Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Hey, don’t come at me about it, I’m not agreeing with anyone on this. I’m just saying the topic at hand has escalated quickly.

There is a lot to unpack here but first and foremost, I wasn’t talking about you…

I was talking to Greatbrae about calling folk leeches which I said was rude and that he didn’t need to stoop to that level. I believe I brought up Cadazamir in fact, not you.

And for the love of all that is holy and void. Shut up about discords. You know nothing about the one you often try to talk about, and most of the info being spread about it is literal lies that the person spreading it knows are lies.

We’re all tired of it.


Agreed entirely. It’s pathetic how often these people bring up the ‘discord’ like it’s some ‘gotcha’. No, it just makes you look obnoxious, and spreading false rumors/lies. That I’ve disproven to people again and again because I actually have proof. Luckily most with more than half a brain realize how badly certain parties are manipulating them.

Reasons why I have trolls like that on ignore.


Those hairstyles and tattoos. Yes please entirely.

Please developer team, make it happen.

The lack of hairstyles during customization is staggering. We have what? 6 hairstyles to choose from? At minimum we should have 10-12.

The pink hairstyle with the braids is by far my favorite and would wear them constantly on my void elf.

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Plenty of options for Blizzard to go for even before getting into Eldritch type stuff.

Honestly without taking the void away, we can look so much more varied and amazing and its a shame Blizzard hasn’t put this amount of effort into customization, and not just for void elves, but for every race.

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Whoever designed those hairstyles needs to be hired.

They have amazing talent and it makes me cringe because we will probably never see them. My favorite is the pink bun hairstyle with the ribbon in it.



We can all agree we want to see more of our favored Races, allied or otherwise, but in this specific conversation the comment led from s
From another unrelated to this stance else so that’s why I responded like I did.


I can’t equip a weapon without it clipping directly through my thighs. I have become more powerful than that.

As for customization, I think it might be a good investment for Blizzard to design universal hairs and accessories. Just dump a wide catch of generic styles for everyone so that when they focus on racial specific customization they can be really specific with it - as all the other bases are covered.

Or even use those as a base to make a version with more racial flavor. IE: Void Elf hair (if it was available to everyone) would only have the tentacle toggle for a Void Elf character. Yes, this is me campaigning again to offer a tentacle toggle on all hairstyles.

One of my fears is that they try to be too generic with customization to satisfy as many people as they can, which isn’t a bad thing when a simple ponytail isn’t locked to a single race.


Good faith would mean to take consideration of the topic your posting in. Your in a void elf thread stating void elf options is unpopular and shouldn’t be considered at all.

Far from good faith.

The reason i responded that way is that he came in here, basically saying “forget void elf customizations, we need to move more towards high elf themes!” In a void elf customization thread, while using tenticle clipping as an example on why he thinks it’s silly…

In a game where races that has tenticles clipping already… and tails clipping cloaks… and hair clipping stuff…

He was trying to use your thread to ask for more high elf stuff.


Oh I get why you said it, and I agree. I’m a bit touchy on people being called leeches these days.

I’d really like to see people stop using the phrase “most players want… X”. No one (except maybe the devs) has any business saying “most players want… X” when no one can know for certain how many people want X, how many people want Y, and how many don’t give a flying fart in space either way.

None of us are privy to what “most players” want. We can only speak for ourselves and to what we as individuals want.

I am content with the High Elf customization options we currently have, and I’d love to see more void-themed options added. In particular, I’d like more hairstyle and facial hair options since Void Elves only have so many and I’d like more variety and options to choose from.

I’d also like scar and tattoo options (not locked to specific faces) for every race, including Void Elves. I’m ambivalent towards jewelry but would like it to be unisex if added.


Pretty confident the devs can’t even really say it either. Its not like they’re asking people…

But like…all of that.

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Does the games has no “universal hair assets and accessories” by now? I do remember reading/seeing pictures where assets can be easily added and swapped without any problems, especially the men’s beards.

I do not know if they will add for every hair style a tentacle toggle, but to be fair, they just made a very minor Void Elf update the last time with a big impact, so we have to wait and see how well the Void Elf customizations will fare in comparison to the other AR-updates.

I spoke especially about Alleria-styled customization options. And if you go back up to the original posts, you will also find further details what I meant with this. Alleria is a Void Elf. That’s why the emphasis was on “rather”.

While this is absolutely fair to say, you all forget it’s also reasonable to express that “many” people wanted Alliance HE-options. It’s indisputable, otherwise the Void Elves would just have gotten a tentacle toggle with 9.1.5 if not enough people rallied for it.

What I actually expect to see are edited hair options and accessories from the Blood Elves. It’s all about quick updates rather infuriating the Belvies. When it comes to new stuff, then they will likely introduce the few Heritage Weapons they have on the shelf.

The only thing missing for alleria looks is a tattoo, everything else is already covered. You have your blonde hair pale elf. Anything else beyond that is stuff void elves does not need, in fact we need more void baised customizations and ho away from high elf themes. We do not need any more of that, and honestly we never needed any high elf or blood elf looks to begin with.


To be fair, that poster said:

So I think they meant this:


Cool and all, he also said he beleives ppl will want high elf options over void elf ones. Which is still blatantly untrue.

I do like the alleria void form though.

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I think he has an issue using I statements for some reason, like “I think” “imo” “my opinion is” stuff like that.

I just disregard it generally at that point given it’s been pointed out to him several times but he still acts as if he’s some sort of WoW Nostradamus.



As much as I’m satisfied with all the options we now have after this long battle that lasted like…3 years apparently.

Void stuff would be nice for those who really want to represent that theme, as well as more stuff for blood elves (light related? Or just hairstyles that aren’t ugly and outdated)


Ok, so why tell me “Ditto” for if I am throwing in my support for Void Customizations for the Void Elves?

Sending my daily support for more customization.