Visualizing Spec Disparity in RSS

It’s weird the delusional lock defenders came before the ret sympathizers but it wasn’t unexpected :rofl::joy:

Who is DEMANDING anything? How can you say I lack experience when I already farmed out legend? Your legit saying I need to be in the top 1% to have an opinion. That’s insane. That’s clown talk… But you are defending rets, so also totally unsurprising.

lmao? What?

Where are you getting this from?

Bro, ret bro, you’re literally setting arbitrary goal posts. You said 2.5. Well I was 2.5 on this hunter. Now what? Do I have to grind up to 2.6 to have an opinion?

You have 3k playing the most broken spec ever. I already responded to your dumb points in a previous thread. Do you want to see it again?

Remember this Alodor? You never responded. Congrats on your 3k bro. Clearly a well earned achievement that should require everyone to shut up and think before they respond to you.

I only respond to people in the way they respond to me, even if means taking a suspension for it.

Mate, i have legend too. My 3k is still nothing. And i think i am a casual player. Stop trying to make me look like ego-pumping a-hole. I never said you can’t post if you are below certain rating. RSS is hyperinflated bracket with its own mechanics, which favor some classes. 2400 or 2500, or 2550 at the end of season, when most comp players are fighting 3k+ means : you are sitting rating because you feel anxiety to lose more, or you are hardstuck because of l2p issues. Ofcourse if you are not busy with irl problems etc. Your class was clearly capable of pushing even after the first wave of ret nerfs (3 days after rework). Now, after the 4th wave, the difference is real. Top ret players are even speccing in 2 min cd wings for example.

There is truth, lie and statistics. It is only 2 weeks after the 4th wave of nerfs, yet you keep searching the stats that skyrocketed when spec was god-tier. Gj.

Mate, here is you atm.

Here is exactly what I have been saying. Half the time I can’t tell if you’re trolling because you don’t read most of what I post.

So in this thread…

For whatever reason, this is what you got from what I said…

What changes am I demanding? I’m not going to keep engaging with you when you toss out complete nonsense. The entire point of the thread, again, was to highlight how RSS is being dominated by 4 specs. That’s it. If you find this fun, great. Most people don’t.

You’re literally imposing your expectations on to me. I don’t have a lot of drive if I don’t have something to achieve. It’s why I swapped to my enhance and got 2.4 on that. If you find value in pushing rating, by all means, but the fact you’re seriously undercutting me because I have only been 2.5 is ridiculous. As if that matters here.

As if it matters what rating I am when all I’m seeing is ret, bm, arms, and demo. Like my rating is supposed to matter when RSS is CLEARLY being dominated by a select group of dps.

1v1? This is arena. This has nothing to do with hunters vs rets. Why are you making this about hunters vs rets?