Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I think she meant ‘‘me too, indeed’’ by saying ‘‘ditto’’. It’s another word for expressing agreement without needing to repeat what was said.


I would sell all of my organs to look like this.


Noo don’t sell any of your vitals! :sob::see_no_evil: :joy:Perhaps in the near future we’ll see these, along with more hairstyles :stuck_out_tongue: and glowy tattoos !


I actually never knew that. Because the term ditto here in Australia actually means something else. I guess the more you know.

What… Does it mean there?

Edit: I see you Milynde, welcome to the thread. :octopus: :eye: :octopus:

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Basically this:

Ditto just means ‘again’ or ‘duplicate’ or, in this case, ‘you too’. It is not insulting, slandering, or socially unacceptable, just their way of saying ‘right back at you’ . Just smile and carry on

Thinking about this thread as I play around with the Infested Automa Core toy. It would be nice if we could see racial toys a la Black Ice that toggle cosmetic effects on us. They just have to adjust a few things, and it is already made!

I want to look like that (without the gold orb) all the time. Wriggly boys.

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Would be nice to have those hair styles that were shown.

Personally want a bun hair style like the one shown in this post.

Please Blizzard, make it happen.

Also showing my daily support.


These would be really neat to see.

By Luoren

By Faebelina

And of course the option to add tentacles to the hairstyles without em.

By Fiercelord/Lyraseth


Those edits look so lovely. It pains me that they look so bare on live, like they really needed the tendrils to fill them out.

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Yeah… Theres a lot of low hanging fruit as it were that could really give void elves more uniqueness and flavor for the void.

I also really like the idea of this Starcursed effect for a hair option.

By Ramavatarama

And of course more hair colors…

By Ramavatarama

And skintone options…

By Silverleaf

All low hanging and easy to add I think.


I REALLY like the encroaching pigment on the last one.

Sort of off topic about customization, but I noticed for the first time last night that void elves have a reverb to their voices. It has been years since I did the Antorus questline, but I don’t remember Alleria sounding like that.

Were there any examples as to how that was accomplished, or is it just rule of cool? Either way, it made me really happy to hear it.


Those hairstyles by Fae. :heart:

Every time i see them my heart hurts because my faith in Blizzard implementing them is so slim.


I haven’t looked too hard into it but the reverb seems to be an affect of the void infusion.

Probably really just the rule of cool though.

I’m a big fan of the encroaching. Gives a good bridge between the wayfarers and scholars in the Rift to full void elves.


Oh man, if only. Those do look really amazing.

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I figured as much, but still something I intend to capitalize on in rp.

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I generally assume Void Elves have it regardless, so I definitely would!

Fenelon here in RP actually has the obsidian skin tone from the above pictures, a mouth in his stomach that he keeps hidden (Its also how he disenchants things for funsies), and four tentacles on his back like the hair ones.

I love the opportunities we have for stuff like that, even if unlike me someone is avoiding the eldritch side of things.

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I love the idea of tummy mouths!! Skip all the extra steps.

What I have been waiting on is some f*'d up, void ridden dragonhawks for my monk. She’s a breeder with a “if it is good for me, it is good for thee!” mentality. Her third eye pins hatchlings with a mind bending stare to expedite the training process. One can only imagine that leaves lingering effects.

I have kind of come around to the idea that the majority of rpers want to be a helf. It makes me feel more unique, and it reflects how few of us there are. I’m the spooky wench on this block claiming all the real estate.

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Ah! A good choice.

Can they hurry up and make both of these a reality?

by Aavari?

By Lancelot

One of my void elves, who was a blood elf of some repute before the Rift, was caught in the trap with her loyal Cloud Serpent. So I rp that her cloud serpent was also similarly voidified.

Love the idea of more Starcursed mounts and maybe even some scattered starcursed tamable animals for our hunters in the Telogrus Rift.


I drool over those every time I open this thread.

I am so sad BfA didn’t drop all kind of corrupted models on us. That was the perfect time to do it! I don’t even care if it’s a heritage reward for Void Elves at this point so long as I can get my hands on them.