Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Are we reading the same screenshot?

He says that Void Elf Paladins wouldn’t be appreciated by other Void Elves, not that it’s impossible because Void and Light.

Granted this is Ion. I don’t take anything he says that might apply to the lore as entirely accurate, or even partially.


And it should have been that way from the start. Yes it is an MMO and there is a world there, but it’s also a RPG. And as far as I can see, the lore will still stay the same. We don’t count as we appear towards it. So I just don’t understand the nonsense of having playable characters stick to the lore.


Yeah, that’s kinda too much I think hahahaha

Personally I’d die for Velf Druids, but we’ll see what devs come up with!


I want all classes for all races, but yeah as things are now that would be way too much. I can dream tho :rofl:


I mean, it’s grain of salt. It’s better to hope than to be disappointed. At this point whoever disagrees in having void elf paladin should be considered an anti.


I think Void Elf Paladins don’t make much sense lorewise.
I think High Elf Paladins make perfect sense lorewise.

So, adding Paladin to Void Elf would best be done as lorewise being an addition based on High Elves.

It doesn’t. but at this point, the developers are in open discussion to allow more accessibility. Lore can be always changed. They always did for a while.


I still like the idea of racial class glyphs, so you could have a Void Elf Void Knight.

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At this point I wish Ion would just quit his position and let actual people do the job who care about us players.

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The community is the drive for a lot of fun but they don’t make the lore or story.

They’re not attached to the immersion of a game world.

At least not unless you let them.

I get that for you it’s too much but you can’t attack people for their personal characters story and it’s not worth getting bothered by it.

What’s going on now isn’t toxic. It’s a disagreement.

Just because someone doesn’t agree doesn’t mean they’re attacking you or being toxic.

I invited you here again because I was hoping you’d focus on what you want to see and not about what you don’t want to see.

You have good ideas about things in the Void aspect of void elves. Wonderful ones that you, and others, deserve to speak about.

Disappointing but not unexpected.

Now this is interesting. Class skins may be more likely than I thought…

Wouldn’t that be… Every class? Lol



i made ya a font header for the thread
just copy/paste this in head of thread if you like it


source: https://fontmeme.com/world-of-warcraft-font/


Oh! Oh my thank you!

I will happily use this. Fallyn set me on the path to making something like this but I admit defeat in trying to use it. >.<

Truly thank you!


I feel like if they go the route of adding void elf paladins it should only be as part of just opening up everything to every race at that point. Lean into the idea that our characters are out of the norm, so it’s not a big deal if they learned to do something the rest of their race hasn’t learned.

(and to clarify since this is text, this is more about feeling that they might as well drop the restriction rather than pick and choose who gets what)


you could go fiddle with it and get it just the right shade of blue at the link :smiley:


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or they could just have us use the void instead of the light


I’d still rather that if they did that it was in the context of everyone getting everything and not another special elf dealy like DH.


Yeah. Some of these people don’t understand how an MMO works. They believe lore is some set gospel and everything is based around that or something and don’t get that it’s basically ever changing in an this type of game and that Blizzard controls this through their agenda. The community is a big part of it all. That shapes or can shape the lore as much as anything.

Lore can be manipulated to almost anything especially in this type of game that constantly changes and expands while the community plays a big part in it. The people who don’t understand this and believe so strongly in set lore as fact are like children who believe in Santa. You kind of just have to nicely move on from “discussions” with them until they finally/eventually realize there’s no Santa and then there can be logical discussion.

dh though is a race, not a class. i mean its like dk, where the class changes your race

What can I say? I love elves especially void elves :smirk: