Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’d rather not see our classes restricted from what they are…


“Why, Sledgehammer, are you mobilizing your ~30 characters 40 and above to try to get the stupid black dragonhawk because it’s probably the closest we’ll get to a void dragonhawk?”

“Yes, I am.”

“How’s your sanity?”

“I’m going skiing as soon as I’m done.”

PS: Blizzard, some sort of unique assets for void elves and I hate it with a fiery passion when you lock mounts beyond a time limit AND a drop rate.

I already have all the catchup from being unsubbed and getting everyone’s renown up (or at least 4 characters) and figuring out how to do that. Grinding PvP gear on my main and MAYBE Sledge. Ah, WoW. Chore Simulator 2K. To be done while ignoring actual chores.


It’s the biggest joke that blizzard made it a 1% drop…

Wish they gave a damn about their players.

Random chance, nothing we can work towards. That’s not what players want and it’s a big disgrace that they’ve chosen this.


Edit: it’s 100% now. Hope that is actually what they intended and not just because another scandal happened…

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My assumption is that this is going to be here every year and wind up mocking me for a solid decade like the Horseman’s Mount.

Though if it drops for the void elf when I get to him in the roster, my sodium level will drop back to its accustomed place.


That’s fine for things like Halloween, though even that should have its drop rate increased heavily, but for an anniversary?

Blizzard should be rewarding it’s players not forcing them to randomly get things maybe if they’re lucky.

It’s bull and is one of many things that will only drive people away.

Like it’s a rotten way to show appreciation for players who’ve stayed with them.

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I think that’s more the mechanical dragonling…

Though I have some choice thoughts about the graveyard distance at the moment.

Yeah that is kinda ridiculous. lol

My rogue died and thankfully I didn’t release until after. I can only imagine I’d have lost any loot chance had I been running back.

It really doesn’t look like a Void Dragonhawk. Don’t do this to yourself.

Really? wtf…previous years it was a guaranteed drop as long as you took part.
That does suck.

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After participating today in several groups I’d guess that its better than 1% and there just isn’t enough data to ascertain its actual drop rate yet.

Still seems kinda weird that it’s a chance at all rather than a reward for taking part.

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Yeah its frustrating.

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I assume it it because you will be able to do this next year. Its basically a new headless horseman mount which I think is ok.

Could be, has there been any confirmation on that?
It’s a shame they don’t bring back the actual cool fights like the Icecrown timewarping one, that was pretty cool.

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So apparently the drop rate has been fixed ?

This happened just now on my alt, got the mount (as well as everyone else):



Yep, same here. Now to farm the rare mogs :sweat_smile:


Oh which ones? The weapon of Akama?

I got it yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

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Of course it is, didn’t you see the new scandal :stuck_out_tongue:

Time to ask for Void customizations fellas!


Did they all get it right then?

I got mine this morning on Kyuu but didn’t seem like anyone else got it at all at that moment. We were all even chatting about the annoying drop chance.


I got mine about an hour ago so thats why no one else got it at the time. The hotfix was 22 minutes ago.

I didn’t want to say anything but… uhm…

Kinda made that joke to my Hubby after I saw the news. lol


That’s one of them. I got two of them yesterday while farming the mount :laughing:
There’s some other mogs that are unobtainable outside the event across the rares. If you look at the WoWhead anniversary guide it’s all the ones marked with the asterisk.

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