent on player options rather than on NPCs.