Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It’s pretty much exactly like what Blood Elves where asking for. Which they either didn’t see it or didn’t care. Or maybe even saw it and thought it would be cool for their new toy lol


That two toned ombre hair is going to be just a Dracthyr thing regardless is kinda like… why?

So many other races could make use of that concept.

So many races still need options and these Dracthyr get all the attention. Feels bad.


So I figured it couldn’t hurt to mention this but on the 9.2.5 ptr they finally fixed the last terrain bug in Telogrus!

This terrain hole has been corrected in 9.2.5!

Now the only thing left to fix in Telogrus are the High Elf Wayfarers still using Death Knight eyes instead of the eyes used by other High Elf NPC’s.

I also thought it might be fun to come up with NPC titles for future race/class combos (and those that exist that don’t have any as far as I know).

Currently we have these titles for existing Void Elf classes:

  • Locus Researcher = Mage
  • Rift Warden = Warlock
  • Veiled Riftblade = Warrior
  • Umbral Ranger = Hunter
  • Void Speaker = Priest
  • Ghostblade = Rogue

These classes are available to Void Elves but have no NPC representation that I know of so I came up with these titles:

  • Rift Striker = Monk
  • Grave Shadow = Death Knight

And these are titles for classes Void Elves currently don’t have access to, but may have in the future if the devs intention for race to no longer be a limiting factor to class is true:

  • Void Knight = Paladin
  • Veiled Botanist = Druid
  • Dark Elementalist = Shaman
  • Umbral Bladedancer = Demon Hunter

Galaxy hair for Velves. Make it happen Blizz!


I really want them. I like both classes a lot but the fact the race can’t be one just limits my class pool. I would probably have played a demon hunter if they were able to be void elves. So them just not allowing access is locking me from the class. Because I refuse to go horde or play a night elf.

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Oh thats wonderful news!

Glad to hear its been fixed and I hope they do change those eye issues on the wayfarers. Its really weird that they’ve left it so long.

Love it.

Especially Grave Shadow. I actually have a velf DK and I’ve been trying to consider what he’d be called among them. (though in his story hes a former riftblade.)

I thought of an alternative for paladin and shaman.

Paladin = Void Inquisitor
Shaman = Dark Geomancer

Very much like these sorts of conceptualizing such things.


Ooh I like Dark Geomancer!


Well it looks like you’ll get your wish… someday. When? No one can really say, but it’s probably a minimum of 2-3 years till we see anything beyond the Rogue, Mage, Priest proliferation… and maybe Monk. I personally think we’ll see Monk added at the last minute since it’s only Worgen. Lightforged, and Goblins that can’t be Monks and they all have the necessary animations already so there’s no asset or lore work needed.

Unless they proliferate more classes during during Dragonflight, we’ll probably have to wait till 11.0 for more. I don’t know if they will do all the remaining classes as a big batch or deal them out piecemeal, but the next class after Monk that would be the easiest to share would probably be Warlock since it’s mostly lore additions needed rather than art assets or animations.

After that Shaman, especially since some totems can be recolors of other race totems (Lightforge will probably get reused Draenei totems with a yellow glow instead of blue, and I’d imagine Void Elves would use the same totems as Blood Elves but with the Void Edge visual effect on them for example).

Next I’d say Paladin because of lore additions, racial mounts for races that currently don’t have Paladins, and possibly alternative visual effects for some races (void colored effects for Void Elves and maybe Undead, possibly pale blue-ish effects for Night Elves, etc).

Then we’d have Demon Hunters which are a rather big deal because only Blood Elves, Night Elves, Void Elves and Nightborne currently have access to the Demon Hunter specific animations. So there’d be animation work needed for the other races, lore additions, new demon forms for the non-elf races, and possibly alternative visuals for some races (void flames instead of fel flames for Void Elves, light flames for Lightforged - think Lothraxion, etc).

Finally there’s Druid which probably requires the most work due to racial versions of each form. Some shortcuts could probably be taken in some cases (Like Orcs and Mag’har using the same forms but with different color variants for example), but this one seems to be the most daunting to proliferate with Demon Hunters probably coming in as a close second.

Obviously this is just speculation on my part. Blizzard could shock us with all the rest proliferated before Dragonflight is over, but I’m trying to keep my expectations low. Heck for all we know, 11.0 could add Warlock, Shaman and Paladin only, and it wouldn’t be till 12.0 that we’d see Demon Hunter and Druid finally make it to the other races. I hope it doesn’t take THAT long… but it could. :man_shrugging:

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<— thinks of what a void-flavored paladin charger would look like and wants one >_>;

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I can only imagine, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it simply ended up being the Star-cursed Voidstrider with different armor.

Why the hell would I wanna wait 2-3 years. Why can’t I just enjoy the class and race combo of my choice now instead of just being forced to wait ages to finally be able to enjoy my time in the game?

youve denied yourself to a high elf paladin for 15+ years now. whats a few more


On the two-toned hair…

It looks really, really good on trolls and I am glad a few other toons are getting it.

Even if I am salty about one class, one per realm, no tank dragons.

They’ll be… fun… Nggggh. I hope they’re at least entertaining to PvP on.

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Yeah. I mean more is better than nothing… Even if that more is extremely limited.

I just wish they’d spent some resources to hit up… Well most races really with something as easily justifiable as it is for Dracthyr.


I’d settle for more troll hairstyles getting it because now I CAN NEVER GO BACK.

…Ahem. But yeah, I’m hoping that eventually we get some love. Especially for races who’re looking sad in the options and unique options department. Which is why I will keep wandering into these threads and yelling, “I LIKE CUSTOMIZATION!” But I play this game as stress relief, and part of that is making interesting toons.


Because they’ve given us everything else. May as well just hand it over so players can play what they want.

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I’m celebrating for you! :heart::clap:t2:


Thanks! I’ve already leveled the rogue that will replace this Warrior come either prepatch or 10, >:D

Anything is possible !!

Now to wait 5-15 years for red Eredar skintones :crazy_face:


Such Great Titles for Void Elf Classes.


So my Void Elf is a Shadow Priest, so she would be a Void Speaker? I dig it!