Oh hai! This is my character Nessa! The idea is basically a BE that became a VE later -her father was one of Umbric’s original group and she wanted to follow on her footsteps-
The design itself came about more or less the idea of how Alleria could look still like herself but with some VE specific traits -like starcursed hair as many people are calling it now- and it evolved on this monk character. The 3D render of the pink hair is her aswell!
Oh! I think this is a good place for this one; have been meaning to do a nicer version of it, nonetheless here it is, a concept for Void Tattoos that take after Alleria, but with more geometric dark naaru inspirations.
Dramatic sigh, No one likes the eye mouth, it’s because one has to set up the scene for it.
Forest on a sweltering hot summers day. Void elf and dwarf are walking, annoying horsefly buzzing about them being a complete nuisance. Frog tongue shoots out of the mouth snatched the flay and… Crunching, Dwarf grimaces and steps back,… Blech! chewed up horse fly lands in the Dwarfs beard. The Void Elf shrugs. He has a sensitive palate, horsefly obviously disagrees with it.
Thank you so much! She has been a lot of fun to draw; I really like when VE’s go really into the VE side of things, but I also like to think about aesthetics that could remain VE but looking more like Alleria. I really like the potential that VE’s have to cover that whole spectrum, while also giving a nod to the HE aesthetics people have wanted since Vanilla -cause I don’t really think HE’s are ever gonna be an AR at this point-
Also, Lunar Festival Nessa! https://64.media.tumblr.com/dbd8a825216f2115d7d13a2f0facae98/ecbfaa0d06543fed-e2/s540x810/4dd4c6291dadb674403fa610e4be28c48c17709e.png
I was hella negative and insulting , no one uses that word in a positive way. It is meant to be rude and insulting. To answer your question No I was not I just wanted to try a style with the hair shaved off on one side.
They’re inspired by Ethereals, not K’thir.
I’ve always said it just seems like people being petty and them wanting them to be “ugly” because they’re still mad the race just exists in the first place.