Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It causes them to get generic tentacles and other generic Void mutations like the morphed mouth, specifically if infused with a large quantity. In the case of Void Elves, so far it’s only enough to where tentacles sometimes appear.

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gruesome. looks like a broken draenei mated with a void walker and a troll

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It’s not wrong at all. It just shows you don’t know how to handle your own self-responsibility for your attitude/happiness.

It’s no one’s responsibility but your own if you’re somehow getting upset seeing others enjoying themselves.

This is true for all things in life, not just in video games.


I would’ve liked this as an option for Void Elf skin.

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Respectfully no. Player charecters that exist is apart of the mmo world and it’s world building. It’s what gives life and breath to the evolving mmo world. I am sorry you do not feel this way, but this is a fact.

Your fun should not be dependent on you minding what everyone else is doing. You aren’t the HoA of WoW.

Evil is corruption. People RPing as evil Paladin’s ruining your immersion means that’s pretty fragile. It’s easy to just mind what you are doing and make your own immersion.

Sorry, but it comes off as an excuse to keep people from doing something you don’t personally approve of in game.

And I doubt most Pallys would use red eyes anyway. Most would use gold or blue. And even if they don’t, you probably not gonna see most of them in game anyway.


It’s not a fact, it’s your subjective feelings. And the world itself does not consider individual players as they present themselves as part of it’s lore. A hero character is part of the lore.

Does it also break your immersion when you go on an alt to do the same quest you already did on a main? When people ride the pink rocket, wear the yeti onesie? When bugs happen? There are a lot of actual immersion breaking things. Some that have always happened.

Eye color on a Paladin that most of the time you cannot see is the least of that.


No mention of new customizations in the developer update, RIP.
Here it is in case anyone wants to watch:


No its not.

What gives life and breath to an evolving MMO world is what the devs put into it.

Anything a player does has nothing to do with that. Its entirely separate to the world and world building.


Aye, Apparently they’ve decided to nix that stuff sadly…

It is possible though that they just didn’t want to talk about it right now or they’re holding it for 9.2.5/prepatch.


Doesn’t appear that any races will be getting further customization in 9.2, although perhaps they’ll return to it in 9.2.5 or in the pre-patch of 10.0.

New Race-Class combinations are something the team is actively discussing, and one example given pertained to Void Elf Paladins. They don’t flat out deny the validity of the request, but express that due to their nature of being infused with Void they can’t be proper Paladins, those that use the Light. They do entertain the idea however, leading to the notion that a Void-themed Paladin is within reach and on the minds of the developers.


I’m so going to race change my Paladin to a a Void Elf whenever Void Paladins come :heart_eyes:


OMG, YES! That’d be a dream come true :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It feels like Christmas :star_struck:

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So this is how liberty anti-paladin lore nonsense dies… with thunderous applause Ion Hazzikostas’s claim ”.


In a mmo it is. If you don’t like that, then I dunno what to say to you. Mmo’s are games that revolve around a world built with players in mind.

Not in the context if WoW, even good forces can currupt those who do not agree with them.

It’s not just me. And statements like this is why the elf community gets the hate it gets. Stop putting your image of someone onto others.

It is, the entire concept of the genre is worlds built and evolving with a community that breaths life into the world. Again, if you do not like it I dunno what to tell you that won’t come out as rude.

Yes it is fen, it’s the entire concept of the genre.

That is only a small part of it, the community is supposed to be the main drive.

Is in error.

Know what, I know you invited me back here, but as I expected nothing good is gonna come from this. I have clearly seen that the elf community is nothing but toxic and uncaring for any community that does not agree with them, and seemingly does not know what mmo’s are created for.

No wonder ppl see WoW as the most toxic of all mmo’s

Oh this isn’t just Void/High Elf anymore, but entire elf now.

How the tables have turned.


Oh contrar, I like that they are abandoning the whole stick strict to the lore and not allow an expansion on customization thing. So maybe if you don’t like it, I don’t know what to tell you. Because Ion just talked about entertaining the idea of void Paladins.


In an MMO I expect people to have the fun they want to have. And I don’t make everything my business and put it under my thumb. I don’t run any of these MMOs. So I create my own fun. And it has worked well for all these many years.

The elf community got hate before it was even playable. So I don’t care. I’m not putting my image onto others. I won’t even use red eyes on my Pally. I’m into giving others what they want so they can make their characters how they see them. It is not about me.

Blizzard currently disagrees with your personal views on this world.


Having open discussion is apparently toxic now.


At this point, the idea and concept of “no it should not be allowed because of xyz” sense is getting old.

They are in favor of opening more options for players to feel the desire of re-play and start fresh etc.


Now, if we can just get DH, shaman and druid as well. Hehehe :smiling_imp: